Suggest correction - #2141 - 1993-12-20

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    $600 9
In 1883 he was interred in a vault at his villa, Wahnfried, in Bayreuth

Show #2141 - Monday, December 20, 1993

Jean Grewe game 1.


Bill Nigh, a tax auditor from Levittown, Pennsylvania

Jean Grewe, a typesetter from Oak Park, Illinois

Tina Karelson, an advertising copywriter from Minneapolis, Minnesota (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's San Francisco TV detectives.)
    $100 21
This "King of Beasts" has golden eyes that work well in the dark
    $100 1
Michael Douglas said he learned a lot from Karl Malden, his co-star on this series
    $100 7
This Spanish form of Rachel became popular in the '60s after a certain Ms. Welch made her film debut
    $100 4
This Missouri capital was laid out by Daniel Boone's son
    $100 26
In the 1780s the first bifocals were made for this man
    $100 15
In 1992 about 6.4 million pounds of candy corn were produced for this holiday
    $200 22
The dog known as the Japanese chin probably originated in this Asian country, not in Japan
    $200 2
He was chief of detectives until shot & paralyzed, but he stayed with the S.F. force as a consultant
    $200 12
Originally a male name, as in "Gone with the Wind"s Wilkes, it was the USA's most popular girl's name of 1990
    $200 8
This state nickname came from a speech given by Congressman Willard Vandiver in 1899
    $200 27
This Beatle has a type of circular, metal- rimmed sunglasses named for him
    $200 16
A person trying to do this to you often says something like "your eyelids are getting very heavy..."
    $300 23
The female walrus is a cow; the male is called this
    $300 3
He played S.F. police commissioner Stewart McMillan
    $300 13
This name, a pet form of Mary, came into use about the time "La Boheme" was first staged
    $300 9
It's the only NFL team whose home games are played in Missouri
    $300 28
People who view life optimistically view it through these
    $300 17
A gluttonous guest can "eat you out of" these 2 places
    $400 24
The coendou is a South American porcupine that can hang from a tree by this prehensile body part
    $400 5
Jack Warden was part con artist, part private eye on this mid-'80s series set in S.F.
    DD: $500 14
Ireland's chief river may have inspired this name
    $400 10
The Patee House Hotel in this northwestern Missouri city was headquarters to the Pony Express
    $400 29
The term for these protective specs came from a Middle English word for "to look aside"
    $400 18
It's a "double-talk" term for a top-secret operation: Ssshhhh!
    $500 25
The hare type of this small member of the kangaroo family resembles a hare in its speed & habits
    $500 6
In 1960 Anthony George & Doug McClure opened their S.F. agency on this series named for a chess position
    $500 20
This first name of a 1993 attorney general nominee is from the Greek for "life"
    $500 11
The bobwhite species of this bird is Missouri's most plentiful non-migratory game bird
    $500 30
These glasses with a French name are held on by pressure on the nose
    $500 19
A slang term for a cowboy movie, or a production of "Pagliacci" if it starred Mr. Ed

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Tina Jean Bill
$600 $1,000 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tina Jean Bill
$1,600 $3,300 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
This woman who led an army to the relief of Orleans in 1429 was illiterate but a good seamstress
    $200 6
Ferde Grofe did the original orchestration of his "Rhapsody In Blue"
    $200 1
In 1977 this "Nightline" host co-authored a thriller entitled "In the National Interest"
    $200 21
A new plate tectonics theory says that North America was connected to this cold continent for a billion yrs.
    $200 8
The flags of Chile, Cuba & Texas each display a single one of these
    $200 26
According to 3:20, all men are the same—they begin & end as this substance
    $400 13
In 1792 this hero of the American Revolution made a futile attempt to save the French monarchy
    $400 7
This "Flight of the Bumblebee" composer revised "Boris Godunov" after Mussorgsky's death
    $400 2
In 1939 he published an "official guide of the Tarzan Clans of America"
    $400 22
Tremolite, crocidolite & chrysotile are varieties of this fibrous fireproof material
    $400 14
During the Middle Ages, this 1-horned mythical beast sometimes represented Christ
    $400 27
"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to" them
    $600 18
In an 1870-71 war, France was defeated by a group of German states led by this one
    $600 9
In 1883 he was interred in a vault at his villa, Wahnfried, in Bayreuth
    $600 3
Susan Sontag's "The Volcano Lover" is based on the love triangle of Wm. & Emma Hamilton & this man
    $600 23
The largest rock size recognized by sedimentologists, it describes anything over 256 mm in diameter
    $600 15
A white one of these flowers was a symbol of the House of York
    $600 28
These dead insects "cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour"
    $800 19
Named for its length, this 1756-1763 war led to the loss of most of the French colonial empire
    $800 10
The original family name of this "Tales of Hoffmann" composer was Eberst
    $800 4
At her death, Olive Ann Burns was working on "Leaving Cold Sassy", the sequel to this novel
    $800 24
This portion of the Earth is everything past the Gutenberg Discontinuity, 1800 miles on down
    DD: $1,200 16
Sign of the zodiac often represented by the symbol seen here:
    DD: $2,000 29
Authorship of the book is attributed to this son of David
    $1000 20
Under Henry V the English defeated a French force 3 times as large at this October 1415 battle
    $1000 11
On his 80th birthday in 1945, the Finnish government issued a stamp bearing his likeness
    $1000 5
In 1993 he had 2 No. 1 books simultaneously, "The Client" in hardback & "The Pelican Brief" in paperback
    $1000 25
This Earth measurement is 5.976 x 1027 grams
    $1000 17
A sun disk was the personal symbol of this Egyptian sun god
    $1000 30
Chapter 11 advises doing this with your loaf "for thou shalt find it after many days"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tina Jean Bill
$7,200 $7,300 $6,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

As president of the Senate, he signed the Bill of Rights

Final scores:

Tina Jean Bill
$12,601 $14,401 $5,300
2nd place: trip to Scottsdale, Arizona New champion: $14,401 3rd place: Curtis Mathes LaserDisc player + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tina Jean Bill
$7,300 $6,100 $6,300
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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