Suggest correction - #1541 - 1991-04-22

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    DD: $2,000 10
Bermuda lies in this sea, noted for its seaweed

Show #1541 - Monday, April 22, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording.


Judie Tuthill, a programmer analyst from Maybrook, New York

Bill Taylor, a lawyer originally from Wilmington, Delaware

Bob Canter, a government relations representative from Martinez, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Demons in Arabian myth who lived in the mountains of Qaf & had a tendency to get into lamps
    $100 16
Add these 3 letters to lemon or lime & you have a drink made with their juice, water & sugar
    $100 24
Country in which the first atomic bomb was exploded
    $100 21
On October 20th, 1990, a Florida jury ruled that this group could be as "nasty as they wanna be"
    $100 6
In baseball, ERA isn't the Equal Rights Amendment, it's this
    $100 11
The spot where Marie was executed by this method in 1793 is near the Tuileries Gardens
    $200 2
After Telemachus found him, they went back home & slew Penelope's suitors
    $200 17
Whiskey & vermouth cocktail named for a New York City borough
    $200 27
Paper can stop alpha particles, a thin piece of aluminum, beta particles, & a sheet of lead, these rays
    $200 22
Though the rights to many of his songs are owned by Michael Jackson, this ex-Beatle owns Buddy Holly's tunes
    $200 7
In the news business, the 2 agencies that are abbreviated AP & UPI
    $200 12
In French, the last word of this famous quote attributed to Marie is "brioche"
    $300 3
This animal, a symbol of renewal, was the emblem of Asclepius
    $300 18
This beverage was invented by Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Hires in the mid 1800s
    $300 28
Stable subatomic particle whose name is from the Greek for first
    $300 23
Just nine months after breaking her back in 1990, this sound machine was well & had completed a new album
    $300 8
AD, which sometimes stands for "active duty", is also an abbreviation for this Latin phrase
    $300 13
This husband of Marie's has been described as "timid, aloof, inattentive & uninspiring"
    $400 4
His traveling attire included winged sandals & a winged cap called a petasos
    $400 19
Sullivan, Indian red & Elberta are varieties of this fruit
    $400 29
Of the 2 types of nuclear reactions, the one that can develop into a chain reaction
    DD: $400 25
In 1975, he reached the top 10 with a remake of the following 1962 number one hit

"Don't take your love away from me / Don't you leave my heart in misery"
    $400 9
Medically speaking, acute alcoholism can trigger DTs, which stands for this
    $400 14
Of 9 months, 9 years or 19 years, the length of time Marie was Queen of France
    $500 5
The Egyptians believed Nuit gave birth to it every morning
    $500 20
Type of banquet sometimes called a poi supper
    $500 30
The first shell around a nucleus can have up to this many electrons
    $500 26
He wrote both the tunes & the purple prose for the 1990 film "Graffiti Bridge"
    $500 10
Dennis Weaver & Valerie Harper's hunger relief organization called LIFE stands for "Love is" doing this
    $500 15
Marie was born in this city in 1755 & the French later referred to her disparagingly as "l'Autrichienne"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Bill Judie
$700 $0 $2,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Bill Judie
$1,300 $500 $3,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In June, Ty Cobb beat this home run king in a charity golf match
    $200 6
This poet's "Tam o' Shanter" was inspired by Alloway Kirk, a church in Ayrshire, Scotland
    $200 7
You'll find it at 90 degrees north latitude in the Arctic Ocean
    $200 12
In the 1940s he began a rating service for radio programs, then expanded to television
    $200 14
In 1933, George M. Cohan appeared in the first play he didn't write, this author's first comedy "Ah, Wilderness!"
    $200 22
Since 1968, the number that has meant emergency in the United States
    $400 2
In April, Andrew Jackson Houston, son of this general, was appointed to the Senate from Texas
    $400 27
According to Dorothy Parker, "Men seldom" do this "at girls who wear glasses"
    $400 8
Qatar & Oman are among the smaller countries on this peninsula
    $400 13
For his part in the Watergate cover-up, this Attorney General spent 19 months in prison
    $400 15
George C. Scott & Dustin Hoffman both won this Off-Broadway Award as unknowns
    $400 23
These shared telephone lines were once used by as many as 20 households
    $600 3
Representing California, Rosemary LaPlanche won this title in Atlantic City on September 6
    $600 28
Kipling urged, "Come you back to" this Burmese city "where the old flotilla lay"
    $600 9
Geothermal heating has made this island country one of the world's cleanest
    $600 16
By 1890, his company dominated America's sleeping car business
    $600 19
Before starring in the film, he was "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" onstage in Robert Sherwood's play
    $600 24
A short distance race or the long distance service supplied by United Telecom & GTE
    $800 4
In November, John L. Spencer banned the Greta Garbo film "Two-Faced Woman" in this city
    $800 29
This poet was born in Galesburg, Illinois to a Swedish immigrant whose original name was Danielson
    DD: $2,000 10
Bermuda lies in this sea, noted for its seaweed
    $800 17
This New York Tribune founder died in 1872, less than a month after losing the presidential election
    $800 20
Laurence Olivier played the title character & Anthony Quinn King Henry II when this play debuted in the U.S. in 1960
    DD: $1,000 25
Around 1904, it was recommended Bell operators answer callers with this two-word request
    $1000 5
Defeating William O'Dwyer, he won a 3rd term as New York City mayor
    $1000 30
Author of "When the Frost is on the Punkin", this Hoosier poet liked to write in Indiana dialect
    $1000 11
Chad, Cameroon & Benin all border this country, Africa's most populous
    $1000 18
His political cartoons were instrumental in defeating Boss Tweed
    $1000 21
This is the musical version of "Liliom", a play which starred Ingrid Bergman in 1940
    $1000 26
In 1987, when its shares first traded, NTT, this country's phone company, became the world's largest in stock value

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Bill Judie
$5,900 $3,500 $5,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

He is the European credited with the discovery of Alaska

Final scores:

Bob Bill Judie
$11,700 $5,500 $6,400
2-day champion: $23,500 3rd place: Long Star phone & Nintendo Entertainment System + games 2nd place: Zenith notebook computer & Baldwin Brass Collection lamp

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Bill Judie
$8,100 $3,500 $5,700
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
10 R,
3 W
18 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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