Suggest correction - #2233 - 1994-04-27

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    $200 7
Camp Fire observes its founders day on this date when many honor St. Patrick

Show #2233 - Wednesday, April 27, 1994

Widespread pre-emption for Nixon funeral.


Edwin Gulley, a consultant originally from Atlanta, Georgia

David Connor, an ordained minister from Lakewood, Ohio

Mark Sydel, a teacher of the deaf originally from Brooklyn, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
Franklin Buchanan was wounded & forced to give up command of this ship just before it met the Monitor
    $100 1
In golf a score of 3 over par on a given hole is a "triple" one of these
    $100 6
Women's Equality Day, August 26, is the anniversary of U.S. women getting the right to do this
    $100 26
A "walk" named for this humped mammal was popular in the 1920s
    $100 21
This first first lady called herself "steady as a clock, busy as a bee, and cheerful as a cricket"
    $100 20
Of the three Bs, the one who's Schroeder's personal favorite in "Peanuts"
    $200 12
Gen. James Longstreet advised Lee against attacking Meade's forces at this 1863 Penn. battle
    $200 2
In 1992 this NFL franchise announced plans to move to Alexandria, Virginia in 1994
    $200 7
Camp Fire observes its founders day on this date when many honor St. Patrick
    $200 27
The canary, a lively court dance of the past, was named for this place, not for a bird
    $200 22
In "The Fountainhead", she wrote, "Kill reverence and you've killed the hero in man"
    $200 19
This board game has the same name as Richard Nixon's famous Cocker Spaniel
    $300 13
Meriwether Lewis Clark, son of this famed explorer, served as a colonel of artillery during the war
    $300 3
Sergei Bubka, the world record holder in this event, did not clear any height in it at the 1992 Olympics
    $300 8
St. Joseph's Day marks the return of the swallows to this state's mission of San Juan Capistrano
    $300 28
To dance gaily is to "trip" this, a phrase derived from John Milton's poem "L'Allegro"
    $300 23
Resigning as prime minister of Israel, she said, "I have had enough"
    $300 16
Some of this company's Band-Aid brand adhesive bandages glow in the dark
    $400 14
The night Booth shot Lincoln, George Atzerodt failed to kill this vice president; he was hanged anyway
    $400 4
There are 2 of these corners in a ring & the standing boxer must go to one after a knockdown
    $400 9
Jordan observes his accession on August 11 & his birthday on November 14
    $400 29
The jarabe, a type of folk dance from this country, was inspired in part by the Spanish seguidilla
    $400 24
At her 1536 execution, she's quoted as saying, "I shall be Queen Anne Lackhead"
    $400 17
This word that describes Uncle Ben's Rice means that it's been parboiled
    $500 15
This Southerner's first wife was Zachary Taylor's daughter; his second, Varina Howell
    $500 5
FIFA, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, is the international governing body of this sport
    DD: $500 10
On April 18 this southern African country commemorates the end of white minority rule
    $500 30
A jiglike dance favored by sailors, or a folk instrument that can be made from part of an ox
    $500 25
"Shoot, if you must, this" type of "head, but spare your country's flag" is attributed to Barbara Frietchie
    $500 18
Ethniki Lyriki Skini is this country's national opera company

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark David Edwin
$1,000 $1,500 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark David Edwin
$1,800 $1,300 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
2-word term for the disturbance of normal body rhythms caused by flying across different time zones
    $200 7
In 1982 he was again elected governor of Alabama after 3 years out of office
    $200 23
He's the wit behind the bestseller "Seinlanguage"
    $200 1
Saint Rose of Lima is the patron saint of this continent
    $200 12
In April 1771 he joined this group of king's guards that was all for one & one for all
    $200 13
It's a step up for a ladder
    $400 19
Often occurring with viral diseases, myocarditis is the inflammation of the muscle of this organ
    $400 8
On taking office he allegedly said, "I looked around at the little fishes present, and said, 'I'm the Kingfish'"
    $400 30
Norman Mailer's "The Armies of the Night" tells of a 1967 anti-war march on this Arlington, Virginia building
    $400 2
The southernmost part of this country's mainland is called the Lizard; it's part of Cornwall
    $400 18
Before turning his attention fully to the telegraph, he painted a portrait of Lafayette
    $400 14
It's a tournament in which each player plays every other player in turn
    $600 29
To avoid this disease, visitors to African safari parks should protect against tsetse fly bites
    $600 9
Lawton Chiles represented this state in the Senate for 18 years before he became its governor in 1991
    $600 25
In "Who Killed Martin Luther King?", this convicted assassin argues his innocence
    $600 3
Guidebooks recommend spending time in saunas heated to 200º F. when in this Finnish capital
    $600 20
After this final victory October 19, 1781, Lafayette wrote, "The play is over, the act is just ended"
    $600 15
The frost of the ancient mariner
    $800 27
About 85% of children infected with this disease, once called infantile paralysis, have no symptoms
    DD: $2,500 10
This grandson of a vice president was Illinois' governor 1949-1953
    $800 24
This humorist reflects on matrimony in "A Marriage Made in Heaven... or Too Tired for an Affair"
    $800 4
Riga, at the south end of the Gulf of Riga, is the largest city in this country
    $800 21
Pres. & minister to France who wrote that Lafayette had a "canine appetite for popularity and fame"
    $800 16
It's a circus worker who sets up the tent, takes care of the animals & handles the equipment
    $1000 28
The Duchenne type of this disorder usually appears between the ages of 3 & 5
    $1000 11
In 1829 Martin Van Buren served 2 months as governor of this state & then resigned
    $1000 26
In a 1993 book this physicist shed some new light on "Black Holes and Baby Universes"
    DD: $600 5
This northern European country's official name is Konungariket Sverige
    $1000 22
Lafayette was on the court-martial that tried this major for plotting with Benedict Arnold
    $1000 17
From the Latin ravis, "hoarseness", it means boisterously disorderly

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark David Edwin
$2,400 $4,100 $7,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The play in which Edward, Prince of Wales says, "I do not like the tower, of any place"

Final scores:

Mark David Edwin
$1 $8,105 $12,400
3rd place: Panasonic digital cassette player + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for the SNES & Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: trip on Delta to Asheville, North Carolina & stay at the Grove Park Inn Resort + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $12,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark David Edwin
$3,000 $4,100 $9,900
9 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
23 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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