Suggest correction - #1520 - 1991-03-22

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    $400 23
Of a pumpkinseed, a sesameseed, or a sunflowerseed, the one that's a type of sunfish

Show #1520 - Friday, March 22, 1991

Tom Halpern game 1.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
All of the categories in the game begin with the letter "A".


Tom Halpern, a researcher and writer from New York City, New York

Phil Sheridan, a civil servant from Sewell, New Jersey

Deborah Bedell, an executive recruiter from Greenwich, Connecticut (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
Meredith Wilson won three Tonys for this 1958 musical
    $100 8
In the late 1950s, more than half the imports coming into the United States were this German make of car
    $100 15
Katy Jurado played Gary Cooper's ex-love in this "time"ly Western
    $100 1
In medicine, it can be abbreviated ECG or EKG
    $100 4
Some Polish rabbits have red ones, while other Polish rabbits have blue ones
    $100 17
In names of types of attendants, it precedes Boy & Hop
    $200 10
The Tchaikovsky Awards competition takes place every four years in this city
    $200 11
A popular car among collectors is the 1950 model of this make's 88
    $200 16
His common-law wife, Tarita, played his love interest in 1962's "Mutiny on the Bounty"
    $200 2
It's the type of wage adjustment which COLA stands for
    $200 5
In the wild, these land animals eat constantly, sometimes over 600 pounds of food a day
    $200 19
The French pronunciation of "cadet" led us to this word for an iron & wood toter
    $300 12
Among those receiving the Horatio Alger Award in 1969 were Thurgood Marshall & this California governor
    $300 25
In 1976, Peugeot absorbed this other French automaker
    $300 28
Maria Karnilova was a ballerina before playing Tevye's wife in this Broadway musical
    $300 3
In a newspaper job listing, EOE stands for this
    $300 18
One of the rarest mammals on this continent is the brush-tailed bettong, a marsupial
    $300 20
In the U.S., it's an unmarried woman who attends the bride; in England, who attends the Queen
    $400 13
The Silver Buffalo is the highest service award presented by this youth organization
    $400 26
In 1928, Chrysler introduced the DeSoto & this low-priced model
    $400 29
His father, Harry Stockwell, provided the voice of the prince in Disney's "Snow White"
    $400 6
While DAR can mean "damage assessment routine", it also refers to this organization
    $400 23
Of a pumpkinseed, a sesameseed, or a sunflowerseed, the one that's a type of sunfish
    $400 21
In the Middle Ages, this step preceded squire on the road to knighthood
    $500 14
This duo's 1981 "Double Fantasy" LP won a Grammy for Album of the Year
    $500 27
In 1908, General Motors was founded in this Michigan city, not Detroit
    $500 30
Jerry Hall & Sean Cassidy co-starred in a 1990 London revival of this William Inge vehicle
    DD: $500 7
To receive the Congressional Record, contact the GPO, which stands for this
    $500 24
Many vertebrates have these bile-storing organs, but camels don't
    $500 22
Medieval Latin for "mayor of the palace", it refers to a steward or butler

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Deborah Phil Tom
$1,200 $900 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Phil Tom
$1,400 $1,100 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Some of these are voluntary & none can push; they can only pull
    $200 2
The National Library in this Algerian capital is partly housed in a Moorish palace
    $200 11
It's Helen Brown's maiden name
    $200 26
In the 17th century, Velazquez was one of this country's most important painters
    $200 16
Each June, the shrimp fleet in Biloxi, in this state, is blessed in a festival
    $200 21
The Mad Tea Party takes place under a tree in front of this hare's house
    $400 3
Organ enclosed in a sac called the pericardium
    $400 7
It's still the official language of Zimbabwe
    $400 12
Hey, man, he wrote "Our Man in Havana", "The Third Man" & "The Human Factor"
    $400 27
The highly controversial Elgin Marbles are on display in this museum
    $400 17
He was an actual construction worker on the Big Bend Tunnel on the C&O Railroad in West Virginia
    $400 22
These roly-poly twins danced with Alice until they were out of breath
    $600 4
It's the joint most commonly afflicted with gout or a bunion
    $600 8
This king of Morocco holds a law degree from the University of Bordeaux, Rabat Extension
    DD: $2,000 13
This author's ashes were scattered over Greenwood Cemetery in Sauk Centre, Minnesota
    $600 28
In 1876, this Impressionist leader painted his wife Camille in the garden at the house in Argenteuil
    $600 18
This Montana battle site is surrounded by the Crow Indian Reservation
    $600 23
Live hedgehogs are used for balls in this game; when Alice tries to hit them, they run away
    $800 5
From the Greek "karoun", to stupefy, comes the name of this artery supplying blood to the head
    $800 9
By the end of 1956, over 13,000 people had died in this country's Mau Mau uprising
    $800 14
He not only wrote "The Corsican Brothers", he's also the story's narrator
    $800 29
In the 16th century, the Della Robbia family ran a sculpture studio in this city
    $800 19
Though the crime was committed in Fall River, New Bedford, Mass., was the site of her 1893 murder trial
    $800 24
The Mock Turtle says, "Ambition, distraction, uglification & derision are all branches of" this
    $1000 6
The heart & lungs lie within this cavity bounded by the walls of the chest
    $1000 10
This country's national museum is one of the main attractions in Kampala
    $1000 15
During World War II, he was made naval historian for part of the South Pacific
    DD: $99 30
In 1963, this man from Chadds Ford, Penn., became the first painter to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom
    $1000 20
Known for his strong convictions, he said, "Our country, right or wrong" & died in a duel
    $1000 25
This regal chess piece tells Alice, "I'm five times as rich as you are & five times as clever"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Phil Tom
$7,600 $1,700 $7,601

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of the 2 airlines that began the 1st regularly-scheduled commercial supersonic flights in 1976

Final scores:

Deborah Phil Tom
$10,100 $2,400 $15,201
2nd place 3rd place New champion: $15,201

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Deborah Phil Tom
$6,200 $1,700 $7,700
24 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
18 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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