Suggest correction - #8873 - 2023-05-17

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    $400 28
"Your Money Briefing" & "Tech News Briefing" are podcasts offered through this newspaper that gives you the business

Show #8873 - Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Ben Chan game 6.


David Lu, a mail processing clerk from Los Angeles, California

Brittani Seagren, a nurse practitioner from Bourbonnais, Illinois

Ben Chan, a philosophy professor from Green Bay, Wisconsin (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $157,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Following her untimely death, she was called "the foremost ambassador for AIDS awareness on the planet"
    $200 29
The battle of this town on April 19, 1775 marked the start of the Revolutionary War
    $200 16
Also known as broad beans or horse beans, they are said to go well with a nice Chianti
    $200 24
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"; the phrase appears in its constitutions of 1946 & 1958
    $200 6
A farmer plays baseball with a dead guy, time-travels & ends up owning a tourist trap
    $200 22
Let's get philosophical with the riddle "What is the sound of one hand" doing this?
    $400 9
This comic legend of the silent screen spent the last 24 years of his life in Switzerland, where he died in 1977
    $400 10
With nearby Gulfport, it's the co-seat of Harrison County, Mississippi
    $400 25
Originally a term used with horses, it happens at the end of most balance beam routines
    $400 12
"Semper Fidelis", adopted in 1883
    $400 8
An animated elderly man's wife dies, his house is literally uprooted & a boy is kidnapped (OK, inadvertently) to South America
    $400 19
I need responses, & I'm gonna heat things up & give you this "ordinal" phrase until I get 'em!
    $600 3
Sir Ronald Ross won a Nobel Prize for his work on this disease & the discovery of its transmission by mosquitos
    $600 11
Not surprisingly there's an interactive wine museum in this French "city of wine" known for its reds
    $600 26
Storm Worm & Zeus are types of these computer viruses that take their name from classical mythology
    $600 7
Per Baden-Powell:
"Be Prepared"
    $600 20
Rami Malek, Gwilym Lee, Joseph Mazzello & Ben Hardy are Queen for a big day
    $600 15
So, do any of you 3 really want to be a "Jeopardy!" champ? is this 10-letter type of question
    $800 1
In 1860 at St. Thomas' Hospital in London, this woman opened the first formal nursing school
    $800 18
Indicated on the map & named for the 2 states it straddles, it functions as one community but two separate cities
    $800 27
The Roaring Forties, Furious Fifties & Screaming Sixties are names for these that occur south of the horse latitudes
    DD: $1,000 4
Of this Massachusetts university, translating from Hebrew:
"Truth, even unto its innermost parts"
    $800 21
Leonardo DiCaprio wrestles with a grizzly bear & that goes really, incredibly, horrifically not well
    $800 14
If you remember the Talking Heads song "Psycho Killer", you know this is French for "what is it?"
    $1000 2
Brother of filmmaker Richard, he's credited with helping to invent the nature documentary as we know it today
    $1000 17
In 2002 a library designed to hold 8 million books opened in this city, close to where the Ancient Royal Library stood
    $1000 28
Duchamp & Man Ray were part of this art movement whose name is a French word meaning "hobby horse"
    $1000 5
For a huge 2022 sporting event:
"Together for a shared future"
    $1000 23
Gene Wilder nearly kills a bunch of children touring his place of business
    $1000 13
The Roman one of these religious institutions that asked tough questions was set up in 1542

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben! Brittani David
$3,600 $2,800 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! Brittani David
$8,400 $3,200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
"Your Money Briefing" & "Tech News Briefing" are podcasts offered through this newspaper that gives you the business
    $400 24
In 1892 this party probably didn't raise a glass to getting 2.2% of the popular vote; 3 decades later, its cause was law
    $400 29
Created by a French astronomer in the 1930s, the coronagraph is a type of this
    $400 20
This title object of a Thoreau poem is "full-orbed" & "does not wane"
    $400 22
"Humble." was a track on his album "Damn."
    $400 23
Throwing unlikely people together, various situations including adversity & politics have been said to "make strange" these
    $800 27
Guests on "WTF with" this comedian have included Barack Obama, Jane Goodall & Jodie Foster
    $800 15
In 1888 this grandson of a president won in the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote
    $800 13
The laser came from 1950s research on this similarly named device that used microwaves
    $800 9
Paul Laurence Dunbar wrote, "We wear the" this "that grins and lies, it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes"
    $800 21
This Drake song asks, "Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?"
    $800 1
You wouldn't let your kids see a movie rated this nickname of 1930s baseball star Jimmie Foxx
    $1200 18
(I'm Matt Rogers.) And, yes, I do have a podcast--thank you for asking--it's "Las Culturistas", & rule of culture number one, this co-host of mine is a national treasure & was Emmy-nominated for "Saturday Night Live" in 2022
    DD: $5,000 5
In 1852 this political party nominated war hero Gen. Winfield Scott, its last candidate for the top job, before disbanding
    $1200 12
Seen here is a Pelton wheel, an impulse type of this design for water
    $1200 8
Elizabeth Bishop's "I Am in Need of" this says, "There is a magic made by melody"
    $1200 25
"This Is A Life" is on the soundtrack of this 2022 film set in an IRS office & in the multiverse
    $1200 2
Meaning made impure by additions, it's in the full name of the 1906 Pure Food & Drug Act
    DD: $5 19
Season 1, Episode 6 of this Sarah Koenig-hosted podcast was called "The Case Against Adnan Syed"
    $1600 3
Early contenders for the Democratic nom in 1960 before JFK got the nod included Hubert Humphrey & this man who'd run against Eisenhower
    $1600 11
Built by CERN & located on the Swiss-French border, it's the world's most powerful particle accelerator
    $1600 7
Last name of Sam; Robert Service told a tall tale of the frozen north in "The Cremation of" him
    $1600 26
"Ctrl" & "SOS" are albums by her seen here
    $1600 16
Nuta was the given first name of the creator of the dazzling country & Western style worn here, but he was better known as this
    $2000 14
(I'm Wil Wheaton.) I play a chef at a restaurant called Tourniquet on the podcast "Welcome to" this strange town where stranger things happen
    $2000 4
As a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 1972, she won 152 delegates before withdrawing from the race
    $2000 10
Ionized air maintains the moving spark in the high-voltage traveling arc commonly known by this biblical name
    $2000 6
"The apparition of these faces in the crowd: petals on a wet, black bough" is the entirety of Ezra Pound's "In a Station of" this
    $2000 30
Possessive title of the third solo album by Mr. Styles
    $2000 17
This name for a Beethoven symphony is the sexy section of the bookstore with one letter removed

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! Brittani David
$24,205 $400 $1,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Efforts recently began to reintroduce 2 species of oyster to help restore the contaminated waters of this, a national memorial

Final scores:

Ben! Brittani David
$25,000 $799 $1,000
6-day champion: $182,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben! Brittani David
$23,000 $400 $1,200
31 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
3 W
9 R,
8 W

Combined Coryat: $24,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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