Suggest correction - #708 - 1987-10-07

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    $1000 25
The only children of Adam & Eve known by name are these 3 sons

Show #708 - Wednesday, October 7, 1987

Richard Perez-Pena game 1.


Penelope Holme, a freelance writer from Santa Fe, New Mexico

Richard Perez-Pena, a journalist originally from Cuba

Paul Spangler, a psychologist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Better-known title of "Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver"
    $100 15
The "Kelly" bag, a new handbag by designer Hermes, is named for this late princess
    $100 2
"Midnight Cowboy" star who once said, "My looks inhibit me. I can't play real people."
    $100 9
This Hawaiian word means love, friendship & good feelings
    $100 7
In 1921, an Ohioan was 1st to win this pageant, & in 1922, she became the only one to win 2 years in a row
    $100 18
"Brown paper packages tied up with string" are a few of these
    $200 3
In "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Eliza escapes to freedom in this country
    $200 16
This clothing manufacturer rode to fame on its trademark, a horse's head
    $200 17
At 17, this "Shampoo" star worked in a theater as a ratwatcher so actors wouldn't get bitten
    $200 10
In a monastery a scriptorium was a room reserved for doing this
    $200 8
The Cincinnati Enquirer says John Bennett of Newark, Ohio invented both the beer can & this pest masher
    $200 25
Person whose mouth is "a little weak" & whose figure is "less than Greek"
    $300 4
Feeling miserable after his daughter drowned, he wrote, "Les Miserables"
    $300 24
In fashion, mass-produced garments are generally made for "RTW", which means this
    $300 19
"At Close Range" you can see a wolf tattoo on this "Bad Boy"s arm
    $300 11
English name of the edible that's cece in Italian, hummus in Arabic & Hebrew, & garbanzo in Spanish
    $300 14
1st Chillicothe, then Zanesville, then Chillicothe again, then Columbus
    $300 26
For Paul McCartney, she "does it good", good enough, in fact, to hit #1 in 1973
    $400 5
He caused a scandal by marrying his wife's maid while he was writing "Tom Jones"
    $400 20
When Richard Dreyfuss left the cast of "All That Jazz", this man replaced him
    DD: $600 12
Meaning of the foreign word in title of the following song:

"Oh, let's forget about domani / Let's forget about domani / Let's forget about domani / For domani never comes..."
    $400 22
In 1817 in Mt. Pleasant, "Philanthropist" began publication as the nation's 1st newspaper protesting this
    $400 27
Musical invocation that worshipfully asks "to linger with you at the end of the day"
    $500 6
Series of James Fenimore Cooper novels named for Natty Bumppo's natty deerskin leggings
    $500 21
This former "Falcon Crest" star is the grandson of Cuban patriot Jose Marti
    $500 13
In Moslem countries, it's what you'd find behind a purdah
    $500 23
Founded in 1788, Marietta, Ohio's oldest city, was named after this queen
    $500 28
Ethnic relative who found "her jewels & treasures... in her baby's smiles"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Paul Richard Penelope
$700 $600 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Richard Penelope
$2,300 $1,400 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE '80s
    $200 15
It's the only reason to call the Army hotline 1-800-CALL-SPY
    $200 5
Tho many birds are smarter, ancient Greeks associated these "wise" birds with their goddess of wisdom
    $200 1
Jesus instructed his disciples to baptize in these names
    $200 8
The World Book says one can be "hard or soft & solid or inflated" &, oh yes, usually round
    $200 9
Great fleet destroyed in 1588 by a combination of the British & bad weather
    $200 26
While on a piano it can be "middle", on a fruit drink it's "Hi"
    $400 19
Of this event, Ed Koch said, "It's going to be the party of the century. I invited the whole world."
    $400 6
In building their nests, crested flycatchers often use the discarded skins of these animals
    $400 2
Though the names don't appear in the Bible, legend holds they were Gaspar, Melchior & Balthasar
    $400 17
In March 1987, 8000 packs of 6000 questions for this game were stolen from a storeroom in England
    $400 10
Its charter came into force on October 24, 1945
    $600 20
Studying aerial photos of this Inca ruin, a UCLA student discovered a larger ruin nearby
    $600 7
The 2 birds which, in gangster lingo, both refer to informants or squealers
    $600 3
They are called the patriarchs or founding fathers of the Jewish people
    $600 18
After settling out-of-court, Topps agreed to stop making Garbage Pail Kids that look like these toys
    $600 11
Leaving his job on Dec. 11, 1936, he got a new one the next day--Duke of Windsor
    $800 21
In 1980, Genuine Risk became the 1st of these since 1915 to win the Kentucky Derby
    $800 14
In Australia, these birds are considered pests because they eat crops & break down sheep fences
    $800 4
The 3 men King Nebuchadnezzar cast into the fiery furnace
    $800 23
If you're quick on the pick up, you might know this children's game evolved from "checkstones"
    $800 12
Semi-literate himself, this 9th c. emperor set up the Palace School to help others learn
    $1000 22
Country in which, in 1987, John Demjanjuk was prosecuted for the crimes of "Ivan the Terrible"
    DD: $1,000 16
Hummingbirds are only found on these 2 continents
    $1000 25
The only children of Adam & Eve known by name are these 3 sons
    $1000 24
In chess notation, the "?" is the symbol for a mistake while this is the symbol for a brilliant move
    $1000 13
The 1815 Congress in this city restored legitimate monarchs to France, Spain & Holland
    DD: $2,000 27
1st letter of the alphabet that follows a letter used as a Roman numeral but isn't a numeral itself

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Richard Penelope
$6,300 $6,400 $2,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

Article II states that to be president a person has to have done this for 14 years

Final scores:

Paul Richard Penelope
$50 $12,799 $5,000
3rd place: U-Line icemaker-refrigerator New champion: $12,799 2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Dakotah bedroom ensemble

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Richard Penelope
$6,300 $6,000 $2,500
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $14,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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