Suggest correction - #2328 - 1994-10-19

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    $400 25
Established in 1938 as the Nat'l Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, it's known as this today

Show #2328 - Wednesday, October 19, 1994


John Harris, a bookstore clerk originally from Richmond, Virginia

Barbara Silverstein, an opera conductor originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Peg Serenyi, a school librarian from Potomac, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
This "Empire State" is the only one that touches the Atlantic Ocean & the Great Lakes
    $100 18
This actor's TV roles have included the Archer on "Batman", Chief Paul Lanigan & Ed Norton
    $100 6
This date is the feast day of St. Gertrude of Nivelles as well as St. Patrick
    $100 1
Mark Antony's marriage to her wasn't legal in Romeā€”he was already married to Octavian's sister
    $100 22
This man led the Long March from January to October 1935
    $100 16
Thoroughly modern girl
    $200 9
Holy cow! In 1993 this state lost to California its title as the leading milk producer
    $200 27
The setting for this series was the Sunshine Cab Company
    $200 7
Called "The Confessor", his remains still rest in their medieval shrine in Westminster Abbey
    $200 2
This spy could have learned her exotic dances while living in Java & Sumatra from 1897 to 1902
    $200 23
Famous speech delivered as part of the 1963 March on Washington
    $200 17
Big League rank
    $300 10
This state's seacoast extends 130 miles from Sandy Hook to Cape May
    $300 28
Lorna Patterson played the title role in this Army sitcom based on a Goldie Hawn film
    $300 11
An ointment jar is the emblem of this woman who is said to have anointed Christ's feet
    $300 3
From 1892 to 1900 she was president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association
    DD: $800 24
1903 operetta that produced the following march:

[instrumental music plays]
    $300 19
Shoes for the Dakotas
    $400 14
A map in front of this state's capitol depicts all of its counties, including Lake of the Woods
    $400 29
This Western character whose gun was for hire lived at the Hotel Carlton in San Francisco
    $400 12
The lion is the symbol of this saint associated with Venice
    $400 4
This Medici was the mother of the last 3 Valois kings of France: Francis II, Charles IX & Henry III
    $400 25
Established in 1938 as the Nat'l Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, it's known as this today
    $400 20
Tut today
    $500 15
The Mississippi River forms its eastern border; the Missouri & Big Sioux rivers, its western border
    $500 30
In 1970 Karen Valentine & Michael Constantine won Emmys for their roles on this series
    $500 13
St. Catherine of Vadstena was the daughter of St. Bridget of this country & Ulf Gudmarsson
    $500 5
Marina, this conquistador's lover & interpreter, is known as the "Betrayer of the Aztecs"
    $500 26
2 of the 3 things that keep "marching on" in the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
    $500 21
Coffee House

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Peg Barbara John
$2,000 $600 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Peg Barbara John
$2,700 $3,300 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
On Feb. 10, 1931 it became the capital of India
    $200 20
This president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns developed a process for using TV underwater
    $200 16
In 1930 he was given a National Geographic Society medal for flying over the South Pole
    $200 2
The 4th Amendment guarantees freedom from "unreasonable searches and" these
    $200 1
This author's "Noble House" was the bestselling hardcover novel of 1981
    $400 12
Hawaii signed a treaty of annexation to the U.S. Feb. 14, 1893, the 114th anniv. of this explorer's death
    $400 22
This 15th C. printer was born Johann Gensfleisch but used his mother's maiden name
    $400 17
In 1973 this Ariz. senator received the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy for his service to U.S. aviation
    $400 3
If the value of a controversy exceeds $20, this type of trial is permitted according to the 7th Amendment
    $400 5
Spy novelist David Cornwell uses this pen name
    $600 13
On Feb. 20, 1971 this major general promoted himself to general & President of Uganda
    $600 23
In 1842 he sold only 7 of his improved mechanical reapers
    $600 26
Canada's westernmost province, it's also the third largest in area
    $600 18
In 1959 & 1977, Chester Gould received the Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist for this comic strip
    $600 4
This amendment says that no one may "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
    $600 6
2 twins are the only survivors of the family that owns a decayed mansion in this Poe story
    $800 14
On Feb. 24, 1993 he announced he would resign as PM of Canada as soon as a replacement was found
    $800 24
In 1904 this automobile pioneer began making the REO, a car named for his initials
    DD: $1,000 27
1 of the 2 countries that lead the world in the production of alpaca wool
    $800 19
In 1974 this company's YSL for Men won a "Fifi" award from The Fragrance Foundation
    $800 7
The Bill of Rights was largely the work of this man
    $800 9
Published in 1890, it was Oscar Wilde's only novel
    $1000 15
On Feb. 24, 1920 she became the first woman member to speak in the British Parliament
    $1000 25
In the 1940s he developed a 3-D motion picture process based on polarized light
    $1000 28
To the ancient Romans, this bay north of Spain was the Cantabrian Sea
    $1000 21
In 1981 this Detroit mayor was the recipient of the NAACP's Spingarn Medal
    DD: $1,000 8
The Bill of Rights was signed by the Speaker of the House & this president of the Senate
    $1000 10
In this Rudyard Kipling novel, a beggar boy from Lahore becomes the disciple of a Tibetan lama

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Peg Barbara John
$7,700 $5,100 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1958 he recorded the first classical LP to sell one million copies

Final scores:

Peg Barbara John
$14,700 $7,100 $10,300
2-day champion: $24,600 3rd place: Daniel Mink his & hers watches 2nd place: Psion pocket computer + Prodigy service

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Peg Barbara John
$8,500 $4,600 $6,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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