Suggest correction - #2137 - 1993-12-14

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    $600 3
A schooner called Ghost is wrecked & ends up as a wreck in this Jack London novel

Show #2137 - Tuesday, December 14, 1993

David Hillinck game 5.


George Hahn, a financial administrator from Whiteland, Indiana

Sandy Silk, a certified financial planner originally from Fall River, Massachusetts

David Hillinck, a teacher and administrator from Pasadena, California (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $47,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
More of these birds, symbols of the U.S., gather along Alaska's Chilkat River than anywhere else
    $100 1
The 1250-acre campus of this university near South Bend has its own hotel
    $100 21
This color is a slang term for "cowardly"
    $100 11
The finest opals come from this continent, mate
    $100 24
This fairy tale name is the English form of the French Cendrillon, which means "little cinder girl"
    $100 16
"Just Mollie and me, and baby makes three, we're happy in" this
    $200 7
The quagga, a type of this striped equine became extinct by 1900
    $200 2
The first U.S. college located on an Indian reservation was Navajo Community College in Tsaile in this state
    $200 22
This woolen cloth named for a "dull" color is used to make uniforms
    $200 12
The Mercato in this Ethiopian capital is one of Africa's biggest open-air markets
    $200 25
Women with this name that stands for caution & foresight are often nicknamed Pru
    $200 17
She's "the sweetest flow'r that grows"
    $300 8
These crustaceans are the most successful "foulers" of ships' hulls
    $300 3
The athletic teams of the University of Georgia sport this nickname
    $300 23
In Great Britain it's a retailer of fruits & vegetables
    $300 13
This ancient city, called Joppa in the Bible, merged with Tel Aviv in 1950
    $300 26
From the Aramaic for "gazelle", it was the name of a bewitching little girl on "Bewitched"
    DD: $1,000 18
Each year in May you'll hear this song played at Churchill Downs
    $400 9
In 1992 the first human transplanted with a liver from this type of monkey died after 2 months
    $400 4
The USA's first land grant college for Blacks was this state's Lincoln Univ. in Jefferson City
    $400 29
Medieval sealing wax for documents & letters usually contained vermilion, a pigment of this color
    $400 14
Pecorino, a cheese made from sheep's milk, comes from this country
    $400 27
This name found in "Hamlet" may have come from the Danish form of George, which is pronounced "yorg"
    $400 19
This Lesley Gore hit begins, "Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone, but Judy left the same time"
    $500 10
During highest spring tides, this tiny fish "runs" onto the beaches of Southern California & Baja to mate
    $500 5
In 1701 this Ivy League school was founded by 10 Connecticut clergymen
    $500 30
From the Latin word for "shade", this brown color can be burnt to make it darker
    $500 15
Vatnajokull, the largest glacier in this volcanic country, covers about 3,200 sq. miles
    $500 28
Because it comes from the Latin for "fifth", this 7-letter name is perfect for a fifth son
    $500 20
Title following "You don't remember me but I remember you—'twas not so long ago you broke my heart in two"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Sandy George
$1,500 $1,400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Sandy George
$1,300 $1,800 $5,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Letitia Tyler was the first first lady to die in this residence, in 1842
    $200 6
The name of this country's second- largest paper, Asahi Shimbun, means "The Rising Sun"
    $200 22
When these are served casino, they're on the half shell & topped with butter & bacon
    $200 16
Returning from Europe in May 1888, this Old West entertainer had to bury his horse, Charlie, at sea
    $200 21
As a playwright, Pope John Paul II translated Oedipus' story into this, his native language
    $200 1
The unsinkable Molly Brown survived the wreck of this "unsinkable" ship
    $400 12
Her father, William Stephenson Bloomer, was an industrial supplies salesman
    $400 7
John Walter founded the Times of this city in 1785 as the Daily Universal Register
    $400 23
Arroz con pollo is these 2 main ingredients cooked with saffron
    $400 17
It's the study of hearing & hearing disorders
    $400 27
This oracle prophesied that Oedipus would slay his father & marry his mother
    $400 2
Robinson Crusoe got shipwrecked near this major river that flows through Venezuela
    $600 13
She spent part of her honeymoon in Abilene, Kansas, where she met her husband's family
    $600 8
The Arkansas Gazette was founded in Arkansas Post & moved to this city in 1821
    $600 24
It describes a chopped, spiced ham or a hard-boiled egg whose yolk is mixed with paprika & mayonnaise
    $600 18
Meaning "aging", this phrase was first applied to horses because their gums recede with age
    $600 28
After he found his wife dead, Oedipus did this to himself with her brooches
    $600 3
A schooner called Ghost is wrecked & ends up as a wreck in this Jack London novel
    DD: $1,000 14
The only first lady on Life Magazine's list of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century
    $800 9
Founded in the Big Apple in 1919, this daily was the USA's first successful tabloid
    $800 25
Spheres of ground meat spiced with nutmeg & allspice, browned, then cooked in a cream gravy
    $800 19
"Arrowhead country", this state's area north of Lake Superior, is shaped like an arrowhead
    DD: $3,000 29
When Oedipus answered her riddle, she killed herself
    $800 4
The 1813 death of Theodosia, this 3rd U.S. VP's daughter, is a mystery, but she probably died in a shipwreck
    $1000 15
She met her husband when they were both students at Stanford in 1894
    $1000 10
After being expelled from Harvard, he took over his father's San Francisco Examiner
    $1000 26
It's a dish of lobster & cream sauce that's stuffed back in the shell & browned
    $1000 20
This Spanish city's most famous attraction is the running of the bulls during the Fiesta de San Fermin in July
    $1000 5
This British colony's other name, the Somers Islands, honors a man who was shipwrecked there in 1609

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Sandy George
$900 $6,200 $5,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

His 1991 Supporting Actor Oscar came nearly 40 years after his 1st nomination for "Sudden Fear"

Final scores:

David Sandy George
$399 $11,001 $11,000
3rd place: Croton watch New champion: $11,001 2nd place: trip to Scottsdale, Arizona

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Sandy George
$3,900 $6,000 $4,800
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $14,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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