Suggest correction - #2651 - 1996-02-26

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    $200 26
This country's Manchego cheese is made from the milk of manchego sheep in La Mancha

Show #2651 - Monday, February 26, 1996

Bob Scarpone game 3.


Burl Hall, a physicist from Los Alamos, New Mexico

Lynn Harvey, a high school teacher from Mantua, Ohio

Bob Scarpone, an attorney from Flanders, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
On April 25, 1789 the Senate elected its first of these officials who open the sessions with prayer
    $100 26
From 1982 to 1993 only 2 women won the singles at Wimbledon: Martina Navratilova & this German
    $100 2
Germany's highest mountain, the 9,720-foot Zugspitze, is in this range
    $100 9
In 1985 this greeting card company won the National Medal of Arts for its contribution to American culture
    $100 16
These members of a pride do most of the hunting & killing
    $100 21
Some biologists classify the blue-green types of these simple organisms as bacteria
    $200 4
Section 7 of the Constitution requires a yea-and-nay vote on the question of overriding one of these
    $200 27
In the 1976 Olympics, this Romanian received a perfect 10 on the uneven bars
    $200 3
A museum in Schrobenhausen is devoted to this spear vegetable
    $200 10
This Tibetan received the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Freedom Medal in 1994
    $200 17
On summer nights in Austin, Texas swarms of these mammals emerge from under the Congress Ave. Bridge to feed
    $200 22
It precedes mail, sick & mattress
    $300 6
From 1836 to 1844 a "gag rule" forbade house debate on any bill dealing with the abolition of this
    $300 28
This American runner holds the world record in both the 100-meter & 200-meter sprints
    $300 5
It starts in late September & lasts for 2 weeks, during which a few million liters of beer are consumed
    $300 11
This "Mood Indigo" composer was the NAACP's Spingarn Medal winner in 1959
    $300 18
It can pinch, bite & sting its prey anytime, not just between October 23 & November 21
    $300 23
A city in southeast Texas, or a famous chipmunk
    $400 7
In 1970 Congress repealed this resolution authorizing military action in Vietnam
    $400 29
In 1992 & 1994, she won an Olympic gold medal in the 1,000-meter speed skating event
    $400 14
This Bavarian city hosted the 1972 Olympics
    $400 12
In 1954 he won an Edgar Allan Poe award for his novel "The Long Goodbye"
    $400 19
These bivalves stay under the mud by extending their siphons into the water
    $400 24
It's an automaton that resembles a human being
    DD: $800 8
Dennis Chavez & Octaviano Larrazolo, the first 2 Hispanic senators, represented this state
    $500 30
Women in this sport who won the Sullivan Award include Debbie Meyer, Tracy Caulkins & Janet Evans
    $500 15
Famous painters born in Bavaria include this elder & younger pair with the same name
    $500 13
In 1965 this oral polio vaccine developer was given an Albert Lasker Medical Research Award
    $500 20
The Greeks called licorice glykyrrhiza, "sweet" this, the part of the plant it came from
    $500 25
It's been said this California city stands for "everything from A to Z in the USA"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Lynn Burl
$3,400 $500 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Lynn Burl
$5,000 $700 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1914 this future Italian dictator was expelled from the Socialist Party
    $200 11
Dying at the hands of Romeo, Paris asks to be put in this woman's tomb
    $200 26
This country's Manchego cheese is made from the milk of manchego sheep in La Mancha
    $200 6
Sadly, he died of a brain tumor less than 2 years after the premiere of his opera "Porgy and Bess"
    $200 12
"Conan the Destroyer" was a 1984 sequel to this adventure film full of muscle & mayhem
    $200 21
In the 1700s the poets known as the Hartford Wits were also known as this state's Wits
    $400 2
This second king of Egypt's fourth dynasty built one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    $400 17
After Caesar's murder he shakes the bloody hands of all the conspirators
    $400 27
This country's Coulommiers Cheese is quite similar to its Brie de Meaux
    $400 7
"The American Maid" is a 1913 operetta by this "March King"
    $400 13
Robert Evans was originally set to co-star with Jack Nicholson in "The Two Jakes", a sequel to this 1974 film
    $400 22
The first successful U.S. car powered by this was built by the Duryea Brothers in 1893
    DD: $1,000 3
He was the last Dutch governor of New Netherland
    $600 18
1st line of the soliloquy that ends, "The fair Ophelia--nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered"
    $600 28
Sapsago, which is flavored with clover, has been made in this Alpine country for hundreds of years
    $600 8
This great German composer had 20 children; 4 of them became prominent composers
    $600 14
Lesley Ann Warren starred in "Clue" & Alicia Silverstone was in this comedy whose title is 4 letters longer
    $600 23
A story says this keelboatman scared Davy Crockett's wife by dressing up in an alligator skin
    $800 4
Elected president of Mexico in 1861, he had earlier presided over the Supreme Court
    DD: $1,000 19
Gremio asks him, "Will you woo this wild-cat?"
    $800 29
Gjetost, a brown cheese from this Scandinavian country, is made from the whey of cow's milk & goat's milk
    $800 9
This "Firebird" composer's ballet score "Pulcinella" was based on music by an 18th century composer
    $800 15
Film in which Bogie said, "You'll excuse me, gentlemen. Your business is politics. Mine is running a saloon"
    $800 24
The name of these Native American people may mean "true Ute" or "water Ute"
    $1000 5
This deranged Roman was known as "The Horse Emperor"
    $1000 20
Macbeth tells 2 murderers "to leave no rubs nor botches" in killing this man who returns as a ghost
    $1000 30
The celebrated pungent odor of this Belgian cheese becomes even stronger as it ripens
    $1000 10
It was the native country of composer Zoltan Kodaly who wrote the 1926 opera "Hary Janos"
    $1000 16
Tommy Lee Jones played Loretta Lynn's husband Mooney in this movie bio that won Sissy Spacek an Oscar
    $1000 25
The International Peace Garden lies on this "Peace Garden State"'s border with Manitoba

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Lynn Burl
$9,000 $3,700 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Olga Ivinskaya, who passed away in Moscow in 1995, was the inspiration for this character

Final scores:

Bob Lynn Burl
$7,401 $700 $2,000
3-day champion: $27,602 3rd place: Motorola MicroTAC cellular phone 2nd place: trip to Mexico City & Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Lynn Burl
$9,700 $3,700 $2,800
35 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
1 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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