Suggest correction - #8893 - 2023-06-14

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    $400 12
Before singing "He's my brother", The Hollies noted that "He ain't" this

Show #8893 - Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Suresh Krishnan game 7.


Neilay Amin, a psychiatrist from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Holly Hassel, an English professor from Fargo, North Dakota

Suresh Krishnan, a networking engineer from Suwanee, Georgia (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $96,595)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: You'll name the artist, be it singer or group.)
    $200 1
Scotiabank Arena is the home of this city's basketball team, the talk of the town in 2019
    $200 6
In "Go Set a Watchman", a grown-up Scout from this novel revisits her childhood home in Maycomb, Alabama
    $200 11
A sacred oath; in Catholicism, one can be for chastity, poverty or obedience
    $200 21
This full name for the animal seen here refers to a facial feature
    $200 26
Devout Muslims fast in the daylight hours during this holy month, the ninth on the Islamic calendar
    $200 16
"It's fun to stay at the YMCA... you can hang out with all the boys"
    $400 2
This nearly 2,000-mile-long river leaves the territory of the same name & crosses the border near Eagle, Alaska
    $400 7
This sport unites a remote Nordic community in Fredrik Backman's heartwarming bestseller "Beartown"
    $400 12
Before singing "He's my brother", The Hollies noted that "He ain't" this
    $400 22
Take a listen to this woodwind
    $400 27
Decoration Day is another name for this May observance
    $400 17
"So it's not just gonna happen like that, 'cause I ain't no hollaback girl"
    $600 3
A man-made lake on Mount Royal has a good Canadian name, after this rodent that workmen found traces of
    $600 8
Book 3 of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels is "The Cardinal of" this place
    $600 13
The Duke of Sussex is familiar with this verb meaning to pester a military foe with repeated attacks
    $600 23
It's the company behind Illustrator, Acrobat & Photoshop
    DD: $1,600 28
The liturgical season of Lent begins on this holy day in the middle of the week
    $600 18
"Oh let me be your sledgehammer, this will be my testimony"
    $800 4
To beat the cold, much of downtown in this Olympic city in Alberta is connected by enclosed walkways 15' above the ground called the Plus 15
    $800 9
This Kazuo Ishiguro novel is narrated by Stevens, longtime head butler at Darlington Hall
    $800 14
The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, it can also mean a very small amount
    $800 24
Jesus was said to be born fully formed, so he looks like a little man in works called the "Throne of" this quality he shares with Solomon
    $800 29
The Hebrew name of this festival that often falls in March means "lots", which were cast as part of a plot against the Jews
    $800 19
"You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out"
    $1000 5
In 1925 a joint U.S.-Canadian team became the first to summit this 20,000-foot-high mountain
    $1000 10
Her "Everything I Never Told You" is a moving novel of a Chinese-American family in Ohio dealing with the loss of a child
    $1000 15
Meaning to improve or perfect a skill, it comes from the Middle English for whetstone
    $1000 25
On Sept. 2, 1945 Japan formally surrendered & ended World War II aboard this battleship
    $1000 30
In England, November 5 is Bonfire Night or his day, commemorating the failed Gunpowder Plot
    $1000 20
"However far away I will always love you / However long I stay I will always love you / Whatever words I say..."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Suresh Holly Neilay
$0 $2,600 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Suresh Holly Neilay
$2,000 $5,200 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
India's Mahabodhi Temple Complex, one of the 4 holy sites related to this man's life
    $400 6
In basketball, the 5 basic positions are power forward, small forward, shooting guard, point guard & this one
    $400 11
Genghis Khan of this empire discarded lineage-based hierarchies & promoted officers in his army based on merit
    $400 17
This Colombian-born actress played Gloria Delgado-Pritchett on "Modern Family" for 11 seasons
    $400 16
Most of us do this several times a day, but it's also the most common tuberculosis symptom
    $400 22
This Scandinavian first name that's big in baby carriers means "bear"
    $800 2
The archaeological site of this ancient city on Turkey's Mound of Hisarlik
    $800 7
The Bible's Torah or Pentateuch is also known as "the 5 books of" this personage
    $800 12
Tikal, Coba & Uxmal were all cities of this Mesoamerican empire
    $800 27
This actress said she was inspired by Bob Fosse & Siouxsie Sioux & '80s goth dancers for her viral "Wednesday" dance
    $800 18
Vitamin B12 shots may be needed if you have the pernicious type of this disease where red blood cells are deficient in hemoglobin
    $800 23
Here's this sizzling dish; now all we need are the tortillas
    $1200 3
The Great these towns of Europe, including Bath, Baden-Baden & the Belgian one that originated the name
    $1200 8
Julius was the real first name of this one of the 5 Marx Brothers
    $1200 13
The medieval empire of Mansa Musa I shares its name with this modern country & also included Timbuktu
    $1200 28
In a 2001 biopic, this actor seen here played Nuyorican poet & playwright Miguel Piñero
    DD: $4,800 19
This word has multiple meanings, as in: I was ____ to a cardiologist because I had ____ pain in my teeth from my heart issues
    DD: $4,000 24
The name of this fictional character in many tales is followed by -ismo in a Spanish word for womanizing
    $1600 4
Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, also known by this name found on a waterway in Venice
    $1600 9
Roughly triangular & surrounded by water, it's the westernmost of New York City's 5 boroughs
    $1600 14
Philip II of this empire defeated the Sacred Band of Thebes, an elite unit of paired lovers, at the Battle of Chaeronea
    $1600 29
After watching "The Last of Us", Jon Favreau said this actor cornered the "protective father archetype" market
    $1600 20
Your largest salivary glands, they get swollen in cases of mumps
    $1600 25
This versatile cheese is not Swiss; it's from Norway
    $2000 5
The sacred island of Okinoshima off this southernmost of Japan's main islands
    $2000 10
Counterparts to Moscow composers like Tchaikovsky, "The Five" were St. Petersburgers Cui, Balakirev, Borodin, Mussorgsky & him
    $2000 15
This Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644 imported blue pigment from Persia for its famous porcelain
    $2000 30
This actor who starred in "Summer of Sam" & "Spawn" also voiced Bruno in "Encanto", but we don't talk about that
    $2000 21
In "Shutter Island", set in 1954, psychiatrist Ben Kingsley has hopes for this anti-psychotic the FDA approved that year
    $2000 26
A feminine inner personality called the anima is central to this type of analysis named for a famous psychologist

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Suresh Holly Neilay
$5,200 $12,000 $12,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He debuted on TV in 1967; the show's creator wanted someone from behind the Iron Curtain to be on "our side"

Final scores:

Suresh Holly Neilay
$5,200 $10,500 $799
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $10,500 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Suresh Holly Neilay
$5,200 $11,000 $12,800
12 R,
4 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $29,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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