Suggest correction - #3300 - 1999-01-01

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    $200 2
Jason Gould, Barbra Streisand's son, played her son in this 1991 film which co-starred Nick Nolte

Show #3300 - Friday, January 1, 1999


Matthew Kassabian, a groups contractor from Woodland Hill, California

Celia Green, a high school English teacher from Fresno, California

Brian Gillespie, an actor originally from Bayonne, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,700)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the country.)
    $100 6
This Russian revolutionary's name was Russian for "hammer", not "cocktail"
    $100 1
He yelled, "You're luggage" after blowing away an alligator in the 1996 action film "Eraser"
    $100 26
The Highland Fling
    $100 11
Symbol you need to complete the set seen here
    $100 21
The first of these flowery championships took place in Pasadena Jan. 1, 1902
    $100 16
"Wheel of Fortune" is based on this word game
    $200 7
In 1972 he declared martial law in the Philippines; it was lifted in January 1981
    $200 2
Jason Gould, Barbra Streisand's son, played her son in this 1991 film which co-starred Nick Nolte
    $200 27
The minuet
    $200 12
If she were real, it's the material you'd be now
    $200 22
It's no secret that this longtime FBI head was born Jan. 1, 1895
    $200 17
It's a frequently visited place, especially for socializing, like the Central Perk coffeehouse for TV's "Friends"
    $300 8
This Portuguese viceroy of India died in December 1524, shortly after arriving in Cochin, India
    $300 3
Tommy Lee Jones reprised his "Fugitive" role as Sam Gerard in this 1998 follow-up
    $300 28
The Achy Breaky
    $300 13
For Mary Worth or Beetle Bailey, it's the process represented here
    $300 23
This oldest existing London daily newspaper began publication Jan. 1, 1788
    $300 18
The cartoon hound Droopy might be said to have this kind of pitiful, dejected expression
    DD: $500 9
Before arriving in Mexico in 1864, he served as governor of Lombardy & Venice
    $400 4
Director George Roy Hill had a bit role as a pilot in this 1982 film based on a John Irving novel
    $400 29
The seguidilla manchega
    $400 14
The 4 letters that usually appear with the following
    $400 24
On Jan. 1, 1972 this Austrian was inaugurated as Secretary-General of the United Nations
    $400 19
In this 1982 Top 20 hit, the Rolling Stones sang, "Put it on the wire... do do do do do do"
    $500 10
It wasn't a cardinal sin when this future Lord Chancellor of England was ordained a priest in 1498
    $500 5
"It Goes Like It Goes" was the theme song to this 1979 Sally Field film in which she played a textile worker
    $500 30
Mayim, Mayim
    $500 15
It's the November observance in Britain symbolized here
    $500 25
This Florentine statesman, art patron & merchant "Prince" was born Jan. 1, 1449
    $500 20
In a famous movie scene, Mommie Dearest screams at little Christina Crawford, "No" these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Celia Matthew
$2,300 $200 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Celia Matthew
$4,700 $300 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
The Resolution Trust Corporation was created in 1989 to take over these institutions that had failed
    $200 6
In the tic-tac-toe board-like opening credits, this character occupied the center square
    $200 16
You'll find the Splugen Pass in this European range's Central Division
    $200 20
These "Saturday Night Live" denizens were really from Remulak, not France
    $200 11
The Festival of Historic Houses is an annual June event in this capital of Rhode Island
    $200 1
Jonathan's presents
    $400 25
In July 1772 he commanded the Resolution on a voyage to the South Pacific in search of Terra Australis
    $400 7
Mike Brady's occupation in the original series
    $400 17
In this range Adams is in Washington & Jefferson isn't
    $400 21
Born Edson Arantes do Nascimento, he scored 2 goals in 1958's World Cup final match
    $400 12
Don't miss Dyersville in this Hawkeye State; it's the "Farm Toy Capital of the World"
    $400 2
Gertrude's quotations
    $600 26
Since it was repaired in 1993, this telescope can achieve a resolution of 0.1 arc-second
    $600 8
In the theme song, it's the line that follows "All of them had hair of gold, like their mother"
    $600 18
Corno Grande is the tallest peak in this over 800-mile-long Italian range
    $600 22
Actress, spokeswoman & 15-minute phenomenon seen here
    $600 13
One of these thrill rides careens through Buffalo Bill's Resort & Casino in Primm, Nevada
    $600 3
E.B.'s brawls
    DD: $800 27
Senators Wayne Morse & Ernest Gruening cast the only dissenting votes against this August 7, 1964 resolution
    $800 9
The first names of the 3 Brady sons
    DD: $400 28
The forests of this range are home to the Barbary apes
    $800 23
On Nov. 4, 1998 the voters of Minnesota woke up to discover they'd elected this wrestler as governor
    $800 14
The world's largest stand of sand pine scrub oak is in Ocala National Forest in this state
    $800 4
Didion's duplicates
    $1000 30
A 1911 resolution making it a state got a presidential veto, but the next year it was in
    $1000 10
From 1969 to 1974, this young actress played eldest daughter Marcia
    $1000 29
2 active volcano ranges cross this Russian peninsula that shares its name with a vodka brand
    $1000 24
The last Communist dictator of Romania
    $1000 15
The Orange, Virginia museum devoted to this president is a few miles from his estate, Montpelier
    $1000 5
Doris' benedictions

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Celia Matthew
$4,900 $5,100 $4,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 12 animals that represent years in the Chinese calendar, 2 of the 3 that are not mammals

Final scores:

Brian Celia Matthew
$9,800 $300 $101
2-day champion: $17,500 2nd place: trip to SeaWorld in Orlando 3rd place: Burrett Swiss sports watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Celia Matthew
$4,900 $6,300 $4,600
17 R,
3 W
16 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $15,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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