Suggest correction - #1443 - 1990-12-05

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    $500 24
The reason you shouldn't wear perfume or scented hand lotion when you're on a camping trip

Show #1443 - Wednesday, December 5, 1990

Bruce Ikawa game 4.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Becky Bryan, a merchandise controller from Washington, D.C.

Scott Smith, a physical therapist from Brooklyn, Ohio

Bruce Ikawa, a college professor originally from Indianapolis, Indiana (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $44,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
In this futuristic Aldous Huxley novel, people attend feelies instead of movies
    $100 12
Legend says this magician still haunts the ruins of his Laurel Canyon estate in Hollywood
    $100 10
As a warning, it will stamp its front feet & growl before spraying
    $100 1
On April 18th, 1923, he hit the first home run in Yankee Stadium
    $100 8
Made by man rather than occurring in nature, it can refer to intelligence or respiration
    $100 2
Heloise gives herself facials with this sticky sweetener; she says it cleans out her pores
    $200 22
Jack London wrote the novel "John Barleycorn" as a protest against this
    $200 13
He was the first cartoon character to get his own star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame
    $200 11
The Indian species of this animal hunted for its horn is endangered
    $200 3
This prehistoric South Seas sport was banned by missionaries in the 1820s
    $200 27
The legislative governing body of the United Kingdom
    $200 7
Heloise suggests using a brush intended for this kind of leather to scour burned pans
    $300 23
In John Updike's novels, it's the nickname of salesman Harry Angstrom
    $300 14
When he read the novel "Gone with the Wind", his reaction was, "What a part for Ronald Coleman"
    $300 17
Horned lizards have the unusual ability to squirt this from their eyes
    $300 4
These games were first held at Chamonix, France from January 25 to February 4, 1924
    $300 28
Stealing the writings of others & passing them off as your own
    $300 9
She uses this salad dressing ingredient to clean her coffee maker & steam iron & to rinse her dishes
    $400 25
In the Thorne Smith novel, he was turned into an adventurous romantic by a pair of ghosts
    $400 15
Movie mogul known for his -isms, some of which were actually concocted by others
    DD: $1,000 18
Numbats & wombats belong to this order of mammals
    $400 5
The two professional teams whose home is the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome
    $400 20
If your buttons fall off, you can sew them on with nylon fishing line or this hygiene product
    $500 26
His "The Last of Mr. Norris" & "Goodbye to Berlin" are the basis of the musical "Cabaret"
    $500 16
The Chateau Marmont Hotel made the news when this comic actor died there in 1982
    $500 19
While a moth develops in a cocoon, a butterfly develops within this hard shell covering
    $500 6
Tennis's Grand Slam winner in 1953, she was the first woman to win all four events
    $500 24
The reason you shouldn't wear perfume or scented hand lotion when you're on a camping trip

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Bruce Scott Becky
$500 $0 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Scott Becky
$4,300 $100 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The land that constitutes the present-day District of Columbia once belonged to this state
    $200 8
In his poem "Lacon" Charles Caleb Colton advised, "When you have nothing to say, say" this
    $200 26
Once commonly used to pave streets, they're defined as larger than pebbles & smaller than boulders
    $200 3
A pentatonic scale used in some Gregorian chants has this many notes
    $200 11
In 1964, he replaced Ben Franklin on the U.S. half-dollar
    $200 16
This president said of his war experience, "San Juan was the great day of my life"
    $400 2
Some words from the Declaration of Independence on his memorial are misspelled or missing
    $400 19
Referring to the lever, this ancient Greek said, "Give me where to stand and I will move the earth"
    $400 27
As its name indicates, the sial that composes much of Earth's crust contains these two elements
    $400 4
Stephen Foster originally wrote this song as "Way Down Upon The Pee Dee River"
    $400 12
Federal, state & local governments issue these loan contracts to help raise money
    $400 17
In the unofficial theme song of the war, it's the kind of time had in the old town
    $600 9
His official residence is located in Observatory Circle on Massachusetts Avenue NW
    DD: $2,500 23
16th century Florentine political thinker who wrote, "It is far safer to be feared than loved"
    $600 28
A major fuel in Eastern Europe, lignite is a soft brown type of this
    $600 5
In the 1850s, Brigham Young established the choral group now called this
    $600 13
The Federal National Mortgage Association is known by this nickname
    $600 20
These words were usually followed by the now forgotten line, "To hell with Spain"
    $800 10
You'll find a statue of Puck outside this library
    $800 24
Known as "The Actor", this robber said he robbed banks because "that's where the money is"
    $800 29
Term for layers of rock having the same composition throughout
    DD: $1,000 6
The English word for this instrument means "small" in Italian
    $800 14
Due to a copper shortage, 1943 U.S. pennies were made of this metal coated with zinc
    $800 21
In 1899, Lieutenant Andrew Rowan went to heroic length to deliver a message to this Cuban rebel leader
    $1000 18
Colonial architecture can be seen in this neighborhood, the city's oldest
    $1000 25
"No one is such a liar as the indignant man", this German philosopher said in "Beyond Good and Evil"
    $1000 30
Slate is formed by the action of heat & pressure upon this sedimentary rock
    $1000 7
Daniel Barenboim has been named to succeed Georg Solti as director of this city's symphony in 1991
    $1000 15
The first paper money issued by the U.S. government, not individual banks, was authorized during this war
    $1000 22
Peace negotiations were held & a treaty was signed in this European capital

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Scott Becky
$13,400 $2,100 $4,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the only Mercury astronaut to walk on the Moon

Final scores:

Bruce Scott Becky
$16,000 $4,200 $2,500
4-day champion: $60,599 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bruce Scott Becky
$10,900 $3,100 $4,000
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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