Suggest correction - #8861 - 2023-05-01

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    $800 21
Borneo is shared by Indonesia, Malaysia & this Islamic monarchy

Show #8861 - Monday, May 1, 2023

Kevin Belle game 2.
Mayim Bialik hosts.


Cyrus Zhou, a graduate student from St. Louis, Missouri

Maryhelen Shuman-Groh, a retired university administrator from Clearwater, Florida

Kevin Belle, a trail planner from Silver Spring, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
In his movie title debut in America, this dinosaur-like beast's name was followed by "King of the Monsters!"
    $200 19
Because capybaras are semi-aquatic, South American Catholics may eat them even during this religious season, like fish
    $200 1
It follows Ice & Stone
    $200 8
Step slow, slow, quick, quick to do this dance with a member of the family Canidae in its name
    $200 27
On May 17, 1792, 24 brokers signed an agreement under a tree on this street, leading to the formation of the N.Y. Stock Exchange
    $200 2
This civil rights leader said, "The great glory of American democracy is the right to protest for right"
    $400 14
The songs "Ticket To Ride" & "Yesterday" first appeared on this album
    $400 12
In the 19th c. this people of New Zealand, not happy with missionaries, formed a native Christian movement called Pai Marire
    $400 4
Perhaps you learned to type with the phrase "Now is the time for all good men to come to the" this "of the party"
    $400 9
Early punk rockers bounced up & down to do this dance named for a playground toy
    $400 28
The 1862 victory by forces under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza is celebrated annually in Mexico on this date
    $400 3
He made it out of the O.K. Corral, but after Nov. 8, 1887, he could no longer be anybody's huckleberry
    $600 15
It's the musical version of an 1838 novel about a young orphan who joins a criminal gang
    $600 20
It's the majority religion of Albania
    $600 16
In the early 2000s the Israeli army phased out use of this submachine gun
    $600 10
Lean from side to side, move your arms & run your hands over your hair to get on a first-name basis with this hip-hop dance
    DD: $2,400 26
On May 10-11, 1927 he flew from San Diego to New York City, with an overnight stop in St. Louis
    $600 5
Medieval theologian John Duns Scotus, "The subtle doctor", pioneered this doctrine that the Virgin Mary was born free of original sin
    $800 24
"Raise the Titanic!" is the fourth book featuring this author's action hero Dirk Pitt
    $800 21
The throat of this Hindu god is blue because he swallowed poison that threatened to destroy the world
    $800 17
Wrath or fury packed into 3 letters
    $800 11
There are Irish, Scottish & Virginia styles of this folk dance that sounds like it will set you spinning
    $800 29
Founded by Clara Barton on May 21,1881, this organization got its first congressional charter 19 years later
    $800 6
His "Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care" came out in 1946; "Common Sense" left the title in later editions
    $1000 25
Despite its biblical sound, this Faulkner novel with a repetitive title takes place in Mississippi & Haiti
    $1000 22
A vision of Mary as she appeared to St. Juan Diego on Mexico's Tepeyac Hill is known as Our Lady of this
    $1000 18
This symbol of Australia ranks as the world's second-tallest bird
    $1000 13
At a 1964 campaign rally for LBJ, Lucy Baines Johnson & Steve McQueen did this dance named for an African people
    $1000 30
With proud daughters Elizabeth & Margaret, this king is seen at the time of his coronation--May 12, 1937
    $1000 7
Though finished in 1957, the hefty novel about him would not be published in the Soviet Union for 30 years

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Maryhelen Cyrus
$2,600 $3,400 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Maryhelen Cyrus
$6,200 $1,800 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Name the show.)
    $400 6
I'm out of my element in an orchestra on this slide instrument; I'm more into jazz & the legendary Vic Dickenson
    $400 18
In Turkish this island's name begins with a "K"; in Greek, with the equivalent, kappa
    $400 5
Fred & Ethel Mertz
    $400 13
Until 1917, it was a Russian emperor; today, this title is used informally to mean someone in charge
    $400 12
On a 1997 episode of her talk show, she asked viewers to help change the lives of others & the Angel Network was soon born
    $400 7
The northeast corner of Alaska is home to the Arctic National Wildlife this, a place where animals are left undisturbed
    $800 19
A modern symphony has 6 to 10 players of this, the tenor of the violin family & tonight, I'll be one of 'em to help string you along
    $800 21
Borneo is shared by Indonesia, Malaysia & this Islamic monarchy
    $800 1
Wilson Wilson Jr., behind the fence
    $800 14
In German, it's Dienstag; in Latin, it's Dies Martis; in English, it's this
    $800 27
Here's this Pensacola-based Navy squad doing their thing, eliciting oohs & aahs from fans
    $800 8
Rainwater that drains from the surface of an area without sinking into the soil is called this
    $1200 20
I've brought my trusty clarinet & am ready to play a principal role in this orchestra section
    $1200 22
In 2022 Canada got a land border with a second country, agreeing to split a tiny island near Greenland with this European nation
    $1200 2
Winnie Cooper
    $1200 15
From Hebrew, this word that can follow bar or bat refers to a good deed
    $1200 28
This singer is honored in U2's "Angel Of Harlem", in which she is referenced as "Lady Day"
    $1200 9
Used for weaving in many cultures, they're the speedy-sounding type of plants seen here
    DD: $3,600 25
On xylophone, I'll keep the square dancing going in the Hoe-Down segment of this Aaron Copland ballet
    $1600 23
France & the Netherlands share this little Caribbean island, & we don't care whether you say "Saint" or "Sint"
    $1600 3
Ed & Trixie Norton
    DD: $1,400 16
French for "work", this vowel-heavy word is often used for all of the works by an artist or composer
    $1600 29
He's told, "Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"
    $1600 10
Beginning with the name of a chess piece, it's a place where birds like herons & egrets breed & nest
    $2000 26
It's big fun for an oboist to play "Peter & the Wolf", where I get to be this bird
    $2000 24
The first word in the name of this country that shares an island with Indonesia is from Malay for "frizzled"
    $2000 4
Babette Dell
(Sally Struthers)
    $2000 17
From an Italian word for "boat", it was the type of song originally sung by Venetian boatmen
    $2000 30
In Gaile Parkin's "Baking Cakes in Kigali", Angel enriches the lives of those in this African country
    $2000 11
Non-flowering plants like horsetails propagate using these horizontal, underground stems

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Maryhelen Cyrus
$14,000 $9,800 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first name of this title character is from Hebrew for "devoted to God"; his last name suggests he can be easily duped

Final scores:

Kevin Maryhelen Cyrus
$12,799 $3,800 $0
2-day champion: $24,398 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin Maryhelen Cyrus
$12,400 $7,800 $7,600
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $27,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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