Suggest correction - #2074 - 1993-09-16

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    $800 5
The French Academy used Nicolas Poussin's "The Abduction of" these women as a teaching example

Show #2074 - Thursday, September 16, 1993

John Cuthbertson game 3.


Giulio Ongaro, a college professor originally from Venice, Italy

Robin Dorfman, an amateur historian from Los Angeles, California

John Cuthbertson, a physicist originally from Liberty, Missouri (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $30,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This "Cornhusker" state's 2 nat'l forests are the only ones in the U.S. planted entirely by man
    $100 14
This "Godfather" author co-wrote "Earthquake", a 1974 release presented in "Sensurround"
    $100 16
When Belshazzar saw the handwriting on the wall, these started knocking
    $100 11
This ever-popular office beverage has been called "break fluid"
    $100 6
It was the fashion to wear perruques, elaborate wigs, to copy Louis; he wore them for this reason
    $100 24
A fianchetto is the early development of the bishop in this game
    $200 2
This product accounts for about 85% of Saudi Arabia's exports
    $200 15
Irwin Allen's "The Swarm" was about a swarm of these "killer" insects
    $200 17
According to the proverb, "He that shutteth" these "is esteemed a man of understanding"
    $200 12
Sweetened condensed milk is 40 to 45% this
    $200 7
Louis XIV held court outside Paris at this former hunting lodge of Louis XIII
    $200 25
This archaic interjection is an alteration of "(I) pray thee"
    $300 3
Most Argentinians trace their ancestry back to Spain or this southern European country
    $300 21
"Black Sunday" dealt with a terrorist attack on this sporting event
    $300 18
Psalm 140 says this part of a violent man is sharpened like a serpent's
    $300 13
The Spanish name for this popular 19th century soft drink was zarzaparrilla
    $300 8
Though this quote is attributed to him in a speech, there's no proof he said it
    $300 28
Dapper, or the name of a literary Bumppo
    $400 4
These 2 metals are mentioned in Montana's state motto
    $400 22
The title of a 1969 film placed this famous volcano "east of Java"; it's actually West
    $400 19
Because Isaac's were dim, Jacob fooled him
    $400 26
It's the "official sports beverage" of the NFL
    $400 9
When Louis' grandson inherited the Spanish Empire, it was declared these mountains "no longer exist"
    $400 29
To cachinnate is to do this loudly, maybe in front of a standup comic
    $500 5
Almost all of Central & Southwest Botswana is covered by this desert
    $500 23
Steve McQueen played fire chief Michael O'Hallorhan in this "incendiary" 1974 movie
    $500 20
It's described in various verses as the seat of desire, hatred, lust & pride
    $500 27
The teas classified as this color are not fermented; you'll often find them in Asian restaurants
    DD: $500 10
His grandfather Henri IV issued this edict giving rights to Huguenots; Louis revoked it
    $500 30
Crepuscule is another word for this time that's gleaming in "The Star-Spangled Banner"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Robin Giulio
$700 $1,200 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Robin Giulio
$2,300 $2,200 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
12 years after "The Origin of Species", he published "The Descent of Man", a study of human evolution
    $200 22
According to its title, William Rushton's book traces them "from Acadia to Louisiana"
    $200 1
Rembrandt, a fellow Dutchman, was an influence on this "Sunflowers" painter
    $200 9
In 1950 he graduated from the University of Havana with a law degree
    $200 10
From 1897 to 1904 the national headquarters of the American Red Cross was in her Glen Echo, Md. home
    $200 15
The 1944 play in which Laura tells Amanda, "I'm not expecting any gentlemen callers"
    $400 7
English botanist Stephen Hales determined that the sap in a plant flows in this direction
    $400 23
This group related to the Eskimos lives on the islands between Siberia & Alaska
    DD: $500 2
1508-1512 project that included the following:
    $400 18
He became commander of Panama's defense forces in 1983
    $400 11
This "Hiawatha" poet's Cambridge, Mass. home was Gen. Washington's headquarters in 1775 & 1776
    $400 27
The mie is a dramatic pose struck by a male actor in this form of Japanese theatre
    $600 8
The first astronomer to use a telescope, he built it himself
    $600 24
These people in the Pyrenees are credited with inventing pelota vasca, which we now call jai alai
    $600 3
Max Ernst, a leader in the Dada movement, was a founding father of this Dali movement
    $600 19
This dictator of Mexico & captor of the Alamo died in poverty in 1876
    $600 12
Located near Hyde Park, New York, this First Lady's Val-Kill estate was partially financed by her husband
    $600 28
He wrote "Once in a Lifetime" with George S. Kaufman & "Winged Victory" without him
    $800 16
For his discovery of X-rays, he received the first Nobel Physics prize
    $800 25
Some Celts in Europe were known as this, from an ancient name for France
    $800 5
The French Academy used Nicolas Poussin's "The Abduction of" these women as a teaching example
    $800 20
This Turkish benevolent dictator was born Mustafa Kemal in 1881
    $800 13
"The Lost Colony" is a pageant given at the site of a North Carolina fort named for this Englishman
    $800 29
This playwright's first version of "Tartuffe" was banned; so was the second one
    $1000 17
This British chemist for whom a law is named was the first to distinguish among acids, bases & neutral substances
    $1000 26
Most of this group's population is split among Turkey, Iraq & Iran; they have no country
    $1000 6
He's seen painting near Spain's Princess Margarita in his 1656 work "The Maids of Honor"
    DD: $1,500 21
Antonio Salazar ruled this European country from 1932 to 1968
    $1000 14
Teddy Roosevelt took his oath of office on Sept. 14, 1901 at the Ansley Wilcox House in this N.Y. city
    $1000 30
His daughter Rebecca directed a revival of his play "After the Fall" in 1992

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Robin Giulio
$8,800 $4,800 $7,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

1993's "Skylark" with Glenn Close was a sequel to this highest-rated "Hallmark Hall of Fame" film

Final scores:

John Robin Giulio
$16,000 $7,100 $10
3-day champion: $46,400 2nd place: AST color notebook computer with Intel 486 processor + Honeywell Enviracare portable indoor air cleaners + Jeopardy! computer game or home game 3rd place: side-by-side or upright Maytag washer & dryer + Jeopardy! computer game or home game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Robin Giulio
$8,300 $4,800 $7,800
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R,
0 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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