Suggest correction - #3 - 2023-05-09

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    $1200 21
The documentary "Turn Every Page" is about the bond of editor Robert Gottlieb & this man working on an epic political biography

Jeopardy! Masters game #3 - Tuesday, May 9, 2023

2023 Jeopardy! Masters quarterfinal game 3.


Mattea Roach, a writer and podcaster from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Sam Buttrey, an associate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School from Pacific Grove, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll give us the title of the play in each case.)
(Ken: And... oh, it's a pity James isn't with us this game. The final category [*]. "I-N" will begin each correct response.)
    200 28
Your wife asks for a divorce; lose direction in life; move in with sportswriter pal; clean his place. Clean it again. & again
    200 23
Oddly, Leeds Castle in England houses a museum devoted to 5 centuries of this canine neckwear
    200 26
For not complying with a court order in 1995, a Philly lawyer was jailed for this; he kept not complying & was in jail for 14 years
    200 30
The last advertising idea conceived by Don Draper on "Mad Men" was for this bubbly product
    200 21
Peter Kaisen discovered the first fossil of this dinosaur, the "speedy thief"
    200 19
Not a record to boast about, Jim Hardy threw 8 of these against the Eagles in a 1950 NFL game
    400 27
Travel to Elsinore; glean what afflicts old pal Hamlet; try to find where he put Polonius; get betrayed; win 1968 Tony
    400 22
In Milwaukee spring on over to the National Hall of Fame & Museum for these collectible dolls, sometimes called "nodders"
    400 25
Be an upright citizen & know it's the legal right to bring a lawsuit; judges decide if you have it so the case can proceed
    400 29
It's the 2-word name of the menacing parallel dimension on "Stranger Things"
    400 18
In 1922 Caltech got the Wood-Anderson torsion one of these instruments, a breakthrough in sensitivity & precision
    400 16
We sometimes use this Latin word for "in the meantime" when someone takes a job on a temporary basis
    600 8
Play affair card with a guy, then accuse his wife of witchcraft; roll again & accuse her of attempted murder
    600 5
Like Las Vegas, Warsaw, Poland has this type of museum that's really lit (literally)
    600 24
A defense that involves claiming one knew nothing, saw nothing & heard nothing is named for this "Hogan's Heroes" character
    600 7
At the end of "Game of Thrones", this member of the Stark family becomes the ruler of Westeros
    600 17
The electrostatic valence rule is one of 5 on crystal structures put forth by this future Nobel-winning American chemist
    600 15
It's a court order requiring a person to do or to cease doing a particular act
    800 9
Advance to Harry Hope's bar; lose turn waiting for Hickey; play your pipe dream card; chill at bar after Hickey is arrested
    800 3
Cup Noodles Museum in Osaka honors Momofuku Ando, who invented instant ramen & founded this company that makes it
    800 20
Your Honor, the defendant is incompetent, or if I may get fancy, this 3-word phrase, Latin for "not master of one's mind"
    800 6
"There's no such thing as real psychics", proclaimed Simon Baker as Patrick Jane on this drama
    800 1
Lewis Fry Richardson proposed doing this with 64,000 computers (those were people then) & data from a world network of balloons
    800 14
This type of verb doesn't take a direct object
    DD: 2,400 11
Teach evolution to your science class; get arrested; be prosecuted by a 3-time presidential candidate; guilty card, pay $100
    1000 4
Croatia, which broke up with Yugoslavia in 1991, has a Museum of Broken Relationships in this capital city
    1000 10
I cite 1963's him v. Wainwright--the 6th Amendment's right to counsel extends to felony defendants in state courts
    1000 12
As Baba Voss, this actor stars in "See", a series about a dystopian future where most of humanity has lost its sight
    1000 2
The Stern-Gerlach experiment gave insight into this, electrons' angular momentum, sort of like what planets do but also sort of not
    1000 13
From the Italian for "engrave" or "cut", it was the process used to engrave the gemstone seen here

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Amy Mattea
4,000 6,000 2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

