Suggest correction - #455 - 1986-06-06

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    $200 18
Saying real ones "tend to die", the Houston Zoo admitted their coral snake was really made of this

Show #455 - Friday, June 6, 1986

Gary Giardina game 5.
Last game of Season 2.
Missing introductions.


Andrew Pollock, a staff assistant from Culver City, California

Billy Shawn, a student originally from Vancouver, Canada

Gary Giardina, an opera singer from New York City (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,530)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: These are all different and regional names for one kind of sandwich.)
    $100 9
In 1977, U.S. auto makers sold 9.3 million cars, but did this to 10.4 million
    $100 17
The word "zoo" is short for this phrase
    $100 6
Vice "Miami Vice" star Don Johnson recently gave up both on-screen & off
    $100 8
It's said walking out into this season's humid weather in D.C. is like "stepping into the breath of a large dog"
    $100 1
Though it was Galileo who invented the 1st one, his buddy Santorio invented the clinical type
    $100 15
The long, thin loaf of bread of which it's made gives it this "shipshape" name
    $200 13
Since this transportation co. also makes Dial soap, it might say, "Leave the showers to us"
    $200 18
Saying real ones "tend to die", the Houston Zoo admitted their coral snake was really made of this
    $200 7
Protocol derailed British Virgin Islands' plans to issue postage stamps honoring this "Thriller"
    $200 12
This best-known composer of patriotic marches was, fittingly, a D.C. native son
    $200 2
German drug co. once marketed this now-illegal narcotic, naming it for way it made test subjects feel "heroic"
    $200 19
Usually a little shorter, it's the main weapon carried by one of the sandwich's other names
    $300 14
When 1st blew up, killing policeman operating it, use of these control devices hit a red light for 46 years
    $300 24
Prize exhibit of the zoo in Barcelona, Spain is "Snowflake", only captive gorilla of this type
    $300 10
Calling themselves "the bad boys of" this, Penn & Teller have taken NYC by storm
    $300 21
Its museums' collections include Charles Lindbergh's plane & George Washington's false teeth
    $300 3
Commonly thought to protect against cold weather, ingesting this will actually lower body temp.
    $300 20
This nickname comes from Philadelphia's Hog Island shipyard, where workers ate them for lunch
    DD: $100 25
In the following song, animal described as "kindly" but "dumb":

"Someone told me / It's all happening at the zoo / I do believe it / I do believe it's true"
    $400 11
An Arabic speech in "Jewel of the Nile" is actually a list of films starring this actor, the producer's pop
    $400 22
Main N/S streets are numbered, E/W streets lettered, & diagonals named for these
    $400 4
Research at Georgetown U. found babies fall asleep faster & sleep longer if laid in this position
    $500 26
This city's zoo features a platypusary & the world's best collection of marsupials
    $500 16
Barry Breman picked up this award at the 1985 Emmys, but they made him give it back
    $500 23
In 1974, for 1st time in over 100 years, D.C. residents were allowed to vote for this
    $500 5
Physiologically, a yawn signifies not tiredness or boredom, but a lack of this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Gary Billy Andy
$1,400 $300 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gary Billy Andy
$2,200 $1,300 -$600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Queen Elizabeth I collected a special tax from Englishmen who cultivated these--on their chins
    $200 4
Golf Digest is notified, on the average, of 110 of these per day
    $200 2
Setting in common to "The Country Girl", "The Dresser" & "Noises Off"
    $200 8
According to Ripley, 90% of U.S. high rises skip this, knock wood
    $200 1
Every year the Atlantic grows wider by an inch or so, & this largest ocean shrinks
    $200 23
Porky Pig's "stammered" farewell, delivered at the end of Looney Tunes cartoons
    $400 13
Most treasured possession of King Henry VII was the preserved left leg of this English patron saint
    $400 10
An experiment recorded that John Havlicek walked & ran 8 mi. during 43 min. of playing this game
    DD: $1,000 16
Neighboring countries whose greatest playwrights were the contemporaries Ibsen & Strindberg
    $400 9
The 7 tallest office buildings in the world are all in these 2 cities
    $400 3
Attracting "cosmic dust" & these, Mother Earth gains weight at a rate est. up to 33,000 tons/day
    $400 24
One of these parting messages reads, in part, "pardon me for not rising"
    $600 14
According to "Royal Lists", Prince Charles is sitting on a collection of over 100 of these bathr'm fixtures
    $600 11
When John Lees walked across U.S. in 53½ days, he beat the record for doing it this supposedly faster way
    $600 17
Called "most subversive play ever", this Beaumarchais comedy was turned into an opera by Mozart
    $600 5
The North American continent may rise as much as 6 inches when this is overhead
    $600 25
In "Alice in Wonderland", King of Hearts advises "begin at the beginning & go on to the end: then..." do this
    $800 15
Best-selling mystery author Dick Francis 1st achieved fame doing this for the Queen Mother
    $800 19
During his 26 yrs. in the NHL, he got 801 goals & 500 stitches in his face
    $800 18
A gun hung on the wall in Act 1 must be fired in Act 3, said this most-performed Russian playwright
    $800 6
The only continent without active volcanoes
    $800 26
The bugle call "Taps" derives name from this, which bartenders would do to signify closing time
    $1000 21
George I, who ruled Britain for 13 yrs. & founded this royal house which lasted thru Victoria, spoke no English
    $1000 20
This Athlete of the Year picked by both Sports Illustrated & A.P. in 1977 stood only 5'1" tall
    $1000 22
A critic lamented that anyone getting hold of an ! sits down & writes 1 of these around it
    $1000 7
4 bulges, in Ireland, S. of Africa, & near Peru & New Guinea, are sometimes called this Biblical name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gary Billy Andy
$5,800 $2,900 $400
(lock-tie game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

THE '70s
In '73, it happened to B. Devlin, J. Fonda & T. Hayden, & Fr. P. Berrigan admitted it had happened to him

Final scores:

Gary Billy Andy
$5,800 $900 $1
5-day champion: $32,330 2nd place: a trip to Jamaica 3rd place: a Kelvinator washer & dryer

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gary Billy Andy
$5,200 $3,000 $400
21 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $8,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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