Suggest correction - #8900 - 2023-06-23

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    $1000 3
In "Night", his harrowing account of the Holocaust, he wrote, "I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name"

Show #8900 - Friday, June 23, 2023

Ben Goldstein game 6.


Ron Nurwisah, an editor originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Donna Matturri, a librarian from Columbus, Ohio

Ben Goldstein, a content marketing strategist from Dexter, Michigan (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $49,298)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Each response will be two animals.)
    $200 30
Remember 1969, when these New Yorkers became the first expansion team to win a World Series?
    $200 7
In this novel, Holden Caulfield observes, "All morons hate it when you call them a moron"
    $200 29
These two creatures are only one letter different but not really similar otherwise
    $200 16
Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe; what an age
    $200 21
"Rubbin' a comb with wool or fur... strokin' a cat to make it purr, you're building up" this
    $200 15
The groovy girl seen here brings back the '70s with some serious flair with this style of pants
    $400 23
How about 1941, when this guy also known as "Joltin' Joe" had a 56-game hit streak?
    $400 6
A mouse named Mr. Jingles does some time in prison in this Stephen King book
    $400 12
A "gruff" quadruped of fable switches a letter, becoming an insect pest
    $400 20
Alaska was admitted to the Union
    $400 22
"You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?"; "Yes, that's called" this; go Bill go!
    $400 8
"Aaaay!" This "Happy Days" character was the epitome of cool in the '70s (by way of the '50s)
    $600 4
Who can forget 1972, when the first of these led to the cancellation of 86 games that were never rescheduled?
    $600 1
In books by Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's first name is short for this one from mythology
    $600 13
Change the first letter of a burrowing insectivore & you get a mouselike rodent
    $600 19
The shooting started in the Boer War
    $600 24
These parts of speech
"(Hey!) show excitement! (Yow!) or emotion! (Ouch!)"
    $600 9
It wouldn't be the '70s without this type of carpeting seen here; yeah, baby
    $800 5
We all recall 1884, when Kentuckian Pete Browning used the first bat nicknamed this
    $800 2
Richard Parker is actually a 450-pound Bengal tiger in this novel by Yann Martel
    $800 27
Change a letter from the official state fish of Massachusetts & you get a mostly docile ruminant
    $800 18
Lewis & Clark went on their big walkabout
    $800 25
This begins--& sadly, I can't sing it--"We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice"
    $800 10
In '72, this tennis-like Atari video game debuted & kids went crazy--such cool graphics! They'll never get better than that!
    $1000 14
Surely you recall 1867, when Candy Cummings is credited with debuting this first breaking pitch
    $1000 3
In "Night", his harrowing account of the Holocaust, he wrote, "I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name"
    $1000 28
Change the vowel in the name of a smelly mammal & you get a slithery lizard
    DD: $2,800 17
Michelangelo finished painting the Sistine Chapel after 4 years... contractors, am I right?
    $1000 26
This man "made a deal with Napoleon: how'd you like to sell a mile or 2 (or 3, or a hundred, or a thousand)"?
    $1000 11
Panda-panda! In 1972 to the delight of U.S. kids, this panda & her mate Hsing-Hsing arrived at the Smithsonian National Zoo

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Donna Ron
$2,800 $1,200 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Donna Ron
$5,000 $2,600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 18
He made history in November 2008 when, as the New York Times reported, he swept away "the last racial barrier in American politics"
    $400 8
Used by birds to help grind up ingested food, this internal organ is an enlargement of the alimentary canal
    $400 22
A 2022 revival of this play broke ground with Wendell Pierce as the first Black man to play Willy Loman on Broadway
    $400 23
World Book says it is "a poisonous, yellowish-green gas with a strong, unpleasant odor", so let's treat our pool with it
    $400 9
Curtis Jackson shares this nickname with a NYC stickup man who allegedly made bank in a dice game after starting with half a dollar
    $400 27
The Royal Albert Dock is an attraction in this Merseyside seaport city of England
    $800 6
Ruth Simmons, the first African-American Ivy League president, led this Rhode Island school from 2001 to 2012
    $800 5
On Jan. 27, 1958 this "family steak house" opened in Culver City, California with $50 in the cash register
    $800 21
"Topdog /Underdog" is about 2 brothers: Lincoln & this name sadly associated with Lincoln, given to them as a joke by their dad
    $800 24
It's your density... I mean, destiny to know the formula for density is d=M/V, with M & V standing for these 2 things
    $800 12
Dave Grohl said that he got the name for this band while reading books about UFOs
    $800 26
Portuguese is the official language of this resource-rich nation of southwest Africa
    $1200 15
The first African-American Rhodes Scholar, Alain Locke was later hailed as "the father of" this NYC creative movement
    $1200 2
Chips of marble or other stone can be used in this type of flooring
    $1200 13
In 2023 this choreographer's show "Dancin"' returned to Broadway in all its finger- & hip-wiggling glory
    $1200 28
A solution with a pH of less than 7 is an acid, which will turn this paper red
    $1200 7
Although not French, "Pompeii" singer Dan Smith named his band this; his birthday is July 14
    $1200 1
Driving I-40 from Winslow to Kingman, you might want to stop in this city & maybe take in the Museum of Northern Arizona
    $1600 16
For her supporting role in "Gone with the Wind", she was the first African-American performer to win an Oscar
    $1600 3
This word comes before "mast" to mean the mast usually third from the front on a sailing ship
    $1600 20
Born Tomas Straussler, he titled his play "Leopoldstadt" after Vienna's Jewish Quarter
    $1600 29
In the Haber process, magnetite is used as one of these, any substance that speeds up a chemical reaction
    DD: $1,600 10
Karen O said this name of her band comes from "a New York City... reaction to everything"
    DD: $3,000 14
It flows over 1,300 miles from highlands near Brazil across Venezuela to the Atlantic
    $2000 17
Inspired by Nichelle Nichols & her "Star Trek" character, she became the first African-American woman in space
    $2000 4
Mentioned in the book of Daniel as the son of Nebuchadnezzar, this ruler was killed during the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C.
    $2000 19
This playwright seen on opening night of "The Cripple of Inishmaan" has more recently made a movie with a similar title
    $2000 30
On this scale that measures resistance of a smooth surface to scratching, talc is at the bottom at 1
    $2000 11
The rock band The Airborne Toxic Event got its name from this Don DeLillo novel that became a movie in 2022
    $2000 25
This temple complex on the right bank of the Nile occupies part of the site of the ruins of ancient Thebes

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Donna Ron
$16,200 $11,400 $13,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

At age 9 in 1883 she moved west, where she met Annie Pavelka, a young pioneer on whom she would later model a title character

Final scores:

Ben Donna Ron
$4,700 $17,400 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $17,400 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben Donna Ron
$16,200 $11,400 $15,200
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R,
0 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $42,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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