Suggest correction - #2380 - 1994-12-30

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    $800 22
This is the belief that God foresees & wills from all eternity that someone will be saved

Show #2380 - Friday, December 30, 1994

John McKeon game 1.


Stan Eisenstein, a physics teacher from Ellicott City, Maryland

John McKeon, a writer from Chevy Chase, Maryland

Bob Ungar, a satellite engineer from Glen Rock, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, and it's misspelt, [*]. We will read a clue for you, and you will have to identify the word in the clue that is misspelled.)
    $100 8
This Western mining town was named after a prospector nicknamed "Old Virginny"
    $100 1
On Jan. 20, 1994 he celebrated his 98th birthday by performing for a sellout crowd at Caesars Palace
    $100 20
This company introduced its Crunch bar in 1938
    $100 2
This is a body of land smaller than a continent, surrounded by water of an ocean, sea, lake or stream
    $100 22
The most common family name is Zhang or Chang, possessed by over 100 million people in this country
    $100 14
Governments are instituted to secure the rights of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness
    $200 9
This house is known for the dumbwaiter installed by the third president
    $200 3
This comedian turned 39 on Valentine's Day in 1933--& remained 39 for the rest of his life
    $200 21
Machine salesman Walter Bowes teamed with this postage meter inventor in 1920
    $200 4
Saccharum officinarum is sugarcane & Beta vulgaris is this sugar- producing plant
    $200 24
This British sleuth is the screen's most-portrayed character, appearing in over 200 films
    $200 16
We find it fascinating that he was still conscious after the lightening hit him
    $300 10
The St. Louis Cathedral on this city's Place d'Armes, now Jackson Square, was built by the Spanish
    $300 13
Linda Evans & Brenda Vaccaro share their Nov. 18 birthday with this rodent, but he's older than they are
    $300 25
In 1966 Giovanni Agnelli II became chairman of this Italian industrial giant
    $300 5
This metal, symbol Sn, has 10 stable isotopes, the most of any element
    $300 27
The world's best-selling brand of scotch is this brand's Red Label
    $300 17
Henry Clay said, "If you wish to avoid foriegn collision, you had better abandon the ocean"
    $400 11
This Boston hall built in 1742 as a market & meeting place is nicknamed "The Cradle of Liberty"
    $400 15
David Bowie was born Jan. 8, 1947, the day this future King of Rock 'n' Roll turned 12
    $400 26
Walter, William & Arthur Davidson & William Harley sold their first of these vehicles in 1903
    $400 6
Maria Goeppert Mayer shared a Nobel Prize for work on the structure of this part of an atom
    $400 29
The record number of hands shaken at an official function is 8,513 by this president in 1907
    $400 18
Complaints will be dealt with by appearrance at the appropriate bureau
    $500 12
This famous fort was located at the point where Lake George empties into Lake Champlain
    $500 23
This queen turned 30 on April 21, 1956, the day Margaret Truman was married
    $500 28
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd. is this continent's largest public company
    $500 7
The heart contains several of these, including the semilunar & tricuspid
    DD: $500 30
This country has the world's lowest birthrate: 0
    $500 19
To eliminate embarassment, be sure to study your grammar conscientiously

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob John Stan
$800 $800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob John Stan
$1,100 $2,500 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Parliament proclaimed this song Canada's official national anthem July 1, 1980
    $200 10
In 1992 he received a Peabody Award for "25 years of beautiful days in the neighborhood"
    $200 17
Prayer time in this religion is announced by a crier, or muezzin, from a minaret
    $200 3
This English coastal city was the Mayflower's last port of call before sailing to America
    $200 30
In 1886 Robert Love Taylor defeated his brother Alfred to become governor of this "Volunteer State"
    $200 16
In 1598 Edmund Spenser was made sheriff of Cork County in this part of the British Isles
    $400 2
In 1913 Indians led by Gandhi in this country agitated against restrictions on their movement
    $400 12
On his retirement in 1993, this chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff received a 2nd Presidential Medal of Freedom
    $400 29
The dietary laws of this religion allow only meat from animals killed by ritual slaughter called Shehitah
    $400 6
It was the birthplace of opera & the cradle of the Italian Renaissance
    $400 27
This former governor was chairman of the Democratic Party in California from 1989 to 1991
    $400 18
The title of Hagiwara Sakutaro's 1917 book of poetry translates as "Barking at" this heavenly body
    $600 4
In February 1931 Congress passed a veterans' bonus bill over this president's veto
    $600 13
The Templeton Prize for Religion was 1st given in 1973 to this founder of the Missionaries of Charity
    $600 28
The symbol of Taoism represents these 2 basic forces in the universe
    $600 8
This third-largest city of Spain is noted for its silk & its oranges
    $600 26
In 1980 ill health forced Ella Grasso to resign as governor of this state
    $600 21
In the 19th c. Kalvos & Solomos were leading members of this country's Ionian School of Poetry
    $800 5
In 1941 Reza Shah abdicated as leader of this country
    $800 14
Her 2 New York Drama Critics' Circle Awards were for "Toys in the Attic" & "Watch on the Rhine"
    $800 22
This is the belief that God foresees & wills from all eternity that someone will be saved
    $800 9
In 1754 the Royal and Ancient Golf Club was founded in this Scottish city
    $800 24
George W.P. Hunt, who became this state's 1st governor in 1912, also served from 1917-19, 1923-29 & 1931-33
    $800 20
The 14th c. poet Dafydd ap Gwilym wrote some 150 poems in this, his native language
    $1000 7
This Basque village was destroyed by German bombers during an April 26, 1937 air raid
    DD: $1,200 15
In '68 the Central Bank of Sweden established this Nobel Prize category in honor of its 300th anniversary
    $1000 25
The oldest scriptures in this religion are called Tripitaka, or "three baskets"
    $1000 11
This Mexican resort city became popular after "The Night of the Iguana" was filmed there in 1963
    DD: $1,500 23
In January 1994 Christine Todd Whitman succeeded James Florio as governor of this state
    $1000 19
He began writing "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" during a visit to Albania

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob John Stan
$5,700 $7,400 $6,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

Ionesco & Ivanovich are equivalents of this English surname

Final scores:

Bob John Stan
$7,500 $13,100 $10,500
3rd place: Sanyo fax machine New champion: $13,100 2nd place: trip to New Orleans

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob John Stan
$5,500 $6,900 $7,000
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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