Suggest correction - #167 - 1985-04-30

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    $200 16
This ocean provides about 49% of the world's yearly catch of fish & shellfish

Show #167 - Tuesday, April 30, 1985

Ron Black game 1.
Game partially missing introductions.


Ron Black, an attorney from Raleigh, North Carolina

Martin Lee, from Van Nuys, California

Mark Singer, an attorney and Sunday school teacher from Los Angeles, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,350)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
Up to 10% of the U.S. pop. have this seasonal sneeze & wheeze allergy
    $100 5
Every year this agency handles over 140 million tax returns
    $100 1
This '83 role was a good decision for Meryl Streep who won Best Actress
    $100 12
Fruit that puts the green in guacamole
    $100 19
In 1812, William Monroe began manufacturing them using his own formula for ground lead
    $200 4
Alleged cures for it are swallowing sugar, blowing in a bag, or being suddenly surprised
    $200 7
Of half, one or three percent, the gov't. cost of collecting income tax
    $200 2
With thirteen nominations & 4 acting Oscars, she's a double record holder
    $200 14
The skin of this common salad vegetable is often waxed to prevent water loss
    $200 20
Theophilus van Kannel patented this roundabout way out in 1888
    $300 6
Anorexia nervosa is an obsessive fear of becoming this
    $300 8
In 1794, Washington had to send in troops to stop the rebellion caused by a tax on this kind of liquor
    DD: $500 16
'68 film of romance & robbery whose winning theme song was the following:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $300 15
By weight & dollar value, the U.S. produces more of this fruit than any other
    $400 9
Associated with musty, bad smelling swamps, the name of this sickness means "bad air"
    $400 10
When asked if one should pay taxes, Jesus replied this way
    $400 17
Her Oscar-winning role in "The Year of Living Dangerously" was a real drag
    $500 13
1st and 2nd human recipients of an artificial heart
    $500 11
To finance the fighting, the government 1st tried an income tax in this war
    $500 18
Maximilian Schell went through trials and tribulations to get Best Actor for the '61 film
    $500 21
A group of tilling tools, or a single watering tool

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 8):

Mark Martin Ron
-$200 $700 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Martin Ron
-$200 $1,100 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
"Dream realized" reported the L.A. Times, when this "world of fantasy" opened in 1955
    $200 20
Shakespeare described her as Antony's "Egyptian dish"
    $200 16
This ocean provides about 49% of the world's yearly catch of fish & shellfish
    $200 4
Juan Valdez grows his coffee there
    $200 2
Ann Arbor school that has largest U.S. college stadium
    $200 11
Congress established this department in 1789 & made a mint out of it
    DD: $1,600 22
Papers reported incorrectly "patient will recover" when this pres. was shot at 1901's Pan-Am. Expo.
    $400 26
North African who described himself as "one that loved not wisely, but too well"
    $400 17
Not salt, but this element is most abundant in sea water, & quite likely in your swimming pool, too
    $400 7
Country that's South America's biggest oil producer by far
    $400 3
Two-thirds of the entire town can fit into Lambeau Field in this smallest NFL city
    $400 12
The 1st American novel was published in this city and, fortunately, wasn't banned
    $600 23
1925 headline, "Scopes declared guilty" referred to trial in this state
    $600 18
Spine-bearing relatives to the starfish, or Fagin's street waifs
    $600 8
This South American capital didn't exist until 1956
    DD: $700 5
Baseball and football were played in this defunct NYC park named for another sport
    $600 13
Galvani was ridiculed when he made these animals' legs twitch by electricity
    $800 24
1964 headline "104 feared dead in quake area" referred to this state
    $800 19
In the comic strip "B.C.", they "got feet", "can talk" & are used for money
    $800 9
Capital city whose name means "I see the mountain"
    $800 6
Political figure for whom Minneapolis' Metrodome is named
    $800 14
Begun in 1789 as benevolent institution in NYC, it later became a corrupt political machine
    $1000 25
On Sept. 7, 1909, the newspapers displayed his wire, "I have the old pole"
    $1000 27
After the death of good queen Bess, he became Shakespeare's king & patron
    $1000 10
Bernardo O'Higgins is this country's national hero
    $1000 1
1959 Yankee/Dodger game drew 93,103, largest crowd in Major League history to this stadium
    $1000 15
This Benelux country's independence from Austria lasted only a year

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Martin Ron
-$2,000 $5,000 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

According to Samuel Johnson, it "is the last refuge of a scoundrel"

Final scores:

Mark Martin Ron
-$2,000 $500 $3,100
3rd place: La-Z-Boy recliner 2nd place: set of Pinseeker golf clubs + Wimbledon tennis rackets New champion: $3,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Martin Ron
-$1,500 $4,500 $6,600
7 R,
8 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R,
8 W

Combined Coryat: $9,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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