Suggest correction - #8860 - 2023-04-28

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    $1000 23
This, "Fat, Acid, Heat" by Samin Nosrat is subtitled "Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking"

Show #8860 - Friday, April 28, 2023

Kevin Belle game 1.


Kevin Belle, a trail planner from Silver Spring, Maryland

Katherine Cohen, a grad student and museum worker from New York, New York

Eric Anderson, an operations director from Brooklyn, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
The Lord tells Job, "Gird up thy" these "now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me"
    $200 8
We hope this Cordon Bleu alum didn't cut the Dickens out of her finger as she was "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in 1961
    $200 5
This long-gone Yankee slugger still tops the career wins above replacement list at
    $200 15
This company ended the Fiesta & overthrew the Crown Victoria
    $200 6
Some SUVs come equipped with 14 of these inside for 8 passengers; drink up!
    $200 12
Kuwait is found on the Arabian Peninsula along the northwestern shores of this gulf
    $400 26
Job asks a friend whether this wild animal brays when he has grass
    $400 20
"Over 300 recipes for plant-based eating all through the year" are found in the bestselling "Forks Over" these
    $400 4
He's been called the GOAT of TV commentary
    $400 16
Its 503 & 507 did not add up to be the ultimate driving machines
    $400 7
In rock climbing, it's a small crack or ledge to gain a secure position for further advancement
    $400 13
The training of these swift raptors is a popular pastime in Kuwait & one appears on the national emblem
    $600 27
Satan smites Job with these, also one of the 10 plagues of Egypt; Job tries to scrape them off with potsherds--ouch!
    $600 21
You could sip on gin & juice as you make some soul food recipes found in "From Crook to Cook" by this rapper
    DD: $1,000 3
He was born March 30, 1970, in a Virginia stable
    $600 17
In the 2010s it decided its electrified future wouldn't include the Jetta Hybrid
    $600 9
In "Sunset Boulevard" this Oscar-winning actor played a screenwriter, in "Network" he's a TV executive
    $600 14
Before the dominance of the oil industry, Kuwait was a center of diving offshore for these precious objects, often at depths over 100 feet
    $800 28
In a Sholem Aleichem story, this beleaguered dairyman asks why God never let up on Job, "for even a moment"
    $800 22
Enjoy "Uncommon Recipes from" this Brooklyn pie shop; its 4-word name is what was "baked in a pie" in a nursery rhyme
    $800 2
This '40s & '50s welterweight & middleweight champ topped a "Ring" magazine's list of greatest boxers
    $800 18
In 2019 the last Cruze from this brand cruised off the assembly line
    $800 10
Regarding your federal taxes, your W-4 form establishes your rate of this
    $800 24
A museum is named for these people who die for a greater cause--specifically young men who in 1991 fought Iraqi tanks
    $1000 29
"B" is for this legendary creature in Job; "his bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron"
    $1000 23
This, "Fat, Acid, Heat" by Samin Nosrat is subtitled "Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking"
    $1000 1
In 1912 this country's king told Jim Thorpe he was the world's greatest athlete; Jim is said to have replied, "Thanks, king"
    $1000 19
The Fit from this Japanese automaker wasn't fit to survive in the U.S. past 2020
    $1000 11
Marc Behm's novel about a private detective obsessed with the woman he's trailing is titled this, proverbially what beauty is in
    $1000 30
Kuwait's head of state, Sheik Nawaf of the Al Sabah Dynasty, holds this 4-letter title from Arabic for "commander"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Katherine Kevin
$1,800 $800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Katherine Kevin
$2,800 $2,400 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 19
After this prophet's death in 632, armies spreading his word conquered large parts of the Middle East & North Africa
    $400 17
(I'm Andy Richter.) My voice can get really high, as it did when I voiced rascally Mort, who plagued lemur King Julien in the animated films named for this big island
    $400 25
The largest internal organ, it weighs about 3 pounds & breaks down substances like alcohol
    $400 11
The name of this Narnia character is a Turkish word for "lion"
    $400 10
In these German brothers' "The Frog Prince", it's the princess flinging the frog against a wall that turns him into a prince
    $400 6
Christmas tree
(or just fir tree), as in a beloved song
    $800 20
Developed around the 9th century, this Slavic alphabet is used in as many as 50 languages today
    $800 14
H. Jon Benjamin voices Bob of "Bob's Burgers" as well as this animated spy
    $800 26
Keepin' busy, this soft, fatty tissue inside your bones makes platelets & oh yeah, billions of new blood cells daily
    DD: $1,000 12
"Whenever there is danger my heart begins to beat fast", says this character in a 1900 book
    $800 9
A gazelle of Arabia is named for the growth on its throat that resembles this swelling in humans
    $800 4
spelling please; it's just one letter different
    $1200 21
The Pyramid of the Magician is found at Uxmal, a city built on this peninsula in the mid-first millennium
    $1200 13
"Turning Red" told of Meilin, a teenager who turned into the animal called a red one of these whenever her emotions took over
    DD: $4,000 27
Most of your digestion doesn't take place in the stomach but rather in this organ that includes the ileum
    $1200 18
"We had many great adventures with lions", Isak Dinesen remembered in this book
    $1200 5
In Australia Sir Isaac Isaacs was the first native-born holder of this post, representing the queen
    $1200 3
Yes, sir!
(per "Hogan's Heroes: Behind the Scenes at Stalag 13")
    $1600 22
Around 970 Al-Azhar University was established in this North African capital as a center of Islamic learning
    $1600 15
Bingo is the younger sister to this Australian pup, the title character of a beloved kids' show
    $1600 28
Also called the hypophysis, this gland is boss level, as its hormones regulate the thyroid & adrenal glands
    $1600 24
The Colosseum is the setting for the climax of George Bernard Shaw's play called him "and the Lion"
    $1600 7
The international airport in the town of Prestwick on the Firth of Clyde serves this larger city to its northeast
    $1600 2
to Goethe & Nietzsche
    $2000 23
After the fall of Rome, this eastern branch of the Goths founded a kingdom in Italy led by Theodoric the Great in 493
    $2000 16
Lincoln has 10 sisters on this Nick series whose title indicates that things might be chaotic at home
    $2000 29
This filtering organ is on the left side of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm, or maybe "are under"--some grow more than one
    $2000 30
In this poet's "The Second Coming", "a shape with lion body and the head of a man... slouches towards Bethlehem to be born"
    $2000 8
This African country's town of Lambaréné was the home of Albert Schweitzer
    $2000 1
hence the last name of cultural critic Susan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Katherine Kevin
$1,200 $8,400 $14,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

In April 1975, to symbolize the start of America's Bicentennial, President Ford lit a third lantern at this landmark

Final scores:

Eric Katherine Kevin
$1 $2,400 $11,599
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $11,599

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Katherine Kevin
$800 $5,600 $15,200
6 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
19 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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