Suggest correction - #2321 - 1994-10-10

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    $200 9
This pediatrician began writing his "Baby and Child Care" book while serving in the Navy during World War II

Show #2321 - Monday, October 10, 1994

Tom Nichols game 5-B.


Tom Nichols, a professor originally from Chicopee, Massachusetts (4-day co-champion whose cash winnings total $45,690)

Quintin Lang, a computer consultant from London, Ontario

Dorothy Mallonee, a service representative from Fullerton, California (1-day co-champion whose cash winnings total $6,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
This "lucky" racketeer was deported to Italy in February
    $100 12
For its U.S. release, quotation marks were added to the word "crocodile"
    $100 21
In 1993 this Chevy sports car celebrated its 40th birthday
    $100 9
Date of Venezuela's Independence Day celebration; it's a day after ours
    $100 1
Reggiano is a type of this delicious cheese that's usually grated
    $100 22
This London river has been called "liquid history"
    $200 4
This university announced it would continue allowing Radcliffe coeds in some classes
    $200 13
In this 1979 film set in the near future Mel Gibson's voice was dubbed for U.S. release
    $200 27
The expression "a real doozy" became popular after the introduction of this car in the 1920s
    $200 14
The basic unit of currency is named for this liberator & native son
    $200 2
Tetley makes tea bags in this atypical shape
    $200 23
On Mothering Sunday, the 4th Sunday in this pre-Easter season, children give gifts to their mothers
    $300 6
In April this international organization expired, turning over its property to the U.N.
    $300 15
We're serious; Yahoo Serious played this "Young" inventor
    $300 28
In 1989 Nissan unveiled its Infiniti & Toyota launched this luxury line
    $300 18
The capitol, dedicated in this city in 1877, houses the National Congress
    $300 5
Before it's sliced, this New Zealand fruit resembles a big brown egg covered with fuzz
    $300 24
Because its Latin name is Cantabrigia, a student at this school is a Cantabrigian
    $400 10
In March France recognized the Republic of Vietnam with this man as president
    $400 16
This supermodel gained 20 lbs. for "Sirens" & then returned to the weight SI readers are familiar with
    $400 29
Some of this Swedish co.'s 1995 models, including the 850 Turbo, feature side-impact air bags
    $400 19
The llaneros of Venezuela are equivalent to the vaqueros of Mexico or these in the U.S.
    $400 7
Whole milk that's had about 60% of its water removed but no sugar added is called this
    $400 25
This lovely old town in the Cotswolds shares its name with America's "Great White Way"
    $500 11
This generalissimo completed editing a new Chinese translation of the New Testament
    $500 17
Director who gave us "The Year of Living Dangerously", "Picnic At Hanging Rock" & "The Last Wave"
    $500 30
Mazda's MX-5 2-seater convertible is also known by this name
    $500 20
This industry's boom in the 1920s made Venezuela a cash-rich country
    $500 8
Aquavit is a Scandinavian liquor made from grains or these vegetables
    DD: $1,500 26
The royal pavilion in this seaside resort city boasts a magnificent collection of gold plate

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dorothy Quintin Tom
$1,200 $900 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dorothy Quintin Tom
$1,900 $1,300 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
The large amounts of soil carried by China's Hwang Ho River give it this colorful English name
    $200 3
His 1938 collection "The Long Valley" includes one of his most famous stories, "The Red Pony"
    $200 22
This dance is often performed to the song "Aloha Oe"
    $200 9
This pediatrician began writing his "Baby and Child Care" book while serving in the Navy during World War II
    $200 1
Battles in this state included those at Fort Henry, Franklin & Murfreesboro
    $200 2
This character, not Horatio, is the famous horn blower of nursery rhymes
    $400 23
Islay is sometimes called "The Queen of" this Scottish island group, both "Inner" & "Outer"
    $400 4
Edgar Lee Masters' most famous book, it's a series of epitaphs written in free verse
    $400 27
Some of these clickers that accompany the bolero are made of ivory
    $400 18
The first successful treatment of this disease used insulin obtained from beef pancreases
    $400 8
On March 8, 1862 this Confederate ship destroyed 2 Union ships at Hampton Roads
    $400 13
Joliet Jake & Elwood, collectively
    $600 24
This Winter Olympics site was named after the Roman emperor Gratian, who was killed at Lyon not far away
    $600 5
This 1st Theodore Dreiser novel shocked the publisher's wife, who kept it from wide distribution
    $600 28
Morris dancers can make their own music because they adorn themselves with these jingling items
    $600 19
In the past this disease of the lungs was called consumption
    $600 10
Braxton Bragg, one of the Confederacy's 8 full generals, has a fort named for him in this state
    $600 15
Founded in 1970, this organization was set up to fight age discrimination
    DD: $500 25
The Gulf of Aden is a natural sea link between the Arabian Sea & this sea
    $800 6
In 1957 he published "The Town", the second novel in his Snopes trilogy
    $800 29
Chopin wrote music for this frenzied dance connected with the mania known as tarantism
    $800 20
In this procedure a balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a blocked artery & the balloon is inflated
    $800 11
Union troops were sent to Texas in 1863 to hold the Rio Grande line against this Fr. emperor's troops
    $800 16
Poet who wrote, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise"
    $1000 26
This river that begins in Canada & ends in Alaska is one of North America's 5 longest
    $1000 7
Tennessee Williams considered her novella "The Ballad of the Sad Cafe" a masterpiece
    $1000 30
"An Evening's Waltzes" is a ballet danced to 5 waltzes by this "Peter and the Wolf" composer
    DD: $600 21
In 1893 this Army bacteriologist was named Curator of the Army Medical Museum in Washington, D.C.
    $1000 12
Some of the heaviest fighting of the 1862 battle near this Maryland creek took place at Dunker Church
    $1000 17
He's famous for his monologues "Swimming To Cambodia" & "Monster in a Box"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dorothy Quintin Tom
$8,500 $4,700 $6,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Jefferson said it "is no excuse in any country... because it can always be pretended"

Final scores:

Dorothy Quintin Tom
$4,999 $2,000 $11,990
2nd place: Gateway PC + Bassett home computer workstation 3rd place: Krups kitchen appliance package 5-day champion: $57,680

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dorothy Quintin Tom
$9,100 $4,700 $8,000
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
2 W
21 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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