Suggest correction - #2105 - 1993-10-29

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    $400 4
The soul is sometimes called this type of "body" and it can leave yours

Show #2105 - Friday, October 29, 1993


Steven McKenna, a director of banquets originally from Holyoke, Massachusetts

Danila Oder, a secretary from Los Angeles, California

Kathleen Shilkret, a public relations officer originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,901)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
Reza Khan became the Shah of this country, now Iran, October 31, 1925
    $100 1
Beheading, removing the heart, impaling with a wooden stake & burning the body are ways to kill one
    $100 5
On May 13, 1864 a Union private became the first soldier buried in this Virginia cemetery
    $100 7
All native bats in North America are active at this time of day only
    $100 8
Mel Gibson first caught America's attention when he played this vigilante
    $100 22
The gal, a unit for measuring the acceleration of gravity, got its name from this Italian scientist
    $200 18
This magician & escapologist couldn't escape death October 31, 1926
    $200 2
Clairvoyance is considered part of this sense
    $200 27
This city's Pere-Lachaise Cemetery is the final resting place of Oscar Wilde & Edith Piaf
    $200 10
Bats are beneficial: just 1 brown bat can down 600 of these long-nosed bloodsuckers in an hour
    $200 9
At the Wonderland Tea Party, he asks the unanswerable riddle "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?"
    $200 23
Schiaparelli was first to see these on Mars; Lowell thought they were irrigation ditches
    $300 15
It's reported that on October 31, 1517 he nailed some theses to a door
    $300 3
Sir George Villiers has been seen at Windsor Castle as one of these
    $300 28
This English church holds the remains of Charles Darwin & Robert Browning
    $300 11
Contrary to public opinion, bats are not a common source of this disease, unlike raccoons, foxes & dogs
    $300 19
It was Rasputin's nickname
    $300 24
Edwin Armstrong invented this type of radio that transmits by altering its frequency
    $400 16
While on the way to meet Peter Ustinov to work on a documentary, this world leader was killed Oct. 31, 1984
    $400 4
The soul is sometimes called this type of "body" and it can leave yours
    $400 29
368 World War I soldiers are buried in this U.S. military cemetery near Waregem, Belgium
    $400 12
The Chinese character for this emotion is the same one as for a bat, not a warm puppy
    $400 20
Belinda Carlisle's first solo hit, or a TV sitcom starring Paul Reiser & Helen Hunt
    $400 25
c. 140 A.D. this Alexandrian astronomer cataloged 48 of the 88 constellations now recognized
    $500 17
On October 31, 1943 Mussolini ordered this Italian king executed, but no one listened
    $500 6
In Europe & the U.S. it was believed that this numbered son of the same-numbered son had occult powers
    $500 30
Many cowboys & gunslingers were buried in this cemetery outside Dodge City, Kansas
    $500 14
In German the bat is called Die Fledermaus, which translates to this
    $500 21
This famous phrase on retaliation is attributed to Joseph P. Kennedy
    DD: $300 26
Though Charles Best helped Banting isolate this hormone, he wasn't awarded the Nobel Prize

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Kathleen Danila Steven
$600 $1,900 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kathleen Danila Steven
$1,100 $2,300 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Prior to becoming the 16th President, he declined an offer to be governor of the Oregon Territory in 1849
    $200 17
In addition to numerous waltzes, he also composed 16 operettas
    $200 6
Eddie Anderson, the son of a circus tightrope walker, played this role on Jack Benny's show
    $200 11
First marketed in 1981, it's now the USA's No. 1 brand of sugar substitute
    $200 22
A stone relief of a raven tops his original grave in Baltimore, Maryland
    $200 1
Pasta e fagioli
    $400 18
His nickname was "The Haberdasher"
    DD: $200 27
Beethoven studied under this rival of Mozart & later dedicated 3 sonatas to him
    $400 7
Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen hosted a show named for this dummy
    $400 12
This company owns & operates the world's largest pickle factory & you'll find it in Holland, Michigan
    $400 23
This writer of "Riders of the Purple Sage" practiced dentistry from 1896 to 1904
    $400 2
    $600 19
The year this 22nd & 24th president died, 1908, his book "Good Citizenship" was published
    $600 28
Heiter Villa-Lobos often used the rhythms & instruments of this South American country, his native land
    $600 8
For 18 years Jim & Marian Jordan played this couple who lived at 79 Wistful Vista
    $600 13
This laundry detergent once used the advertising phrase "Ring around the collar"
    $600 24
In 1973 Patrick White became the first from this continent to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
    $600 3
Winter melon soup
    $800 20
In 1896 & 1900 this president's Democratic opponent was William Jennings Bryan
    $800 29
His 1825 "Lady of the Lake" cycle includes his famous "Ave Maria"
    $800 9
These 2 title characters owned the Fresh Air Taxi Company of America, Incorpulated
    $800 14
In 1981 accountant Roger B. Smith became CEO of this American automaker
    $800 25
This creator of Perry Mason also served as a consultant on the "Perry Mason" television show
    $800 4
    DD: $1,300 21
At age 17, he was one of the youngest students in Stanford's first class
    $1000 30
Forced into exile, he couldn't attend the 1850 premiere of his own "Lohengrin"
    $1000 10
Titus Moody, Mrs. Nussbaum & Senator Claghorn were denizens of this comedian's "Alley"
    $1000 15
This retail chain began as the Golden Rule Store in 1902 in Kemmerer, Wyoming
    $1000 26
This Mississippian wrote "As I Lay Dying" while working the night shift at a power plant
    $1000 5

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kathleen Danila Steven
$7,700 $6,500 $9,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1993 a commemorative stamp was issued in Detroit honoring this boxer, the 1st to be so recognized

Final scores:

Kathleen Danila Steven
$11,699 $12,900 $15,401
3rd place: Vivitar 440PZ camera + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to Reno, Nevada New champion: $15,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kathleen Danila Steven
$7,700 $6,800 $9,300
17 R,
0 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $23,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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