Suggest correction - #108 - 1985-02-06

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    $200 23
Samson slew 1,000 Philistines with it

Show #108 - Wednesday, February 6, 1985

Missing introductions.


Alan Cook, a senior chief petty officer from San Diego, California

Paul Simione, from Girard, Ohio

Gail Abrahamson, from Texarkana, Arkansas

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
"Bum" boyfriend of Disney's "Lady"
    $100 11
"Missouri" & "Tennessee" tunes danced to ¾ time
    $100 2
"The quick brown fox" jumps over this passive pooch
    $100 17
Goodman's "licorice stick"
    $100 7
Boswell's bosom buddy
    $200 4
Lovers caught in the cross fire of Montague & Capulet feud
    $200 22
Slang for shoeless teen dance held in the gym
    $200 3
According to Kipling, if "east is east & west is west," when the "twain shall meet"
    $200 18
Afro-Cuban "skins" that kept the beat for beatnik poetry
    $200 8
Femme fatale of "Blame It on Rio" who's seen this season aboard "The Love Boat"
    $300 5
After the death of his sweetheart, Ann Rutledge, he married Mary Todd
    $300 23
Handheld covers that spanned Sally Rand
    $300 6
To the N.E.A.'s dismay, Shaw said, "he who can, does; he who cannot," does this
    $300 19
Percussive "plates" that serve up a din
    $300 13
Nickname given to '49er Gary Johnson that describes his huge appendages
    $400 12
According to mythology, Narcissus' greatest love
    DD: $500 24
Title dance done to this catchy tune:

[Instrumental music plays]
    $400 9
Indian blooded humorist whose ancestors weren't on the Mayflower, but "met 'em at the boat"
    $400 20
Traditionally made of an animal's bladder, it accompanies the Highland Fling
    $400 14
Cowboy character actor who won supporting Oscar for "The Last Picture Show"
    $500 15
In the early '50s, actress censured for her affair with Roberto Rossellini
    $500 10
He said "all reactionaries are paper tigers"
    $500 21
Indian instrument popularized by George Harrison on the Sgt. Pepper album
    $500 16
Swooning '40s girls gave this "Boy Next Door" the title "The Voiceless Sinatra"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Gail Paul Alan
$300 $500 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gail Paul Alan
$1,600 $500 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE '30S
    $200 1
When completed in 1936, the Hoover Dam was called this
    $200 13
Many dimmed their lights in tribute on the day this inventor was buried
    $200 5
Intense small cyclone that blew Dorothy to the Land of Oz
    $200 3
She won as 1 of "Two Women"
    $200 15
Element supplied by plants for fish in an aquarium
    $200 23
Samson slew 1,000 Philistines with it
    $400 2
"Professor" of the Kollege of Musical Knowledge
    $400 14
Among utensils in standard place setting, the most recently invented
    $400 6
Volcanoes were named for this Roman god of fire
    $400 4
Acting Oscar not given until 1936
    $400 16
The peregrine, the world's fastest animal, is this bird of prey
    DD: $1,200 10
The 1st country to be occupied by Nazi Germany
    $600 17
For his corn harvester, Henry Blair was the 1st Black to receive one
    $600 7
The point of origin of an earthquake
    $600 19
Of John, Ethel & Lionel, the one who did not win an Academy Award
    $600 24
While the octopus has 8 arms, the squid has this many
    $800 11
In '33, Joe Zangara killed Chicago's mayor Cermak, but missed this main target
    $800 18
President who invented the swivel chair & lap desk
    $800 8
Phenomenon known as "the white death"
    $800 21
Though she captured 2, younger sister Joan Fontaine won before her for "Suspicion"
    $800 25
Ursine animal with fur on the soles of its feet for warmth & traction on ice
    $1000 12
Depression agency that served as patron of the arts
    $1000 20
1st known photo of a living person was taken by him on a Paris street in 1839
    $1000 9
The tallest, New Zealand's "Waimanga", killed 4 when it last erupted in 1917
    DD: $1,000 22
This adventure movie won in '35, but its remake lost in '62
    $1000 26
Although one of the smallest primates, they can be "lion" as well as "pygmy"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gail Paul Alan
$2,800 -$300 $1,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

State with the smallest population

Final scores:

Gail Paul Alan
$1,800 -$300 $3,599
2nd place: Sunray range + Vintner Cork Master 3rd place: Vitamaster his & hers exercise bikes New champion: $3,599

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gail Paul Alan
$2,700 -$300 $3,000
12 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
11 R,
6 W
14 R,
9 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $5,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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