____ OF THE ____
(Diane Warren: I'm songwriter Diane Warren with clues about some of the more than 30 Billboard Top 10 hits that I wrote.)
    400 25
With 2 million people & just north of North Macedonia, it may not be on every map of Europe
    400 23
Graydon Carter gave props to Annie Leibovitz' photos that ran with celeb profiles in summing up 25 years editing this magazine
    400 28
South Carolina was a top producer of this plant that produces a blue dye; round cakes of it were often used as currency
    400 27
It's the idea that having a little whiskey the morning after you've had a lot of whiskey will somehow make you feel better
    400 30
Brothers Peter & Andrew were casting a net into this body of water when Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"
    400 20
(Diane Warren gives the clue.) One of the top films of the '90s was "Armageddon", which features my song "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing", the first No. 1 hit for this group

"And I don't wanna miss a thing"
    800 10
There's a southern German state in the name of this Alpine subrange that runs along the border of Germany & Austria
    800 22
On Oscar night 2016 Walter Robinson, an editor at this newspaper, hung with Michael Keaton, who played Walter in "Spotlight"
    800 24
In 1607 this colony chose a pres. in what's been called British America's first democratic election--6 of 104 had a vote
    800 26
Almost 20 years after an earlier one, Navratilova faced Connors in a match called this
    800 29
Joseph of this place took the crucified Jesus & placed his body in a "new tomb"
    800 19
(Diane Warren gives the clue.) My song "Blame It On The Rain" was the last No. 1 hit for this Europop duo before it was revealed that they didn't actually do their own singing

"Blame it on the rain"
    DD: 4,400 2
Walk straight from Narbonne to Zaragoza & you'll pass in & out of this country
    1200 21
The documentary "Turn Every Page" is about the bond of editor Robert Gottlieb & this man working on an epic political biography
    1200 6
Published in 1767, "On Messrs. Hussey and Coffin" was the first printed poem by this Black woman
    1200 5
In the Bible, Pharaoh says Joseph's family may come & eat of this, what Lennie longs for in "Of Mice & Men"
    1200 15
For killing his brother Abel, Cain was exiled to this land "on the east of Eden"
    1200 18
(Diane Warren gives the clue.) I actually had to get on my knees & beg Cher to record this 1989 hit, which worked out pretty nicely for both of us
    1600 1
It's the largest & southernmost of Ireland's counties
    1600 12
This urbane writer was a co-founder of the Paris Review & its first editor
    1600 7
King Philip's War, a bloody conflict between colonists & Native Americans in the 1670s, was led by Massasoit's son from this nation
    1600 4
From this Broadway song, "Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire, thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there"
    1600 14
The lord told Jonah to "Arise" & go to this Assyrian city "and cry against it"; Jonah did not want to
    1600 17
(Diane Warren gives the clue.) In a strange twist, both LeAnn Rimes & Trisha Yearwood were up for Grammys for my song from "Con Air" that asks this title question
    2000 9
& quiet flows this 3-letter river, mostly south about 1,200 miles to the Sea of Azov
    2000 11
In 2016 a team of scientists at this La Jolla, California institute said they used gene editing to give sight to blind rodents
    DD: 7,200 8
This evangelical revival of the 1730s & 1740s was led by such theologians as George Whitefield & Jonathan Edwards
    2000 3
Congress has this alliterative ability, allowing it to levy taxes & spend government monies
    2000 13
John wrote the book of Revelation while he was in the isle that is called this, depicted here
    2000 16
(Diane Warren gives the clue.) I honored my own dad for believing in me & my music when I wrote "Because You Love Me" for this film in which Robert Redford played a news director who believed in Michelle Pfeiffer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Amy Mattea
17,600 11,200 16,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Once a journalist himself, he began his first novel with his hero being fined 150,000 kronor for aggravated libel

Final scores:

Sam Amy Mattea
2,399 17,700 22,401
3rd place: 1 match point 2nd place: 2 match points Winner: 3 match points

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sam Amy Mattea
12,400 9,800 13,200
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: 35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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