Suggest correction - #2134 - 1993-12-09

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    $100 2
Carroll Baker made her film debut in 1953 in "Easy to Love", which starred this female swimmer

Show #2134 - Thursday, December 9, 1993

David Hillinck game 2.


Laura Makey, an import manager from San Diego, California

Lou Spirito, a screenwriter originally from New York City, New York

David Hillinck, a teacher and administrator from Pasadena, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,300)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
It was the capital of the Arkansas Territory; now it's the state capital
    $100 2
Carroll Baker made her film debut in 1953 in "Easy to Love", which starred this female swimmer
    $100 1
Order truite aux amandes in a French restaurant & you'll get this fish with almonds
    $100 13
For operations on the eye, this surgical knife may have a diamond or ruby blade
    $100 26
Uncurved, or a narrow passage of water such as the Bosporus
    $100 18
Starting in fall 1993, Nepal will charge expeditions $50,000 to climb this mountain
    $200 12
This city is home to the annual King Orange Jamboree Parade
    $200 3
This 1953 Barbara Stanwyck thriller shares its name with our favorite quiz show
    $200 6
In Mexico popular ones of these include the serrano, poblano & jalapeno
    $200 14
This insect transmits African sleeping sickness
    $200 27
Relinquish a right, or motion hi or bye with your hand
    $200 19
Berkeley, California has changed the name of this holiday to Indigenous Peoples Day
    $300 23
It's the capital of the Pelican State
    $300 4
Bobby Van played this student in a 1953 film before Dwayne Hickman played him on TV
    $300 8
When it comes to this dessert, TCBY promises to serve "The Country's Best"
    $300 15
This mineral is thought to help reduce tooth decay by strengthening the enamel
    $300 28
Digs or tills in a garden, or another item used in a garden
    $300 20
Ion Cioaba was recently crowned Bulibasha, or king, of these colorful wanderers
    DD: $1,600 24
In this city you can visit the Star-Spangled Banner House & the Babe Ruth Birthplace
    $400 5
He portrayed King Henri II of France in the 1955 film "Diane" 18 years before we spied him as James Bond
    $400 9
Named for Brunswick, Germany, it's been called the most famous of the liverwurst sausages
    $400 16
These are about 1 million nephrons in each of these organs
    $400 29
Hateful & wicked, or a small medicine bottle
    $400 21
Guinness calls him "the most prolific producer in TV history"; this game show creator died in 1992
    $500 25
Co-founded by Andrew Jackson in 1819, this large Tennessee city was bankrupt & depopulated by 1879
    $500 7
This actress played her own mother, Mrs. Carter de Haven, in "Three Little Words"
    $500 10
Put a poached egg on top of the cheese of this British dish & it becomes a golden buck
    $500 17
The blind spot is a small, oval area with no light receptors in this part of the eye
    $500 30
To sweep forward, or a twilled fabric often dyed blue
    $500 22
After all players draw their hands in this game, the leftover pieces are called the boneyard

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

David Lou Laura
$1,000 $700 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Lou Laura
$2,700 $500 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Natives of this Scandinavian country call it Kongeriket Norge
    $200 17
Miss Manners says you may wear strands of these gems with your nightgown, but not with your bathing suit
    $200 11
In August this country pledged to find the remains of all U.S. MIAs inside its borders within 2 years
    $200 6
American workers are divided into white-collar workers & these, the manual workers
    $200 12
This sitarist wrote the music for "Samanya Kshati", a ballet based on a poem by Rabindranath Tagore
    $200 2
The setting for this Joseph Heller novel is the imaginary island of Pianosa
    $400 22
Its second-largest city is Lodz, whose population is about half that of Warsaw
    $400 18
Her ex-husband Prince Egon von Furstenberg has done some fashion designing, too
    $400 24
Coke brought back its original formula under this name
    $400 7
The term "counterculture" was made popular during this decade
    $400 13
In 1976 Leonard Bernstein took this orchestra on a bicentennial tour of Europe
    $400 1
In Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451", fireman Guy Montag's job is to do this
    $600 28
There's an open-air theatre on Margaret Island in this Hungarian capital
    $600 19
He was a designer for Beau Brummel Ties, Inc. before he started his own Polo label
    $600 25
This U.S. city tried to move "MOVE" & set the city on fire
    $600 8
According to Marx, the history of society is the history of these struggles
    $600 14
Guy Lombardo was born in this country in 1902
    $600 3
She referred to the many American writers in Paris after World War I as the "Lost Generation"
    $800 29
Bulgaria's National Ethnographic Museum is in the old Royal Palace in this city
    $800 20
He also designed knit tank swimsuits, but he's best remembered for his topless suit
    $800 26
A TWA jetliner was hijacked June 14 & this cruise ship was hijacked October 7
    $800 9
It's often said that in a welfare state the government takes care of you "from the cradle to" this
    $800 15
This native of Bombay conducted the Israel Philharmonic during the Six-Day War
    $800 4
This Sinclair Lewis title character studied medicine at the University of Winnemac
    $1000 30
Mount Haltia, which the Lapps call Haldetsokka, is the highest point in this country
    DD: $1,500 23
She died in 1974 but her name is still on many fashion labels, sometimes followed by a "II"
    $1000 27
The eldest daughter of this Salvadoran president was kidnapped & held for 44 days
    $1000 10
It's a standardized mental picture of a person or race
    $1000 16
In 1976 a Spanish postage stamp commemorated what would have been this cellist's 100th birthday
    DD: $1,500 5
He's the only man to survive the sinking of the Pequod by Moby Dick

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Lou Laura
$11,000 $3,000 $3,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 20th c. justices who lay in repose at the Supreme Court building in Washington

Final scores:

David Lou Laura
$14,000 $100 $6,100
2-day champion: $27,300 3rd place: 2 AT&T 2500 VideoPhones, the first full-color motion video phones available + Jeopardy! computer or home game 2nd place: CompuDyne 486DX2-66 notebook computer with Intel 486 microprocessor from CompUSA + Dome Home budgeting & small business software + Jeopardy! computer or home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Lou Laura
$9,300 $4,500 $3,100
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
18 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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