Suggest correction - #2665 - 1996-03-15

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    $200 5
The coloratura soprano Dame Nellie Melba was a native of this country; "Melba" is a variation of Melbourne

Show #2665 - Friday, March 15, 1996


Julie Richer, a software company owner from San Francisco, California

Elliot Wilen, a network administrator originally from Baltimore, Maryland

Michael Ireton, a graduate student originally from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This language also known as Siamese is predominantly monosyllabic
    $100 13
Some say his original surname was Quixada or Quesada, "before he lost his senses"
    $100 5
"Don't swap" these animals "in midstream"
    $100 11
Alloys of neodymium are used for these sparking items found in cigarette lighters
    $100 26
The Hopkins on this 1776 document is Rhode Island's Stephen Hopkins
    $100 21
    $200 2
Languages no longer spoken are described as this, from the Latin for "to extinguish"
    $200 17
Of Chevy Chase, Chevy Slyme or Chevy Nova, the character in "Martin Chuzzlewit"
    $200 6
This creature "wins the race while the hare is sleeping"
    $200 12
In 1973 by definition, the dollar was worth .024 ounces of this metal
    $200 27
He's been in "The Lion in Winter", "The Elephant Man" & "The Silence of the Lambs"
    $200 22
    $300 3
Mali's national anthem, "A ton appel Mali", is sung in this official language
    $300 18
Hercule Poirot has a waxed one
    $300 7
"Man proposes," he "disposes"
    $300 14
Many toothpastes contain stannous fluoride, a compound of fluorine & this metal
    $300 28
You might hobnob on Nob Hill in this city at the Mark Hopkins Hotel
    $300 23
    $400 4
Most native speakers of Tswana live in South Africa or in this landlocked country
    $400 19
In this author's "The Pathfinder", Charles Cap calls his niece Magnet because of her "personal attractions"
    $400 8
"The nearer" this, "the sweeter the flesh"
    $400 15
California & Colorado are the leading U.S. producers of this metal also called wolfram
    $400 29
As an aide to this president, Harry Hopkins accompanied him to Tehran & Yalta
    DD: $1,000 24
    $500 10
Malta has 2 official languages: Maltese & this
    $500 20
They were based on 3 real people: Armand de Sillegue, Isaac de Portau & Henri d'Aramitz
    $500 9
This "is blind" but "a pennyweight of" it "is worth a pound of law"
    $500 16
This metal 2/3 the weight of aluminum burns with a brilliant white light & is used in flares
    $500 30
Gertrude Stein attended this university's medical school
    $500 25

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Elliot Julie
$300 $1,700 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Elliot Julie
$300 $4,800 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Church authorities recently imposed complete silence on visitors to this Venetian basilica
    $200 5
The coloratura soprano Dame Nellie Melba was a native of this country; "Melba" is a variation of Melbourne
    $200 20
At Rosemont Plantation, roses grown by this Confederate president's mother still bloom
    $200 8
Foreigners who have given distinguished service to this country receive the Order of the Aztec Eagle
    $200 13
Julia Wells & Arthur Plummer in "The Sound of Music"
    $200 18
The only president to win a Pulitzer Prize, for "Profiles in Courage"
    $400 2
The Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in this city has been called James Gibbs' masterpiece
    $400 6
In the 1960s this stick-thin British model was so popular Mattel made a doll in her likeness
    $400 30
During the Civil War, the Governor's Mansion in this city served as headquarters for General Sherman
    $400 9
In 1847 it instituted the Order of Pius
    $400 14
William Gable & Claudette Chauchoin in "It Happened One Night"
    $400 19
Cleveland's great-great- grandfather died at the Philadelphia home of this statesman in 1757
    $600 3
Built in 1632, St. Luke's near Smithfield in this state is the USA's oldest church of English foundation
    $600 10
Royal reaction to Andrew Morton's 1992 book about her inspired People's headline "The Empire Strikes Back"
    $600 29
Each September Greenville hosts a festival featuring the "Delta" type of this musical form
    $600 21
Lebanon's Nat'l Order of this tree is awarded for exceptional service or acts of extreme courage
    $600 15
Susan Abigail Tomalin & Virginia Davis in "Thelma & Louise"
    $600 24
Before becoming president of Princeton, he was a professor & football coach at Wesleyan
    $800 4
The beautiful cathedral in this city SW of Paris was the site of King Henry IV's coronation in 1594
    $800 11
Susan Butcher won this race for the first time in 1986; in '89 she was named sled-dog racer of the decade
    $800 28
This city features a seafood industry museum & a 70-minute shrimping trip
    $800 22
In 1802 Napoleon Bonaparte instituted this chivalric order
    $800 16
Thomas Connery & Nathalie Hedren in "Marnie"
    $800 25
A native of West Branch, Iowa, he was the first president born west of the Mississippi
    DD: $1,000 7
It was built to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's victories over the khanates of Kazan & Astrakhan
    $1000 12
In 1993 Ada Deer, a member of the Menominee tribe, became the first woman to head the BIA, which stands for this
    $1000 27
This Mississippi city, the "Gibraltar of the Confederacy", is home to a toy soldier museum
    $1000 23
This decoration for heroism, instituted in 1856, is Great Britain's highest honor
    $1000 17
Henry Beaty & Diane Hall in "Reds"
    DD: $1,000 26
He was both the 8th president & the 8th vice president

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Elliot Julie
$4,700 $4,800 $4,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1570 Abraham Ortelius produced the first modern book of this type: "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum"

Final scores:

Michael Elliot Julie
$9,400 $9,401 $400
2nd place: trip to Carmel Valley Ranch Resort + Magnavox camcorder New champion: $9,401 3rd place: Rug Doctor carpet cleaner

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Elliot Julie
$4,700 $6,200 $4,400
11 R,
2 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $15,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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