Suggest correction - #2656 - 1996-03-04

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    $400 7
Primavera, the first part of this Vivaldi work, has imitations of murmuring streams & bird songs

Show #2656 - Monday, March 4, 1996


Mollie Ward, a music teacher from Austin, Texas

Melanie Posey, a market analyst from New York City, New York

Allison Wise, a homemaker originally from San Diego, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Austria's highest peak, Grossglockner, lies in the Hohe Tauern range of this mountain system
    $100 12
He's the Flintstones' purple pet dinosaur
    $100 26
Founded in 1902, this organization offers members insurance, travel information & emergency road service
    $100 2
This violin relative is about 2 inches longer & 1 letter shorter
    $100 19
Osteoporosis most often affects the bones that make up this structure
    $100 10
This black-masked, bushy-tailed nocturnal carnivore got its name around 1607
    $200 4
Although it flows into the Atlantic, its headstreams form in the Andes about 100 miles from the Pacific
    $200 13
The Flintstones' hometown, it boasts a population of 2,500
    $200 27
4 Rolls-Royce Olympus 593 turbojet engines power this SST
    $200 3
It was the keyboard instrument of the basic Baroque orchestra
    DD: $500 20
In 1960 Enovid 10 became the first commercially available one of these
    $200 14
This Malay word once referred to fish sauce; today it's a common condiment made of pureed tomatoes
    $300 6
The top of this highest peak on Honshu is often hidden by clouds
    $300 16
After Fred & Wilma had a daughter, Pebbles, the Rubbles adopted this son
    $300 28
Trucking companies called common carriers have operating certificates from this federal commission
    $300 5
The organization of notes in a song; Irving Berlin wrote "the song is ended but" it "lingers on"
    $300 21
This itchy symptom of some allergies is sometimes called nettle rash
    $300 15
Paddy whack, give a dog a bone; from 1682, it's an ornamental object
    $400 9
A desert called Rub' al-Khali, "empty quarter", occupies about 250,000 square miles on this peninsula
    $400 17
In a 1988 animated film, the Flintstones encountered this Space Age family
    $400 29
This bridge spanning the Hudson links Fort Lee, N.J. with Manhattan Island
    $400 7
Primavera, the first part of this Vivaldi work, has imitations of murmuring streams & bird songs
    $400 22
Certain forms of anemia can cause glossitis, an inflammation of this body part
    $400 18
This word from 1671 refers to the band of colors produced when light passes through a prism
    $500 11
This sea between Australia & New Zealand is known for strong winds & storms
    $500 25
He's Fred & Barney's hot-headed boss at the Construction Company
    $500 30
The name of this small rowboat is from the Hindi for "boat"
    $500 8
Songs in this musical range from the Bebop Fugue "Cool" to the Latin "America"
    $500 23
In 1995 Zaire suffered an outbreak of this virus, one of the deadliest known to man
    $500 24
Person to find you a find, catch you a catch whose title appeared around 1639

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Allison Melanie Mollie
$100 $1,800 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Allison Melanie Mollie
$900 $3,400 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
For "The Canterbury Tales", he developed an accented 10-syllable line with regular end rhyme
    $200 1
It's the primary liquid in bread pudding & custard
    $200 11
Thetis held this son by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx
    $200 26
After leading the Rough Riders in battle on this island, Leonard Wood was appointed its governor
    $200 16
This Mississippi capital was originally called Le Fleur's Bluff after its founder Louis Le Fleur
    $200 21
Weissmuller, Tarzan; she, Jane
    $400 7
He was married to Gemma Donati but Beatrice Portinari inspired his "Divine Comedy"
    $400 2
At its simplest it's just confectioners' sugar & water & may be drizzled over a Danish
    $400 12
Ull, the Norse god of snowshoes, is the handsome stepson of this thunder god
    $400 27
As one book puts it, in 1204 he became the undisputed master of Mongolia
    $400 17
This state's Havasu Canyon has 4 beautiful waterfalls: Navajo, Havasu, Mooney & Beaver
    $400 22
Her filmography includes "How Green Was My Valley" & "Miracle on 34th Street"
    $600 8
Some of this H.G. Wells novel occurs in the year 802,701
    $600 3
This famous cocktail may have been named after Rossi's partner
    $600 13
The wolf was sacred to this Roman god of war whose sons Romulus & Remus were suckled by a she-wolf
    DD: $500 28
This general who surrendered October 19, 1781 was later commander-in-chief in Ireland
    $600 18
This U.S. possession's Buck Island Reef has an underwater trail & coral reefs
    $600 23
This '50s tennis champ was known as Little Mo
    $800 9
His "Death Be Not Proud" was one of the "Holy Sonnets", published in 1633
    $800 4
To eat the orange flesh of this tropical pear-shaped fruit, halve it & scoop out the black seeds
    $800 14
Artists often depicted this Egyptian mother-goddess holding her infant son Horus
    $800 29
In 1934 the Turkish National Assembly gave him his new family name meaning "father of Turks"
    DD: $1,500 19
In area, this state follows only Alaska, Texas & California
    $800 24
This "Queen of the Stardust Ballroom" won an Oscar for "Reds"
    $1000 10
His unfinished novel "Answered Prayers" was published posthumously in 1986
    $1000 5
The golden type of this comes from whitefish in the Great Lakes
    $1000 15
She was the beautiful daughter of Agenor, king of Tyre; a continent is named for her
    $1000 30
"Old Rough & Ready", he didn't die in battle but from gastroenteritis after a July 4, 1850 party
    $1000 20
This northernmost lake of Minnesota is shared with Canada
    $1000 25
Singer who knows "There's Got To Be a Morning After"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Allison Melanie Mollie
$4,200 $7,800 $4,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Oliver Wendell Holmes called it "the mirror with a memory"

Final scores:

Allison Melanie Mollie
$8,400 $8,500 $5,000
2nd place: Broyhill bedroom set + Dale Tiffany stained glass lamp New champion: $8,500 3rd place: Krups kitchen appliance package

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Allison Melanie Mollie
$5,700 $7,800 $4,000
15 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
1 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $17,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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