Suggest correction - #934 - 1988-09-29

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    $600 9
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ringling Bros. Clown College, 120 clowns threw 500 of these at each other

Show #934 - Thursday, September 29, 1988


Margaret Mulhearn, a legal secretary from Monticello, New York

Keith Davis, a family physician from Wellington, Ohio

Doak Fairey, a computer consultant from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
Cowboy humorist who said his ancestors "didn't come over on the Mayflower--they met the boat"
    $100 1
the Magic Mirror
    $100 17
You can board one of Grave Line Tours' "funeral cars" to "see the stars' last stops" in this city
    $100 16
It's Theodore Geisel's middle name, as the Cat in the Hat could tell you
    $100 26
At $2,340,000, the top major league salary for 1988 goes to Ozzie Smith, this team's shortstop
    $100 3
It's what the "E" stands for in EPA
    $200 12
Flying a jet fighter in 1953, Jacqueline Cochran became the 1st woman to do this
    $200 2
Sarah Packard,
Minnesota Fats,
Eddie Felson
    $200 18
In Lhasa, Tibet, many vehicles are equipped with oxygen bags to counteract the effects of this
    $200 19
In "Sing a Song of Sixpence", one of these snapped off the maid's nose
    $200 27
After the Atlanta Braves went on a 17-game losing streak in 1977, he made himself the team's manager
    $200 4
Type of illness whose physical symptoms are real but whose source is mental
    $300 13
An acre of English land where the Magna Carta was signed was given to the U.S. in 1965, in memory of him
    $300 8
Judy Bernly,
Violet Newstead,
Doralee Rhodes
    $300 23
One tour of this North American capital includes a bullfight & a ballet--the Ballet Folklorico
    $300 20
He was carved out of a stick of talking wood found by Master Cherry
    DD: $500 5
Name of the group singing the following:

"Cherish is the word I use to describe..."
    $400 14
In 1916, Charles Evans Hughes resigned from this body to run for pres. but was reappointed in '30
    $400 9
Moses Pray,
Addie Loggins,
Trixie Delight
    $400 24
Faith & begorra, this airline's planes sport a green shamrock on a white tail
    $400 21
Alice couldn't read "Jabberwocky" until she did this
    $400 6
For a secretary, they might be:
the ability to type 70 wpm, take shorthand & work on a word processor
    $500 15
A book by Paul Samuelson is the standard text for this college class in many countries
    $500 10
Jane Craig,
Aaron Altman,
Tom Grunick
    $500 25
You can see the John Brown monument, the John Brown Wax Museum & John Brown's Fort in this town
    $500 22
If you "ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross," you'll see, this "upon a white horse"
    $500 7
The guillotine inflicted death by this means

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Doak Keith Margaret
$1,300 $600 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Doak Keith Margaret
$1,700 $1,200 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
U.S. ICBM with 10 warheads, it's known by its initials which stand for "missile experimental"
    $200 2
You have 2 of these joints where an iliac bone unites with the sacrum
    $200 5
This continent averages about 5 persons per square mile
    $200 19
On some weather charts, "Dz" stands for this condition
    $200 16
"The decision was mine alone," said Truman of this monumental event in 1945
    $400 29
At the play's end, this thane enters with Macbeth's head
    $400 4
He designed the 1st steam warship, the Demologus, for the War of 1812
    $400 3
The main function of these teeth is biting
    $400 11
The number of inhabited continents bordered by both the Atlantic & Pacific oceans
    $400 20
In absolute terms, it's the amount of water per unit of air; in relative terms, it's a percentage
    $400 17
Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty, must be refreshed from time to time with" this "of Patriots"
    DD: $1,200 26
Shakespeare wrote of her, "Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety"
    $600 9
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ringling Bros. Clown College, 120 clowns threw 500 of these at each other
    $600 6
Even with your eyes shut you can tell which way is up from your sense of balance in this organ
    $600 12
1 of 2 mountain chains that separate Europe from Asia
    $600 23
Atlantic hurricanes 1st move westward because they are carried by these "commerical" winds
    $600 18
In 1938 this prime minister said the Munich Pact brought "peace for our time"
    $800 27
Saying "Sweets to the sweet," she strews flowers on Ophelia's grave
    $800 10
Equipment used by 1984 Olympic champ Darrell Pace that has tension regulators & counterweights
    $800 7
Unlike your fingers, the thumb has only this number of phalanges
    $800 14
Guinness says the driest spot in the world is in this continent's Atacama Desert
    $800 24
Term for what is formed where 2 air masses at different temperatures meet
    $800 21
In "The Communist Manifesto", Marx & Engels stated, "The proletarians have nothing to lose but" these
    $1000 28
She isn't allowed to marry before her "shrew"ish sister Kate
    $1000 13
Old name for a shotgun that reflects its use, shooting birds
    $1000 8
Along with the tarsal glands, these other glands provide lubrication for the eyes
    $1000 15
Its coastline is more irregular than that of any other continent
    $1000 25
In common formations, cirrus clouds are at the highest altitude, while these clouds are at the lowest
    DD: $2,000 22
In an Irish election campaign in 1790, John Philpot Curran said this "is the price of liberty"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Doak Keith Margaret
$6,700 $200 $3,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

It didn't become a federal holiday until 1971, though it was 1st celebrated in 1792

Final scores:

Doak Keith Margaret
$5,400 $400 $0
3-day champion: $33,200 2nd place: Keller dining furniture + Troy Lighting chandelier + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version 3rd place: International Silver Co. silverware + Jeopardy! box game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Doak Keith Margaret
$6,700 $1,400 $5,700
20 R,
3 W
9 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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