Suggest correction - #1614 - 1991-09-12

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    $300 27
More than half a million pieces of mail are received every Christmas season in this small town

Show #1614 - Thursday, September 12, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Bruce Cole, a writer originally from Portland, Oregon

Ellen Jaffe McClain, a teacher from West Hollywood, California

Scott Zielan, a real estate appraiser from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,999)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 18
This dark pigment is produced by skin cells called melanocytes
    $100 8
A memorial park in Fort Wayne honors this man who planted apple trees throughout the Midwest
    $100 7
This "Around the World in 80 Days" producer was dubbed "Todd Almighty"
    $100 15
When he saw the golden calf, he broke the first set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments
    $100 1
The two heavenly bodies to whom the Aztecs built pyramids at Teotihuacan
    $100 3
Morley of "60 Minutes"; we won't give you 60 minutes to spell his last name
    $200 19
The snow that falls on these moving ice masses goes through a stage called névé or firn
    $200 26
Headquartered in Indianapolis, it's the nation's largest veterans organization
    $200 9
His standoffishness earned him the nickname "The Judge" long before he moved to Walden Pond
    $200 16
The Sermon on the Mount isn't mentioned in this fourth gospel
    $200 2
The home Philip Johnson designed in New Canaan, Connecticut, is of this type that you don't throw stones in
    $200 13
We assume this director of "La Dolce Vita" is still living la dolce vita
    $300 22
Plutonic & volcanic are two types of this major category of rocks
    $300 27
More than half a million pieces of mail are received every Christmas season in this small town
    $300 10
This Massachusetts-born woman was "The Mother of the Red Cross"
    $300 21
Matthew tells of these flowers of the field, the Song of Solomon, of the valleys
    $300 4
A Hawaiian site got this name after British sailors thought volcanic crystals were precious stones
    $300 14
Miss Mansfield,
or Miss Meadows
    $400 23
Color of the shift that scientists study to determine the distance of a quasar from Earth
    $400 28
William Henry Harrison & a thousand troops defeated the Shawnee Indians in an 1811 battle near this river
    $400 11
Commanding general, who nicknamed J.E.B. Stuart "The Eyes of the Army"
    $400 24
Samson used this part of an ass to kill a thousand Philistines at Lehi
    DD: $500 5
In the 16th century,
Catherine de Medici built these gardens on the former site of tile factories
    $400 17
Ex-TV "Police Woman" Angie told us many people misspell her last name; she spells it this way
    $500 30
These linkages holding groups of atoms together can be coordinate, electrovalent or covalent
    $500 29
You can visit the Terre Haute home of this socialist & 5-time presidential candidate
    $500 12
The 2-word nickname Eleanor Roosevelt's father gave her, or the heroine of "The Old Curiosity Shop"
    $500 25
Jesus was given this to drink on the cross
    $500 6
The Binnenhof, a 13th century complex that's the seat of the Netherlands government, is in this city
    $500 20
Gene Kelly didn't go back to Brigadoon to see Sid Caesar, but to be with this Cyd

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Scott Ellen Bruce
$600 $900 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Scott Ellen Bruce
$2,000 $2,700 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
She didn't live to see her son elected president but she did see him become Monroe's Secretary of State
    $200 12
A scientist who escapes the clutches of Captain Nemo
narrates this 1870 tale by Jules Verne
    $200 1
He was sworn in as Cuban premier on February 16th; he didn't become president until 1976
    $200 17
The largest city in Southeast Asia is Jakarta, this country's capital
    $200 30
This big wooden object is dragged inside the city walls in Act I of "The Capture of Troy"
    $200 21
He was the founding president of France's Fifth Republic
    $400 7
Mary Todd Lincoln, like her husband, was born in this state
    $400 13
Shortly after his "Candide" was published in Geneva,
it was condemned by the city council
    $400 2
Earl Long, the governor of this state, got out of a mental hospital by firing a couple of officials
    $400 18
In Singapore, more than 75% of the population is of this ethnic group
    $400 27
Rameau's opera about Castor & this brother has been called his masterpiece
    $400 23
Before discovering the Mississippi, he helped Pizarro conquer the Incas
    $600 8
Like Lucy Hayes, her immediate successor, she was the wife of a Civil War general
    $600 14
In Jane Austen's classic novel of two sisters, Eleanor represents "Sense" & Marianne this
    $600 3
Baudouin I, the 28-year-old King of this country visited the United States on a good will tour
    $600 19
Haiphong, Vietnam is the main port on this gulf
    $600 20
Written in 1600, the earliest opera that has survived is about this wife of Orpheus
    $600 10
Diamonds were first discovered in South Africa on this family's farm
    DD: $1,000 9
Dying in 1982 at the age of 97, she had lived longer than any other first lady
    $800 15
Language in which Oscar Wilde originally wrote "Salome"
    DD: $2,000 4
The headline on the Times article about the Clutter family murder; Capote used it as the title of his book
    $800 22
On January 4, 1948, Burma gained its independence from this European power
    $800 25
Henry Purcell's opera, "Dido & Aeneas", is based on Book IV of this
    $800 26
He built the Suez Canal, but failed in an attempt at a Panama Canal
    $1000 11
Knowing what life with a soldier was like,
she was against her daughter's marriage to Lieutenant Jefferson Davis
    $1000 16
"The Legend of the Knight of the Red Cross" is the first book of this epic poem
by Edmund Spencer
    $1000 5
The only New York City building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, it opened officially after his death
    $1000 24
It's the only nation in Southeast Asia ruled by a Sultan
    $1000 28
After the death of her father Agamemnon is avenged, this heroine dances wildly then drops dead
    $1000 29
World Book says novelist Gustave Flaubert was the godfather of this short story writer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Scott Ellen Bruce
$7,400 $8,100 $6,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Advised to invent something to be used & thrown away, he did in 1895 & made a fortune

Final scores:

Scott Ellen Bruce
$100 $1,300 $0
2nd place New champion: $1,300 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Scott Ellen Bruce
$6,700 $9,100 $6,200
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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