Suggest correction - #2660 - 1996-03-08

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    $500 30
Chris Dickerson was the first Black Mr. America & she was the first Black Miss America

Show #2660 - Friday, March 8, 1996


Kevin Shultz, a foreign language student originally from Austin, Texas

Andrew Burtle, a financial consultant from Falls Church, Virginia

Carolyn Christian, a foreign service officer stationed at Jakarta, Indonesia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $31,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
In 1783 he wrote his farewell orders to the Army at Berrien House in Rocky Hill
    $100 16
Orson Welles & Herman Mankiewicz won Oscars for writing this 1941 film, Welles' directorial debut
    $100 6
Irish stew is made with lamb or this older meat
    $100 1
Tomato juice is the traditional deodorant for the foul-smelling spray of this black & white mammal
    $100 26
He played with the Indianapolis Clowns in the Negro League before hitting 755 home runs in the majors
    $100 11
Jumpin' Jagger
    $200 22
The Savannah, the first merchant ship powered by this, was launched at Camden, New Jersey in 1959
    $200 17
Among the songs in this animated Beatles film are "When I'm Sixty-Four" & "All You Need Is Love"
    $200 7
Native to France, the Belon type of this is great for eating on the half shell
    $200 2
Endangered subspecies of this cat include the Javan & Siberian
    $200 27
Eldridge Cleaver served as this party's Minister of Information
    $200 12
Master mime Marcel
    $300 23
This man who served as the 22nd & 24th president was the only native New Jerseyan to become president
    $300 18
Buck Henry, who co-wrote the film, played a desk clerk in this 1967 Dustin Hoffman-Anne Bancroft movie
    $300 8
This plant whose red stalks are made into pie is a member of the buckwheat family
    $300 3
To kill a cobra this mammal sidesteps the snake's strike & bites its head
    $300 28
In 1969 she wrote "My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr."
    $300 13
Leading lady Learned
    $400 24
The Kittatinny Mountains, which include New Jersey's highest point, are part of this great chain
    $400 19
In "The French Connection", Gene Hackman played detective Jimmy Doyle, who had this nickname
    $400 9
Shoofly pie originated among Germans living in this U.S. state
    $400 4
A unau is a 2-toed type of this slow-moving arboreal mammal
    $400 29
It's the largest & one of the most influential civil rights groups in America
    $400 14
Code creator
    DD: $1,000 25
It's believed New Jersey was first explored by this Italian for whom a NYC bridge is named
    $500 20
For his role as an Alcatraz convict in "Murder in the First", this "Footloose" star lost 20 pounds
    $500 10
Creme brulee is a rich custard topped with a brittle layer of this
    $500 5
Found in Africa, the Cape species of this bovine can kill lions with its hoofs & horns
    $500 30
Chris Dickerson was the first Black Mr. America & she was the first Black Miss America
    $500 15
Gruesome Gorgon

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carolyn Andrew Kevin
$1,900 $900 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carolyn Andrew Kevin
$3,400 $2,800 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
You'll find an abundance of this element in limestone & marble, & in your bones
    $200 6
Lake Garda, this country's largest lake, lies about halfway between Venice & Milan
    $200 11
Bronze vessels with animal motifs typify this country's Shang Dynasty sculptures
    $200 21
Lyndon proposed marriage to her the day of their first date
    $200 14
Pennsylvania's Swarthmore College was established in 1864 by this religious denomination
    $200 30
The 1st theatrical "entertainment" Harriet Beecher Stowe saw was a version of this novel she wrote
    $400 2
In 1993 the EPA advised that people buying a house should check for this gas, symbol Rn
    $400 7
Punta Arenas, Chile is the chief port on this strait
    $400 12
Appropriately, he painted the "Blue Room" during his Blue Period, in 1901
    $400 22
Elizabeth Monroe ended many of this predecessor's practices, such as constant open houses
    $400 15
Under Apartheid universities in this country were divided into Afrikaans- & English-speaking
    $400 29
Thornton Wilder's 1943 Pulitzer for "The Skin of Our Teeth" came 5 years after he won for this play
    $600 3
The anesthetic known as laughing gas is an oxide of this element
    $600 8
The Chicago River flows out of this Great Lake into the Mississippi River basin
    $600 13
She painted the "Purple Hills Near Abiquiu", New Mexico in 1935
    $600 23
After her release from a mental hospital in 1875, she moved to France & lived there until 1880
    $600 16
Bernard M. Baruch is one of the colleges of this, CUNY for short
    $600 28
This Goethe play opens with Mephistopheles in Heaven
    $800 4
Making up the iron family on the periodic table are iron, nickel & this blue-tinged metal
    DD: $1,500 9
This bay off France & Spain is sometimes called the Gulf of Gascony
    $800 19
A famous Delacroix painting shows her "Leading the People" 28 July 1830
    $800 24
Her ill appearance on June 18, 1881 kept Charles Guiteau from shooting her husband for 2 weeks
    $800 17
In 1869 the University of California moved from Oakland to this neighboring city
    $800 27
Galsworthy wrote "The Skin Game" & D.L. Coburn wrote this "Game" that starred Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy
    $1000 5
Einsteinium & this element, symbol Fm, were first produced in a 1952 thermonuclear explosion
    $1000 10
This Siberian lake contains more than 1/5 of the world's unfrozen fresh water
    $1000 20
Andrea del Verrocchio, one of this city's finest sculptors, may have been a pupil of Donatello
    DD: $3,100 25
Visiting San Jose in the last year of her husband's presidency, she was given a banner by the WCTU
    $1000 18
Most of this D.C. university's undergraduate courses are open to hearing-impaired students only
    $1000 26
One critic called "A Streetcar Named Desire" a rewrite of this author's "Miss Julie"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carolyn Andrew Kevin
$13,800 -$900 $7,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

He adapted a rejected treatise on exploring Africa by balloon into an 1863 novel, his first big success

Final scores:

Carolyn Andrew Kevin
$12,600 -$900 $14,800
2nd place: Zodiac sports watch + Service Merchandise catalog 3rd place: New Braunfels smoker/grill barbecue New champion: $14,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carolyn Andrew Kevin
$13,800 $1,700 $6,700
34 R,
3 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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