Suggest correction - #8867 - 2023-05-09

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    $1000 21
This device that converts perfume into a fine spray is the noun form of a verb meaning "break into tiny pieces"

Show #8867 - Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hannah Wilson game 5.


Joe Forti, a project manager originally from Windham, New Hampshire

Raquel Matta, a copy editor from San Pablo, California

Hannah Wilson, a data scientist from Chicago, Illinois (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $124,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Phat Albert had drive in 1905 / His theory, sweeping the nation / Mass & energy speaking, confidence peaking / Voila, this equation
    $200 25
In 1952, before Jonas Salk's vaccine for this became available, the number of U.S. cases surged to 57,000; by 1962, it was 910
    $200 8
When this D.C. landmark opened in 1888, you could climb 898 steps to the top
    $200 3
The line "Move fast & break things" was called a core principle of his company by this freckled tech tycoon
    $200 16
At the 2009 World Championships, he was Jamaican off with the world record in the 100-meter dash, clocking a 9.58
    $200 30
As a verb, it means to break into pieces; as a noun, it can be that tiny sliver of wood you have to remove with tweezers
    $400 2
1789, & Klaproth is fine / This element, found using his cranium / 238 is a type of it, folks / For Martin discovered...
    $400 26
Holy K.I.T.T.! The ex-wife of this '80s TV star wound up marrying a man named Michael (E.) Knight
    $400 9
Medicare Part D gives seniors this type of coverage
    $400 4
This late basketball superstar, father of 4 daughters, said, "I would have 5 more girls if I could. I'm a girl dad"
    $400 24
At the 2017 NFL combine, John Ross' feet did not fail him as he dashed this many yards in a record 4.22 seconds
    $400 17
Legally, it precedes "of promise", "of trust" & "of contract"
    $600 13
Ptolemy's wrong this Pole did say / Earth has some movement / Founded modern astronomy with some autonomy / & Kepler made an improvement
    $600 27
This 1st female Sec. of State:
"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, & now that I have it, I am not going to be silent"
    $600 10
In trucker slang "Buster Brown" means this kind of delivery truck
    $600 5
In 2009 this hedge fund manager who committed massive fraud said, "I wish they caught me six years ago, eight years ago"
    $600 23
At the 2021 Australian Open, she hit a 125.5-mph serve, equal to that of Rafael Nadal at the tourney; just her being her
    $600 19
The medical abbreviation Fx stands for this
    $800 14
We have no pic of Margaret Mead / Sporting a blue feather boa / But things were great in 1928 / With "Coming of Age in"...
    $800 28
In his 1889 essay "The Gospel of Wealth", this Penn. steel man urged the well-off to use their money to help the less fortunate
    $800 11
These Asian dumplings are often served with exposed filling
    $800 6
John Roberts, saving Obamacare:
A fine for having no health insurance "may reasonably be characterized as" this
    $800 18
Drive to survive! In 2005 Juan Pablo Montoya set Italy on fire, hitting 231.5 mph in this class of auto racing
    DD: $4,800 20
This consonant-heavy word means a break in the unity of the Christian Church
    $1000 15
A 1918 Nobel win/ It is tough to follow / A German physicist / Which kinda rhymes with lyricist? / He's a man of "constant" sorrow
    $1000 29
In 2019 Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with this rival country
    $1000 12
In this religion services take place in a gurdwara, or "guru's gateway"
    $1000 7
Of reforms under way because of his domestic spying revelations, in 2014 this tech guy said, "I'm still working for the government"
    $1000 22
The pelota can fly fast--like 188-mph fast--hurled out of a cesta in this sport with a rhyming name
    $1000 21
This device that converts perfume into a fine spray is the noun form of a verb meaning "break into tiny pieces"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Hannah Raquel Joe
$4,200 $1,800 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Hannah Raquel Joe
$13,200 $3,200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Next, a tribute to the late, great...)
    $400 16
In the Revolutionary War James Monroe served in this state's 3rd Regiment & was wounded at Trenton
    $400 27
This 1969 Western about a pair of Old West outlaws won Burt 2 Oscars
    $400 24
Canal get a witness? The isthmus of this is the only land bridge between the Asian & African continents
    $400 1
In the '90s this novel was unavoidable, down to a parody called "The Ditches of Edison County" about lonely housewife Pancetta
    $400 26
Oopsie, I accidentally spilled this household product on my shirt
    $400 23
Just ordinary; originally, something the factory turned out without much quality control
    $800 15
In the Civil War William McKinley served in a regiment from this state, commanded by Rutherford B. Hayes
    $800 30
Burt's most famous partnership was with lyricist Hal David & this gifted vocalist seen here
    $800 21
The isthmus of Tehuantepec is near this country's Tabasco Plain
    $800 12
In this novel Ralph Ellison wrote, "When they approach me they see only my surroundings..."
    $800 25
Sorry, just had some shrimp scampi that was extra heavy on this pungent key ingredient; kiss?
    $800 22
A dab of clear nail polish can halt this fashion disaster
    DD: $4,000 8
Eisenhower did not go overseas for WWI, but earned a medal in part for battling an epidemic of this disease at Camp Colt in Pennsylvania
    $1200 29
With Carole Bayer Sager, Burt gave us this song that says, "Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure"
    $1200 6
A neck of Thailand & southern Myanmar, the Isthmus of Kra connects the mainland of Asia with this peninsula
    $1200 4
This "Road" novel by Erskine Caldwell is used as a synonym for situations of depressing poverty
    $1200 2
In "Apocalypse Now" Robert Duvall loved "the smell of" this "in the morning"
    $1200 3
Nautically, it means to direct an efficient organization
    $1600 9
On Sept. 2, 1944 Robert Williams of the USS Finback sighted shot-down aviator George H.W. Bush through this, enabling his rescue
    $1600 28
Burt was married to this actress in the years she made "Point Blank", "Big Bad Mama" & "Dressed to Kill"
    $1600 13
The Isthmus of Boothia in this newish Canadian territory connects to the northernmost tip of North America's mainland
    $1600 5
Henry Fleming is eager to get into battle until the slaughter actually begins in this work by Stephen Crane
    $1600 19
It's this incense fragrance, warm, slightly sweet, slightly musky, from trees in the genus Santalum
    $1600 17
Bringing Pabst to soldiers deployed in Vietnam is the story of "The Greatest" this "Ever"
    $2000 10
William Henry Harrison & this running mate both fought in the War of 1812
    $2000 11
Younger musicians inspired by Burt include this Brit who collaborated with him on the album "Painted from Memory"
    $2000 14
The isthmus of this, also the name of both an ancient & modern city, joins the Peloponnese with the Greek mainland
    DD: $5,600 7
The mysterious Anne Catherick strongly favors a certain color in this novel by Wilkie Collins
    $2000 20
It's Vicks VapoRub for cold relief, a combination of menthol, camphor & this strong-smelling tree oil
    $2000 18
Football gives us this idiom meaning to remove obstacles for someone else

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Hannah Raquel Joe
$26,000 $14,400 $5,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

She made her big screen debut as a teen named Laurie in a 1978 film & in 2022 she played that role for the 7th & last time

Final scores:

Hannah Raquel Joe
$23,000 $22,400 $11,598
5-day champion: $147,801 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Hannah Raquel Joe
$22,000 $14,800 $5,800
29 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $42,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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