Suggest correction - #2615 - 1996-01-05

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    $100 5
In 1995 Candice Bergen received her fifth Emmy for playing this title role

Show #2615 - Friday, January 5, 1996


Tom Russ, a research scientist originally from Munich, Germany

Earl Williams, a graduate student from Los Angeles, California

Gareth Jones, a real estate appraiser from Visalia, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,597)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
In Korea this process used metal type by 1250
    $100 5
In 1995 Candice Bergen received her fifth Emmy for playing this title role
    $100 16
The choke, the fine, hairlike growth covering the heart of this vegetable, is inedible
    $100 10
He was the son of either Jacob or Heli as well as the husband of Mary
    $100 13
In this type of election, voters choose the candidates who will run in a later election
    $100 24
Also known as an interrogation mark, it ends an interrogative sentence
    $200 2
On May 21, 1932 she landed in Northern Ireland, becoming the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo
    $200 6
On this series Kevin attended Robert F. Kennedy Junior High
    $200 19
The bell, or green, type of this is produced by the same plant as the pimiento, or red
    $200 11
According to Matthew 3:4, this forerunner of Jesus dined on locusts & wild honey
    $200 14
The heads of the executive departments are part of this group that advises the president
    $200 27
Generally, adverbs end with these 2 letters
    $300 3
Seymour Hersh won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on this 1968 massacre
    $300 8
On "Gunsmoke" Miss Kitty was the owner of this Dodge City watering hole
    $300 20
This is the favored variety of grape for making grape jelly
    DD: $500 12
Matthew lists 9 of these declarations whose name comes from Latin for "happiness"; Luke lists only 4
    $300 15
Phrase for a long-shot candidate for nomination; Polk was the first to win the presidency
    $300 28
It's the word used incorrectly in the sentence "My friend and myself attended the party."
    $400 4
In June 1800 he defeated Austrian general Michael von Melas at the Battle of Marengo
    $400 9
This series' theme song, "The Unknown Stuntman", was sung by Lee Majors
    $400 21
Native Americans showed the early colonists how to make a sweet sauce from this red fruit
    $400 25
The name of this Old Testament book comes from the Septuagint & probably refers to the census that begins it
    $400 17
Though the person in this post leads the Senate in the VP's absence, the majority leader has more power
    $400 29
Can, may & should are considered auxiliary ones
    $500 7
In July 1901 Morocco signed an agreement with this European country, setting its frontier with Algeria
    $500 23
This housekeeper was based on Ted Key's cartoons for the Saturday Evening Post
    $500 22
Vegetable spaghetti, whose flesh forms spaghetti-like strands, is this type of vegetable
    $500 26
This third son of Adam lived 912 years
    $500 18
This agency's "Fairness Doctrine" was repealed in 1987
    $500 30
It's acceptable to end a sentence with one of these parts of speech, as in "She knew what to look for."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Gareth Earl Tom
$1,100 $600 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gareth Earl Tom
$2,800 $600 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Cheng Ho, a Chinese explorer, thought this tallest African animal was the legendary unicorn
    $200 1
Graduates of this New Haven school include Nathan Hale & George Bush
    $200 10
This Greek poet probably invented the sapphic, a 4-line stanza whose first 3 lines have 11 syllables
    $200 13
There are 3 systems for romanizing this language: Hepburn, Kunrei & Nippon
    $200 7
Botticelli & Ghirlandaio painted Biblical frescoes in this world-famous Papal chapel
    $200 18
Its ports include Seattle & Tacoma
    $400 3
This Genoese explorer was in Lisbon in 1488 when Dias returned from rounding Africa
    $400 5
In Indianapolis Indiana University & this university share a campus
    $400 27
In "The Task" William Cowper wrote, "Variety's the very" this
    $400 14
Tagalog became the nucleus for this country's Pilipino language
    $400 23
His famous portrait of his mother was purchased for the Musee du Luxembourg in 1891
    $400 19
To alert or raise a hue & cry
    $600 4
Rustichello wrote the original tale of this fellow prisoner's trip to the Far East in French
    $600 6
The main campus of the University of Colorado lies at the base of the Rockies in this city
    $600 28
In "Howl" he wrote, "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"
    $600 15
Neapolitan is a dialect of this Romance language
    $600 24
He painted "Mademoiselle Fiocre in the Ballet 'La Source'" around 1866
    $600 20
3-word proverb that shows the value of no sound
    $800 11
In 1611 his Discovery crew mutinied in James Bay
    $800 8
This university has a school of biomedical sciences at Oak Ridge
    $800 29
This Eliot poem begins, "Let us go then, you and I, when the evening is spread out against the sky"
    $800 16
The name of this literary language of the Hindus means "perfected"
    $800 25
In 1929 & 1930 she completed a series of paintings of the Ranchos de Taos Church in New Mexico
    $800 21
It was the first number one hit for a duo once known as Tom & Jerry
    $1000 12
In 1498 he told Calicut's ruler the Portuguese wanted trade; in 1502 he bombarded the city
    $1000 9
City in which the Belarus State University is located
    $1000 30
The introduction of his "Songs of Innocence" begins, "Piping down the valleys wild"
    DD: $1,000 17
Lingala is a language spoken from Kinshasa to Kisangani in this country
    $1000 26
Maurice de Vlaminck was one of these "wild beasts" whose paintings shocked the art world in 1905
    DD: $1,800 22
1965 & 1991 Best Picture Oscar winners

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gareth Earl Tom
$7,200 $2,600 $1,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first Russian winner, he was awarded the 1904 Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Final scores:

Gareth Earl Tom
$9,199 $3,201 $2,700
4-day champion: $27,796 2nd place: trip to Santa Cruz + Samsung camcorder 3rd place: limousine ride from Carey Limousine

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gareth Earl Tom
$7,700 $2,600 $3,400
24 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
4 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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