Suggest correction - #1412 - 1990-10-23

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    $200 3
In 1920, the Mounties became a federal force throughout Canada & moved their headquarters to this capital

Show #1412 - Tuesday, October 23, 1990

Sara Cox game 5.
Game entered from audiorecording.


Joan Voss, a high school teacher from Fort Lee, New Jersey

Mike Brecklin, a magazine editor from Peoria, Illinois

Sara Cox, a teacher from Bangor, Maine (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $60,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 22
The oath taken by medical graduates is named for this ancient physician
    $100 21
MacUser, MacGuide & Macworld are all guides to using this company's Macintosh computers
    $100 2
In 1877, the first major tennis tournament took place in this London suburb
    $100 8
This state is known as "the Baked Bean State"
    $100 1
It's the exact German equivalent of "au revoir"
    $100 13
From 1958-66, this famous Donna played Donna Stone, a doctor's wife, on her own TV series
    $200 24
He practiced medicine for more than 30 years before publishing his famous thesaurus
    $200 23
A sitcom whose resident loonies included Louie & Latka, or a chic magazine they probably wouldn't read
    $200 5
This silver bowl is awarded annually to the nation that wins the World's Men's Tennis title
    $200 9
"King of Escapologists"
    $200 3
Hebrew for "good luck", it's used to express congratulations
    $200 15
She played Citizen Kane's mom on film long before she played Samantha's mom on "Bewitched"
    $300 25
His discovery of a smallpox vaccination helped pave the way for modern immunology
    $300 30
This fashion publication is known by its initials, W.W.D.
    $300 10
The surname of this former women's champ is Aborigine for "tall trees by still waters"
    $300 14
19th century impresario called "The Prince of Humbugs"
    $300 4
French for "head-to-head", it describes a private talk for two
    $300 16
This Broadway star who plays Murphy Brown's imposing mom was twice married to George C. Scott
    $400 26
German doctor Paul Ehrlich founded this method of treating diseases using chemical compounds
    $400 29
First published in February 1988, it's a magazine for women over 35, not Shakespearean kings
    $400 11
If you touch the baseline during a serve, you've committed this kind of fault
    $400 17
Jazz pianist Ferdinand Morton got this nickname from a composition he wrote
    $400 6
In Italian, "cane mordace" & "attenti al cane" both tell you to beware of this
    $400 18
Still the Beaver's mom, she showed up in "Airplane!" translating "Black Jive"
    $500 27
This discoverer of penicillin shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Medicine
    $500 28
Her "Money Book" was a #1 bestseller, but her Personal Finance magazine folded in 1989
    $500 12
This Czech won the US Men's Singles 3 three times in the 1980s & was runner up 5 times
    DD: $700 19
19th century American essayist known as "The Concord Rebel" & "The Poet Naturalist"
    $500 7
Latin for "good faith", it's used to indicate something is genuine
    $500 20
Knowledgeable TV fans can tell you she played John Boy's mama

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Sara Mike Joan
$1,500 $2,000 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sara Mike Joan
$2,800 $3,400 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
Caesar observed that Gaul, now this country, was divided into three parts
    $200 3
In 1920, the Mounties became a federal force throughout Canada & moved their headquarters to this capital
    $200 2
He wrote "America in Search of Itself: the Making of the President, 1956-1980"
    $200 1
1 of the 5 pillars of this religion is sawm, a month-long fast during Ramadan
    $200 29
Because of heavy air traffic into this city's Haneda Airport, Narita Airport was built in the 1970s
    $200 16
In the 1950s, he hosted a TV dance show with his wife, Catherine
    $400 22
The earliest residents probably came to this continent from S.E. Asia & brought dingoes with them
    $400 4
The shamrock on Montreal's flag honors immigrants from this country
    $400 5
The extremely prolific Russian-born science writer who wrote "The Stars in Their Courses"
    $400 6
A group of students at this university started the Methodist movement in the 1700s
    $400 18
He was famous both as the announcer on "The Merv Griffin Show" & for his fish & chips
    $600 27
Ethiopia's Solomonic dynasty, which lasted until 1974, is said to date from Menelik I, son of this couple
    $600 7
This company completed Canada's first transcontinental rail line in 1885
    DD: $800 13
Testimony against Gertrude Stein was a critical attack on this autobiography
    $600 10
These days begin & end the Christian holy week
    $600 28
Venice, Italy's jetport is named for this famous medieval traveler
    $600 19
The movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" was based on his story "The Sentinel"
    $800 26
This queen & wife of Akhenaten bore 6 daughters; 2 of them became queens of Egypt
    $800 8
This smallest province's motto means "The small under the protection of the great"
    $800 14
This couple shared a 1968 Pulitzer Prize for "Rousseau and Revolution"
    $800 11
Kurma, Vamana & Krishna are 3 of this god's avatars or incarnations
    $800 25
Only two miles from the center of downtown Boston, it's the city's major airport
    $800 20
Actual name of Napoleon's nemesis, the Duke of Wellington
    $1000 23
This Greek orator practiced speaking with pebbles in his mouth & recited verses while running
    $1000 9
Because of Longfellow's poem, part of this province is nicknamed "Land of Evangeline"
    $1000 15
This creator of Sally Bowles wrote a book about China with his close friend W.H. Auden
    DD: $2,000 12
The 1989 Nobel Peace Prize went to a follower of this religion
    $1000 24
Greater Cincinnati Airport is located in this state
    $1000 21
His 1917 declaration expressed Britain's support for a Jewish national homeland

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sara Mike Joan
$6,200 $7,200 $2,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Columbian white-tailed deer isn't native to Colombia but to these 2 U.S. states

Final scores:

Sara Mike Joan
$0 $12,401 $3,999
3rd place: Bruce hardwood floor New champion: $12,401 2nd place: Color Time deluxe home entertainment center + collection of Citadel Film Books

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sara Mike Joan
$9,000 $7,900 $2,000
24 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
20 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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