Suggest correction - #18 - 2023-05-23

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    $600 19
Penultimate in a synonym for mucus; let me clear my throat!

Jeopardy! Masters game #18 - Tuesday, May 23, 2023

2023 Jeopardy! Masters semifinal game 4.


Matt Amodio, a postdoctoral researcher from Cambridge, Massachusetts

Andrew He, a software developer from San Francisco, California

Mattea Roach, a writer and podcaster from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jeopardy! Round

(Neil deGrasse Tyson: I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, your personal astrophysicist. When I was a kid, I came to the American Museum of Natural History to marvel at the universe. Today, I'll have clues about those marvels from my offices here.)
    200 25
The real-life Alnwick castle was used for this reel-life fortress built by Godric Gryffindor & 3 others
    200 26
Roll out the barrel maker: journalist who named his first son Wyatt
    200 27
A pat of this is equal to about 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons
    200 28
Anya Taylor-Joy voiced this character in "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"
    200 29
Beginning another word for a jack in a deck of playing cards
    200 30
(Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) It was controversial, but I supported the downgrading of Pluto to dwarf planet status by this body, the IAU for short
    400 8
Prince Adam of Eternia transforms into He-Man by raising his power sword & proclaiming, "By the power of" this castle
    400 16
A variation on one who trains birds of prey: this author of "As I Lay Dying"
    400 23
No measuring utensils? no problem! It'll help to know that this measurement is about the size of a baseball
    400 13
This screwball comedy involves Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn & a pet leopard
    400 24
In a word for the side post of a doorway
    DD: 4,400 22
(Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) At age 14, I traveled to Africa to observe a total solar eclipse, an impressive event in which the Moon blots out the Sun, revealing only this outermost solar atmosphere
    600 6
This creator of Bertie Wooster wrote a series of stories about Lord Emsworth & family set at Blandings Castle
    600 11
4-time Kentucky Derby-winning jockey from 1955 to 1986
    600 20
This word indicates that a dry ingredient should be mounded over the rim of the measuring utensil
    600 3
This Bill Murray "Ghostbusters" character has PhDs in parapsychology & psychology
    600 19
Penultimate in a synonym for mucus; let me clear my throat!
    600 21
(Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) This facility at 81st Street off Central Park West has special meaning for me: I visited there as a kid, became starstruck & today I'm the director
    800 5
In this 17th century work, Great-Heart & Old Honest rescue Mr. Despondency & Much-Afraid, prisoners in Doubting Castle
    800 10
Precious metal worker who wrote the music for "Chinatown" & "Hoosiers"
    800 17
It's one itty-bitty branch of an herb plant; one of rosemary is about 3 inches long
    800 2
Robin Williams had a cameo as a mime class instructor in this film that Bobcat Goldthwait wrote, directed & starred in
    800 18
In an old word for a compound produced in food by bacteria; it used to be found before "poisoning"
    800 12
(Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) "Jeopardy!" folks are unquestionably bright, but these phenomena are the most luminous objects in the universe, capable of emitting one trillion times the energy of our Sun
    1000 4
"The Castle of" this place, written in 1764 by Horace Walpole, is said to be the first Gothic novel in the English language
    1000 9
Keeper of the cupboard who wrote the classic baseball stories collected in "You Know Me Al"
    1000 7
This word from French for just a hint of an ingredient sounds like a way mom calls the gang to dinner
    1000 1
This 2000 film has a choreographer named Sparky demonstrating, "these are spirit fingers"
    1000 14
Starting a word from Arabic for "demon"
    1000 15
(Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) I take a special interest in this smallest of Uranus' five major moons; with its high cliffs & low gravity, if you dropped a rock, it would fall for ten minutes; in fact, my wife & I gave my daughter the same Shakespearean name

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea Andrew Matt
2,800 8,800 4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    400 5
10th century: this Bohemian prince is murdered; later, he would Czech in as a saint
    400 8
The Gulf of Venice & the Gulf of Trieste lie at the northern end of this sea
    400 26
This Shakespearean actor was knighted in 1947 and became Baron of Brighton in 1970 for his theater work
    400 25
The union rep within a workplace is the "shop" one of these; former labor secretary Hilda Solis' dad was one
    400 29
Hats hoff to this '80s show, "a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man... who does not exist"
    400 28
Servants of Loughmask House, the Irish residence of this land agent, were told not to work there, giving rise to an eponym
    800 6
17th century: in 1642 the Mongols depose Tibet's rulers & offer the job to the guy with this title
    800 9
The seat of Pinellas county, this Florida gulf coast city got its name when someone noticed springs with really...
    800 23
This baroness had a cameo in "The Sound of Music"; she can be seen in the background as Julie Andrews sings "I have confidence"
    800 24
Feline term for a strike by a group of employees without the consent of their union
    800 30
Huggy Bear says word on the street is these 2 title cops were drivin' a red Ford Gran Torino, also called the Striped Tomato
    800 27
This mythic king of Phrygia who was punished by having fruit just out of reach gave his name to a verb for that type of torment
    1200 3
12th century: construction of it begins in 1176; the British nursery rhyme & game, a bit after
    1200 10
The Gulf of Roses is part of this Costa in northeast Spain whose name can mean rugged as well as courageous
    1200 16
This Danish author became a baroness upon marrying her cousin, Baron Bror von Blixen-Finecke, in 1914
    1200 21
Becky Pringle is president of this union, America's largest with about 3 million members
    1200 22
"This is" the 1970s P.I. who drove a sierra gold Pontiac Firebird esprit; "at the tone, leave your name & message, I'll get back to you"
    1200 18
This plant that has brilliant scarlet, pink or white petallike bracts is named for a U.S. minister to Mexico in the 1820s
    DD: 13,200 4
3rd century: the first written reference to this Blue Man Group of present Scotland has them attacking Hadrian's Wall
    DD: 6,000 2
This gulf named for a Yemeni seaport was once a haven for piracy such as the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama in 2009
    1600 15
Instrumental in the revival of the Olympic games, this Frenchman served as president of the IOC from 1896 to 1925
    1600 1
Born Mary Harris, she was called the "most dangerous woman in America" in 1902 for her success in organizing mine workers
    1600 19
Go, Speed Racer, go! & went, Speed Racer went in this car designed by Dad; features included rotary saws & amphibiousness
    1600 12
CJD is short for this disease of the nervous system named for a pair of German neurologists
    2000 7
6th century: this "B" list Roman translates Aristotle into Latin
    2000 11
The Equator & prime meridian intersect in this gulf that stretches from Cape Lopez in Gabon to Cape Palmas in Liberia
    2000 14
The sky is blue because of the dispersion of light called this "scattering" named for a British baron
    2000 17
The 2009 Fair Pay Act was named for this woman who sued her employer Goodyear for pay discrimination
    2000 20
In 1963 Fred Gwynne copped out on this sitcom whose title was a question itself; a year later, Fred was a Munster
    2000 13
An inspector general of infantry, he shaped Louis XIV's regular army; his name lives on as a drillmaster or disciplinarian

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mattea Andrew Matt
6,400 16,000 32,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Appropriately, the last performance at the Vienna State Opera before it was destroyed in 1945 by Allied bombs was this opera from 1876

Final scores:

Mattea Andrew Matt
5,799 15,199 32,800
3rd place: 2 match points 2nd place: 2 match points (eliminated): 4th place: $100,000 Winner: 3 match points

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mattea Andrew Matt
6,400 12,000 16,800
14 R,
1 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: 35,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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