Suggest correction - #4957 - 2006-03-14

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    DD: $2,200 28
In this 1867 work Karl Marx declared that free enterprise would lead to severe depressions

Show #4957 - Tuesday, March 14, 2006


John Ward, a musician from Blue Hill, Maine

Erynn Masi de Casanova, a graduate student originally from St. Petersburg, Florida

Chris Smith, an advertising creative director from Dallas, Texas (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $42,199)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reads atop a military vehicle in Fort Bragg, NC.) Don't bug out when I tell you the rough terrain container handler was made for the Army by this Peoria, Illinois equipment company
    $200 1
The Bay Area's "Big Game" is between Cal & this school; in 1982 it featured "The Play"
    $200 24
Aleksandr Pushkin
    $200 21
See Jane. See Jane born in 1852. See Jane dress & swear like a cowboy. Expletive deleted, Jane! Expletive deleted
    $200 6
When a new pope has been elected, this color smoke billows from the Vatican's chimney
    $200 11
One of Santa's 8 tiny reindeer, according to Clement Clarke Moore
    $400 17
Fort Bragg is named for a native North Carolinian West Point grad & general in this army
    DD: $1,000 2
The 2 team captains in this football rivalry's first game both died in the Spanish-American War
    $400 25
Charles Baudelaire
    $400 22
See Dick. See Dick ride steeplechase in the '50s. See Dick write "Bolt", a 1986 mystery. Write, Dick. Write
    $400 7
As pope, Benedict XVI holds the title "Successor of St. Peter, Prince of" this historic 12
    $400 12
Birmingham, Alabama is known as this Pennsylvania city "of the South"
    $600 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads beside a statue at Fort Bragg, NC.) Fort Bragg boasts the statue of a soldier in these elite forces; the Army's first such unit was activated here in 1952
    $600 3
In 2000 these 2 Big 10 schools were named's all-time top rivalry
    $600 26
Alfred Nobel
    $600 23
See Dick. See Dick fight for civil rights. Right on, Dick. Right on
    $600 8
In 1992 the Pope publicly announced that the Church had made a mistake condemning this man in 1633
    $600 13
Appropriately, "Curtain" was the final mystery for this sleuth; he dies at the end of the book
    $800 19
The first of these female units that helped the U.S. during WWII arrived at Fort Bragg in 1943
    $800 4
Duke hoopsters get psyched to go from Durham to this city to play UNC
    $800 27
Julio Iglesias
    $800 29
See Dick. See Dick step down as U.S. House Majority Leader in 2003. Relax, Dick. Relax
    $800 9
The 13th century's Pope Adrian V died about 5 weeks into his reign, just like this 20th century pope
    $800 14
15-letter word for the attribution of human qualities to objects or abstract notions
    $1000 20
(Kelly reads near a water tower in Fort Bragg, NC.) The skies above Fort Bragg are busy; it's home to the Golden Knights parachute team & to this division that became airborne August 15, 1942
    $1000 5
The "Iron Bowl" is between these 2 "Heart of Dixie" teams
    $1000 28
Edmund Spenser
    $1000 30
See Jane. See Jane marry Lord Guildford Dudley at age 15 in 1553. See Jane have a rough 1554. Heads up, Jane. Heads up
    $1000 10
In 1389 Pope Urban VI declared the Holy Year would be every 33 years--the 33 signifying this
    $1000 15
If you travel here by Winnebago, you might know that C3H8 is the formula for this flammable gas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Chris Erynn John
$2,800 $3,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Erynn John
$5,400 $4,400 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A month will come up in each correct response.)
    $400 5
On Oct. 1, 1949 the Chinese communists proclaimed themselves this type of republic
    $400 11
"Born on the Fourth of ___"
    $400 16
His famous quip "The report of my death was an exaggeration" was reported in the New York Journal in 1897
    $400 26
Economists can define a recession as a period when unemployment rises & the GDP, which stands for this, declines
    $400 1
His son Carl Philipp Emanuel was famous for his "Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments"
    $400 3
An evil spell, it's from a Pennsylvania Dutch word for "witch"
    $800 7
In the 1700s foreigners' most desired Chinese products were these 2, one to wear & one to drink
    $800 12
"Pieces of ___"
    $800 17
Revelation 6:8 says, "Behold, a pale" one of these "and his name that sat on him was Death"
    $800 30
From the Arabic for "to make known", it's a tax nations impose to restrict trade on imports & exports
    $800 2
Haydn called this "Magic Flute" composer the greatest composer he knew "either personally or by reputation"
    $800 4
Thutmose IV dreamed the god Horus told him to clear the sand from this statue
    $1200 8
In the 840s Wu-Tsung, a fanatical Taoist, suppressed Buddhism & laicized thousands of these men
    $1200 13
"First Monday in ___"
    $1200 18
In Plato's "Apology", he's quoted as saying, "Death may be the greatest of all human blessings"
    $1200 29
Born in Scotland in 1723, this economist concluded that people always act in their own best interests
    $1200 21
At 17 he composed an overture for "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; he later wrote the "Wedding March" for it
    $1200 6
Last name of the Dodger pitcher who won the Cy Young Award 3 times in the 1960s
    $1600 24
Wei Chung-Hsien dominated the court in the 1620s but couldn't start his own dynasty, as he was one of these
    $1600 14
"The Whales of ___"
    $1600 19
"Death destroys a man: the idea of death saves him", he wrote in "Howards End"
    DD: $2,200 28
In this 1867 work Karl Marx declared that free enterprise would lead to severe depressions
    $1600 22
This "Peter and the Wolf" composer wrote the music for the classic film "Alexander Nevsky"
    $1600 9
This city in a wine-producing area was the seat of the French government briefly during both WWI & WWII
    $2000 25
This "Great" program launched by Mao in 1958 cost millions of lives in an attempt at industrial development
    $2000 15
"Sweet ___"
    DD: $3,000 20
Keats' "Ode to" this includes the line, "Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!"
    $2000 27
In 1976 this author of "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960" won the Nobel Prize for Economics
    $2000 23
In 1838 Paganini sent this "Symphonie Fantastique" composer 20,000 francs to further his career
    $2000 10
Described in the "Iliad" as a hero of great size, he led the Salaminian warriors in the siege of Troy

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Erynn John
$12,000 $13,600 $19,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The word "toxic" comes from the ancient Greek for this weapon

Final scores:

Chris Erynn John
$1 $6,600 $11,599
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $11,599

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Erynn John
$12,400 $13,600 $18,400
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $44,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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