Suggest correction - #2402 - 1995-01-31

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    $800 8
This Voltaire hero is in love with Cunegonde, the daughter of Baron Thunder-Ten-Tronckh

Show #2402 - Tuesday, January 31, 1995


Susan Aglietti, a small press publisher from Orinda, California

Jim Spellane, a public relations director from Washington, D.C.

Tim Dawson, a voice actor originally from La CaƱada, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 23
The daughter of Herodias told Herod, "Give me here" this man's "head in a charger"
    $100 1
This, the world's oldest tennis competition, became an "Open" in 1968
    $100 18
In 1912 this cereal company erected what was then the world's largest sign in NYC; the K was 66' high
    $100 11
This state's northernmost mainland point lies on the Keweenaw Peninsula on the Upper Peninsula
    $100 16
If you had asked President Monroe, "What's your sign?", he should have said this, & that's no bull
    $100 5
A floating structure used to support a bridge, it comes from pont, meaning "bridge"
    $200 24
"And when" this queen "heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions"
    $200 2
This Chicago baseball park, built in 1914, was originally called Weeghman Park
    $200 19
LA is the stock symbol for this sports apparel company that's headquartered in L.A.
    $200 12
Chief cities in this desert include Barstow, California & Las Vegas, Nevada
    $200 17
This sign is connected with the myth of Aphrodite & Eros, who turned into fish to escape a monster
    $200 7
Structure topper whose name comes from Old English hrof
    $300 28
Jacob referred to him when he said, "It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him"
    $300 3
The field for this game is 53 1/3 yards wide & 120 yards long, including end zones
    $300 20
In 1891 this company introduced its famous travelers cheques
    $300 13
In 1870 Hazard Stevens & P.B. Van Trump became the first to climb this mountain near Seattle
    $300 25
The Dionne quintuplets were born under this sign of the twins that's associated with multiple births
    $300 8
The name of this hairy facial feature comes from the Greek meaning "upper lip"
    $400 29
To him Jesus said, "The cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me"
    $400 4
Boccie, a type of bowling game, originated in this country
    $400 21
On average, this Florida-based video rental Entertainment corp. opens one new store each day
    $400 14
The island of Hawaii was formed by 5 volcanoes: Kohala, Hualalai, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea & this one
    $400 26
This heavenly body rules the sign of Cancer; perhaps that's what makes Cancerians moody
    $400 9
This clock regulator's name comes from Latin for "hanging"
    $500 30
Old Testament book in which you'd find "wherefore they called these days Purim after the name of Pur"
    $500 6
In June 1930 this German fighter won the heavyweight crown because of a foul
    $500 22
In 1993 health clubs accounted for over half this company's revenue; gaming & casinos made up the rest
    DD: $1,000 15
On their arrival in April 1607, the colonists of the London Company explored & named this river
    $500 27
Some associate this sign with the Greek goddess Themis, who was the personification of justice
    $500 10
A title for a Middle Eastern prince, it comes from Amara, Arabic meaning "to command"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Jim Susan
$3,300 $300 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Jim Susan
$4,300 $3,400 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
This conquistador founded Lima, Peru in January 1535
    $200 2
This creator of "The Birds of America" studied under Jacques-Louis David
    $200 15
Times Square is located at the intersection of 42nd Street, 7th Avenue & this famous street
    $200 21
In 1742 he described his centigrade thermometer before the Swedish Academy of Sciences
    $200 27
As this French queen's "Minister of Fashion", Rose Bertin designed lavish gowns & excessive hairdos
    $200 1
Humbert Humbert murders Clare Quilty in this Vladimir Nabokov work
    $400 11
After the Falklands War, civilian rule returned to this country with the election of Raul Alfonsin
    $400 3
This sculptor of "Bronco Buster" studied at Yale & the Art Students League of New York
    $400 17
Tourists can view the changing of the guard at the Citadel in this walled Canadian city
    $400 22
At his 1829 death this Brit. chemist left money for the founding of a scientific institution in Washington, D.C.
    $400 4
In a book by Madeleine L'Engle, Meg, Charles & Calvin travel across "A Wrinkle in" this
    DD: $2,000 12
Disillusioned, he resigned as dictator of Gran Colombia in 1830 & died that same year
    $600 5
Dora Maar, one of his mistresses, helped him complete "Guernica" in about a month
    $600 18
These gardens near the Louvre were designed in the 1600s by Andre le Notre
    $600 23
He presented some of his findings in an 1857 paper "On Lactic Fermentation"
    $600 26
These full trousers named for a 19th century reformer were gathered at the ankles, in the Turkish style
    $600 7
This demanding Dr. Seuss turtle was a caricature of Adolf Hitler
    $800 13
Uruguay was a province of Portugal after 1820 & was annexed by this neighbor in 1824
    $800 6
He began his career creating historical paintings before turning to ballet dancers & racing scenes
    $800 19
To reach the ruins of these 2 cities, take the Circumvesuviana rail line south from Naples
    DD: $1,000 24
This ancient physicist discovered the principle of buoyancy while in a bathtub
    $800 28
This designer of the topless swimsuit was also known for his daring see-through blouses
    $800 8
This Voltaire hero is in love with Cunegonde, the daughter of Baron Thunder-Ten-Tronckh
    $1000 14
A French space research station began operating near Kourou in this colony in 1968
    $1000 16
After studying in Munich & touring Italy, Paul Klee returned home to this country & began making etchings
    $1000 20
St. George's Hall in this British city on the Mersey River is renowned for its Greco-Roman architecture
    $1000 25
In 1800 this astronomer who previously discovered Uranus discovered infrared rays
    $1000 29
A wide-brimmed hat of the early 1900s was named for this Franz Lehar operetta with a "happy" title
    $1000 9
In this last James Joyce novel, H.C. Earwicker dreams everything that has ever happened

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Jim Susan
$8,500 $8,400 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

She's the only performer to win a Best Actress Oscar for a foreign-language film

Final scores:

Tim Jim Susan
$99 $13,800 $7,200
3rd place: Panasonic 27" flatscreen TV New champion: $13,800 2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Village home fashions

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Jim Susan
$7,800 $7,000 $7,200
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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