Suggest correction - #2653 - 1996-02-28

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    $300 10
Characterized by a skin rash & often caused by drugs, photosensitivity is an abnormal reaction to this

Show #2653 - Wednesday, February 28, 1996

Bob Scarpone game 5.


Jeff Flathers, a market analyst originally from Rochester, Minnesota

Willie Allen-Faiella, an Episcopal priest from Gulf Mills, Pennsylvania

Bob Scarpone, an attorney from Flanders, New Jersey (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $38,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
This disease with a geographical name is known as Spotted Fever for short
    $100 8
Bay, Bow & Oriel are special types of these openings
    $100 12
"Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over" this— quite a feat
    $100 16
In December 1991 this superpower ceased to exist
    $100 1
Her Philadelphia story includes the fact she was a princess of Monaco
    $100 6
First lady
    $200 9
This, defined as the freezing of a body part, should never be treated with a hot-water bottle
    $200 17
This tiered Buddhist temple tower is called a Sotoba or Tahoto in Japanese
    $200 13
She "made some tarts, all on a summer's day"
    $200 20
He was named Leader for Life in December 1979, & life for this Iranian lasted another 10 years
    $200 2
The Information Please Almanac lists this famous native's occupation as "Flagmaker"
    $200 27
Way out
    $300 10
Characterized by a skin rash & often caused by drugs, photosensitivity is an abnormal reaction to this
    $300 24
It's the type of navigational aid ancient Mariners called a pharos
    $300 15
Names shared by 2 blackbirds sitting on a hill & a boy & girl who went up a hill
    $300 21
On December 14, 1911 this point on Earth was reached for the first time
    $300 3
"I spy" with my little eye this Fat Albert creator
    $300 28
Way up
    $400 11
An overactive thyroid gland may cause Exophthalmos, an abnormal bulging or protrusion of these
    $400 25
Foliated means carved with ornaments in the shapes of these
    $400 18
"As I was going to" this place, "I met a man with seven wives"
    DD: $1,500 22
He married Mary Godwin in December 1816, 3 weeks after his first wife's body was recovered from a lake
    $400 4
Basketball's stilt
    $400 29
Listen in
    $500 14
9-letter surgical term for the creation of an artificial opening in the colon
    $500 26
The Ward, the courtyard of one of these fortified structures, is also called the bailey
    $500 19
She "sat among the cinders, warming her ten little toes"
    $500 23
This Italian-American's atomic pile produced the world's first chain reaction in December 1942
    $500 5
Read one of this Philadelphia-born anthropologist's books & you may want to read "Samoa"
    $500 30
Change of life

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Willie Jeff
$1,100 $1,900 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Willie Jeff
$500 $2,600 -$100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
After losing his wings, he washed up on an island known thereafter as Icaria
    $200 26
This city's Star-Bulletin & Advertiser newspapers have the largest circulation in Hawaii
    $200 1
In 1990 this president made his first nomination to the Supreme Court-- David H. Souter
    $200 8
This country's highest point is Rysy Peak, about 60 miles south of Krakow
    $200 7
As a child she appeared briefly in "In The Good Old Summertime" with her mother, Judy Garland
    $200 18
In this novel Hester Prynne's husband conceals his identity & assumes the name Roger Chillingworth
    $400 11
Tyndareus was the human father of this woman for whom the Greeks fought at Troy
    $400 27
Founded in 1903, this city's Star is Indiana's largest paper
    $400 2
In June 1812 this president asked for & received a Declaration of War against Great Britain
    $400 15
This nation's longest river, the Artibonite, has its source in the Dominican Republic
    $400 9
Andrew Davis, who directed this 1993 film, said he never saw the David Janssen series in the '60s
    $400 19
This detective is 7 years younger than his brother Mycroft
    $600 12
The Aegis was the armour made by this supreme god from the skin of the goat that nursed him
    $600 28
This Boston paper won the Pulitzer Prize for meritorious public service in 1966 & 1975
    $600 4
From 1923 to 1925, this president attended the Kansas City Law School
    $600 23
Among the busiest ports lying on this sea are Samsun, Turkey & Varna, Bulgaria
    $600 10
Lily Tomlin & Jodie Foster played ladies of the evening in this director's "Shadows and Fog"
    $600 20
This 1956 Grace Metalious novel was originally titled "The Tree and the Blossom"
    $800 13
This first woman was one of the creations of Hephaestus, the fire god
    $800 29
When this New York tabloid appeared in 1919, it had "Illustrated" in its name
    DD: $1,300 5
On Feb. 3, 1930 he retired as Chief Justice; 33 days later, he died
    DD: $1,400 24
Jersey is the most populous of this British island group
    $800 16
Claire Trevor won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for this Bogart film set on a Florida island
    $800 21
The High Lama in this novel is actually a 250-year-old Capuchin Friar named Father Perrault
    $1000 14
The mother of this patricidal king of Thebes is called Epicaste in the "Odyssey" & Jocasta by Sophocles
    $1000 30
1 of 2 Ohio newspapers that exceed 250,000 in daily circulation
    $1000 6
He was the first president to serve in the 20th century
    $1000 25
It's the capital of Northern Italy's Lombardy region
    $1000 17
Bertolt Brecht collaborated with this director of "M" on the 1943 film "Hangmen Also Die"
    $1000 22
"Fiesta" is the British title of this Hemingway novel

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Willie Jeff
$8,600 $10,200 $1,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1962 this airline used the ad line "My son, the pilot"

Final scores:

Bob Willie Jeff
$4,200 $3,199 $0
5-day champion: $42,401 2nd place: Broyhill living room set + Carpet One carpeting 3rd place: Hammerman lizard brooch

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Willie Jeff
$9,600 $9,600 $1,300
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
7 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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