Suggest correction - #1233 - 1990-01-03

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    $100 6
Poet James Lowell asked, "And what is so" this "as a day in June?"

Show #1233 - Wednesday, January 3, 1990

Missing introductions.


Mark Kassabian, from Pasadena, California

Donna Riley, from WMAR in Baltimore contestant search

Bruce Daitz, originally from Plattsburgh, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,300)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
When this man went into business with James A. Bailey, it turned into a real 3-ring circus
    $100 21
The name for this burrowing animal is Spanish for "little armored one"
    $100 8
In 1989 MTV gave away a Batmobile from "Batman", & Coke gave away an Ectomobile from this film
    $100 1
In Genesis 6 God told Noah to go for some gopher wood just for the hull of it
    $100 6
Poet James Lowell asked, "And what is so" this "as a day in June?"
    $100 26
His 1989 autobiography, "Why Me?", was a best seller
    $200 17
This brush co. now has a mail order catalogue & retail stores as well as door-to-door salesmen
    $200 22
2 Greek words meaning "nose-horned" gave us the name of this animal
    $200 9
In "The Robe" Jay Robinson played this emperor later portrayed by M. McDowell in an X-rated film
    $200 2
As a lad, this king had to wait by the mulberry tree for the signal to go smite the dreaded Philistines
    $200 7
Rip Torn could tell you torn is the past participle of this word meaning to rip
    DD: $400 28
In 1988 she "sly"ly crept up the charts with the following:

"I've been told time and time again / That you can't treat love like a game / But I play rough with hearts that never mend / 'Cause some guys like you do the same / Love was just a four letter word / Never heard how... "
    $300 18
Tom Bodett says, "You can't get a hot facial mud pack" at this motel chain, but rooms go for about $24 a night
    $300 23
Chiroptera, the scientific order of these mammals, is Greek for "hand wings"
    $300 10
In a recent film he portrayed the poetry-loving Mr. Keating, a teacher who tries to make a difference
    $300 3
Amos reminded the Israelites of God's judgment on the Amorites who were as strong as these trees
    $300 13
Friends who are there for you only in the good times are said to be there in this weather
    $400 19
Citing what it called "very foolish" U.S. laws, Mobil agreed to sell its operations in this country
    $400 24
Early Spanish explorers in S. America called these arboreal mammals perezosos, or "lazy ones"
    $400 11
He played Franklyn Armbruster, Fred Atwell & Fred Ayres as well as himself, another F.A.
    $400 4
In building the temple, his house, harps & psalteries, this king used up the best al-mug trees on earth
    $400 14
In this family Max Sr. was a heavyweight boxer & Max Jr. played a light-minded hillbilly
    $500 20
This state that's had banking problems has about 1,500 different banks, compared to 157 in Japan
    $500 25
The name of this marine mammal is from Latin for "pig fish"
    $500 12
This person got an Academy Award nomination for playing Daphne in "Some Like It Hot"
    $500 5
Because they lied, Joshua made the people of Gibeon hewers of wood & drawers of this for Israel
    $500 15
As the Galloping Gourmet this Graham was a bit crackers
    $500 27
In 1966 he led the Pharaohs up the charts with "Lil' Red Riding Hood"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bruce Donna Mark
$1,400 $800 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Donna Mark
$1,700 $1,000 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
"Mister Roberts" is set during this war
    $200 14
There are "craters" in the ground NW of Las Vegas where the U.S. has conducted these tests
    $200 1
In 1955, the USSR & its satellites signed this pact in Poland after NATO admitted West Germany
    $200 8
"Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America" was his follow-up to "Birds of America"
    $200 19
It's the only state to feature a depiction of a U.S. president on its seal
    $200 6
He was called "the most trusted man in America"
    $400 13
This Victor Hugo character was elected Pope of Fools because he was the ugliest guy around
    $400 2
He brought the 1st piece of porcelain to Europe from China in the 13th century
    $400 18
The story that his painting "Nightwatch" was rejected by the public is a myth; it was well received
    $400 20
State seal with the goddess Minerva & a grizzly bear in the foreground & a goldminer in the back
    $400 7
1 of 2 persons to co-anchor the ABC evening news with Harry Reasoner in the 1970s
    $600 15
This 1904 Jack London novel isn't a ghost story; it's just set on a ship called "The Ghost"
    DD: $2,300 3
Begun by Vespasian & completed in 80 A.D. by his son Titus, it's Rome's best-known ruin
    $600 21
Pissarro's first name; it may remind you of a Dumas heroine
    $600 22
A beehive, sego lilies, & the years 1847 & 1896 adorn its seal
    $600 9
10 years after succeeding Dave Garroway on "Today", he became anchor of the "NBC Nightly News"
    $800 16
"Quo Vadis" ends with a former slave killing this emperor of Rome
    $800 25
Sherlock Holmes would be amazed by this technique that uses DNA to identify criminals
    $800 4
He replaced Winston Churchill as prime minister after the 1945 elections in Great Britain
    DD: $2,300 23
This New England state's seal includes a granite boulder
    $800 10
When Pres. Nixon asked him, "Are you running for something?" he replied, "No, sir, Mr. President, are you?"
    $1000 17
In a Hawthorne novel, young Donatello resembled this "Marble" creature in looks & character
    $1000 5
When Russia's Nicholas I referred to the "sick man" of Europe, he was talking about this empire
    $1000 26
In a famous painting, the Duchess of Alba points to an inscription bearing this artist's name
    $1000 24
Its seal is adorned by a covered wagon, the Pacific Ocean, an American steamer & a British man-o-war
    $1000 11
For the past 5 years he's been the sole anchor of "CBS News Nightwatch"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Donna Mark
$7,600 $4,000 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last 2 U.S. women to win Olympic gold medals in individual figure skating

Final scores:

Bruce Donna Mark
$650 $0 $14,400
2nd place: trip on Hawaiian Air to Hawaii & stay at Kauai-Hilton 3rd place: ProForm cycle & air walker + Nintendo Entertainment System with Family & Junior editions of Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune New champion: $14,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bruce Donna Mark
$6,100 $4,400 $5,500
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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