Suggest correction - #1509 - 1991-03-07

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    $500 18
When this butterfly-shaped gland swells, you've got goiter

Show #1509 - Thursday, March 7, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording.


Willa Bloch, a fundraiser from Manhattan, New York

Brian Doyle, an attorney from San Francisco, California

Lary Prince, an administrator from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,601)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A reference to the card game bridge.)
    $100 14
Heavenly term for a financial backer of a play
    $100 6
Organs are composed of tissues, & tissues are composed of these basic units of life
    $100 7
This member of the Jackson family eloped with fellow singer James DeBarge in 1984
    $100 1
These military expeditions ended with the fall of Acre to the Muslims in 1291
    $100 23
Lucille Ball, though she wasn't a natural one
    $100 15
A practical joker plays one, but a good bridge player takes one with each play of the cards
    $200 19
It began as putting boards over parchment manuscripts; the sewing, taping & gluing came later
    $200 12
The tricuspid valve is not in a tooth, but in this organ
    $200 8
He & Linda Kozlowski got married in their own Australian mansion
    $200 2
In 1556, Charles V, the powerful king of Spain & Holy Roman Emperor, retired to one of these
    $200 24
A rodent residence
    $200 16
In bridge, a full deck is dealt out, which means each player receives this many cards
    $300 20
The "London Times" reports Martin Jones of Gloucestershire makes these for the heads of falcons
    $300 13
Only the upper seven pairs of these are attached to the breastbone
    $300 9
In May 1990, he & Jill St. John tied the knot in a garden wedding at his home
    $300 3
In 1605, this company from the Netherlands was given a license to trade in Japan
    $300 25
The cash Winnie-the-Pooh might use to buy his favorite sweet
    $300 28
The highest suit in bridge
    $400 21
The job of a lector in a church service
    DD: $700 17
This one tube splits into two bronchi
    $400 10
He said lovingly, "For 40 years, my act consisted of one joke, and then she died"
    $400 4
While a teacher of moral philosophy at the Univ. of Wittenberg, he received his doctorate of theology in 1512
    $400 26
A statement such as, "I'm the best-looking specter in the haunted mansion"
    $400 29
In a 1949 book, he outlined a point count method of bidding, now known as his "system"
    $500 22
Marcus Agrippa in ancient Rome or Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve in Summerfield
    $500 18
When this butterfly-shaped gland swells, you've got goiter
    $500 11
His wife, Emma Thompson, was his leading lady in the 1989 film "Henry V"
    $500 5
This "great" king of Wessex defeated the invading Danes at the Battle of Eddington in 878
    $500 27
Pigeon passion
    $500 30
On a 1925 cruise, Harold Vanderbilt combined auction bridge & plafond & created this type of bridge

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lary Brian Willa
$1,100 $1,600 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lary Brian Willa
$1,700 $3,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
This elegant dance dominated aristocratic French ballrooms from about 1670-1750
    $200 7
Medford was named after a city in Mass., but as far as we can tell, their capital, this capital, wasn't
    $200 26
The failure of this general's charge at Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg was a turning point in the war
    $200 18
They're served refried as a Mexican side dish
    $200 5
In titles of novels, it precedes "of Bullhampton" & "of Wakefield"
    $200 1
This fortress's Cathedral of the Assumption was reconsecrated as a church in 1990
    $400 10
A Welshman could tell you the first day of this month is St. David's Day
    $400 8
In Oregon, this secretary takes over if the governor resigns, dies or is removed from office
    $400 30
Folks called him Stonewall, but this was Jackson's real first name
    $400 22
The mashed avocado dip that puts the zip in eating tortilla chips
    $400 13
A Cossack girl named Maryanka is the heroine of this count's 1863 novel, "The Cossacks"
    $400 2
This Soviet mountain range divides Europe & Asia
    $600 11
This mountain on the Swiss-Italian border is known in Italian as Monte Cervino
    $600 15
Nickname of Oregon's AAA baseball team; think state nickname & you've got it
    $600 29
This guerrilla fighter raided the farms & towns of those in Kansas & Missouri who were loyal to the Union
    $600 23
The Spanish version of creme caramel
    DD: $2,500 19
Bennett Cerf called this Henry James tale "1 of the 2 best ghost stories I have ever read"
    DD: $1,000 3
Russia is the most populous republic & this is 2nd
    $800 12
In 19th century Pennsylvania, this secret society of coal miners terrorized company officials
    $800 16
From its many gardens, Portland has earned the nickname "City of" these flowers
    $800 28
National Freedom Day, February 1, celebrates the adoption of this amendment outlawing slavery
    $800 24
It consists of strips of grilled beef or chicken, sauteed with onions & sweet peppers
    $800 20
"Noble House", his longest novel to date, spans the history of Hong Kong
    $800 4
The cosmonaut training center located near Moscow is named in his honor
    $1000 14
Consisting of some 2,000 tiny islands in the Indian Ocean, it's the smallest independent country in Asia
    $1000 17
This fir is the chief source of timber in the state
    $1000 27
In the fall of 1862, Burnside was given command of this Union Army
    $1000 25
This tripe & hominy soup is eaten on New Year's morning as a hangover remedy
    $1000 21
"Dune Messiah" is one of several sequels to his 1965 epic "Dune"
    $1000 6
Mostly Lutherans, the Letts are people from this republic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lary Brian Willa
$6,100 $10,800 $9,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Fermi Award with a prize of $100,000 is given annually by this U.S. Cabinet department

Final scores:

Lary Brian Willa
$6,100 $2,800 $12,800
2nd place: a trip to Calgary, Canada 3rd place: Funai 20" flat-screen stereo TV New champion: $12,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lary Brian Willa
$6,100 $10,100 $7,400
17 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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