Suggest correction - #1463 - 1991-01-02

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    $100 4
Jesus' first bed was one of these stone-feeding troughs

Show #1463 - Wednesday, January 2, 1991

Jonathan Jacobs game 4.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Bill Stolting, a ticket agent from Mountainside, New Jersey

Suzanne Beckley, an administrative assistant from Seattle, Washington

Jonathan Jacobs, an operations research analyst originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $43,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
In 1971 she published her first book "Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinah"
    $100 1
Neutrinos travel at the speed of this & most pass right through the earth
    $100 21
This suspended organ holds a cow's milk
    $100 16
In this game, once a Kennedy clan favorite, tackling is not allowed
    $100 4
Jesus' first bed was one of these stone-feeding troughs
    $100 26
When these animals get in my way I yell "Scat!"
    $200 12
The last lines of his autobiography are "Didn't you hear me? I said I was the greatest"
    $200 2
Class of machine that transfers power through the tension of a rope wound over a wheel
    $200 22
This highly contagious viral disease which attacks cattle has two body parts in its name
    $200 17
In volleyball, it's not putting the punch in punch, but driving a ball downward while leaping
    $200 5
Jesus gave him the keys of the kingdom of heaven
    $200 27
Oscar is opening a posh one on 5th Avenue
    $300 13
Late zoologist & TV personality who called his 1982 autobiography "My Wild Kingdom"
    $300 3
Next in the sequence of radio wave frequencies: low, medium, high, very high
    $300 23
Hereford cattle have distinctive coloring; their bodies are red & their faces are this color
    $300 18
A thrown horseshoe that encircles the stake
    $300 6
His epistle to the Galatians was written before the Gospels
    $300 28
Ralph hums with pleasure when he eats this cornmeal dish
    $400 14
This TV host's 32nd book, "Dumbth", is subtitled "& 81 Ways to Make Americans Smarter"
    $400 9
Type of nuclear reactor that produces more fuel than it consumes
    $400 24
These beef cattle, first bred in Scotland, are well known for the marbling of fat in their meat
    $400 19
Italian for "bowls", it's their version of lawn bowling
    DD: $500 7
He said, "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, I shall not believe"
    $400 29
Edna eloped with one of these college officials
    $500 15
Singer whose "Tales from Margaritaville" are touted as fictional facts & factual fiction
    $500 10
An element's atomic number always tells how many of these particles it has in each atom
    $500 25
This Asian country has more cattle than any other
    $500 20
Originally called poona, it was renamed this for the estate where it was first played in England
    $500 8
The name of this place where Cain dwelt means "land of wandering", not "dreamland"
    $500 30
Sven tried to repair one of these sleds with glue

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jonathan Suzanne Bill
$2,600 $1,100 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Suzanne Bill
$3,700 $2,400 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1870s
    $200 26
Less than a quarter of the population now consists of this nomadic group
    $200 14
Greek for serpent, legend says they were fought by Siegfried & St. George
    $200 5
In 1875, she published "Science & Health", the basis of her religion
    $200 21
Thomas Nuttall named this purple-flowered vine for American physician Caspar Wistar
    $200 1
Prince Aya of this country married grad student Kiko Kawashima at a Shinto shrine in 1990
    $200 2
When in Rome...
    $400 27
Saudi Arabia's flag features a sword & an inscription on a field of this color
    $400 15
A word from the name of this Rabelais giant has come to describe anything huge
    $400 7
He became the richest person of the era after establishing Standard Oil in 1870
    $400 22
Herb with a yellow flower whose name comes from French for "lion's tooth"
    $400 3
In 1566 this Scottish Queen's second husband, Lord Darnley, was involved in the murder of her male secretary
    $400 9
While there's life...
    $600 28
The name of this Saudi Arabian capital means "the gardens"
    $600 17
Beowulf not only killed this monster, he also killed its mother
    $600 8
In 1875, Captain Matthew Webb became the first to swim it, in 21 hours, 45 minutes
    $600 23
The Bible associates Babylon with weeping, & the scientific name of this plant is Salix babylonica
    $600 4
She succeeded her half-brother, King Henry the Impotent, as ruler of Castile in 1474
    $600 10
You can't make a silk purse...
    $800 29
The Prophet's Mosque containing the tomb of Muhammad is in this city north of Mecca
    DD: $2,500 18
Whenever Heracles cut off one of this water serpent's heads, it grew another
    $800 16
Since he discovered the bacillus for leprosy in 1874, it's also been known by his name
    DD: $2,600 24
A soothing lotion is made from this shrub whose forked twigs have been used for divining rods
    $800 6
King Olaf V of this country turned 87 in 1990
    $800 12
Still waters...
    $1000 30
Jeddah, the chief seaport of Saudi Arabia, lies on the eastern shore of this body of water
    $1000 19
Hell hath no fury like this Plymouth Fury, the classic killer car created by Stephen King
    $1000 20
"Middlemarch", which many believe to be her finest book, was published in 1871-72
    $1000 25
Azaleas make up some of the approx. 800 species of this genus that's from the Greek for "rose tree"
    $1000 11
This Balkan country chose Prince William of Denmark as its new king in 1863; he became King George I
    $1000 13
A soft answer turneth away...

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Suzanne Bill
$12,500 $3,700 $6,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 states bordering both Dakotas, they each begin with the same letter

Final scores:

Jonathan Suzanne Bill
$17,599 $7,000 $12,999
4-day champion: $61,200 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jonathan Suzanne Bill
$10,700 $6,100 $6,500
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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