Suggest correction - #2360 - 1994-12-02

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    $1000 16
This composer of "Prince Igor" was the illegitimate son of a Georgian prince & an army doctor's wife

Show #2360 - Friday, December 2, 1994

Missing challenger introductions.


Leslie Miles, a lobbyist from

Alex Guard, an actor from St. Catharines, Ontario

Kevin Mulhern, a computer programming consultant from Stanhope, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
At about the time Richelieu became a bishop this captain was saved by Pocahontas
    $100 16
In 1902 they set new records for glider flights with their third biplane
    $100 21
The Cadillacs of FDR & JFK are on display at Autoworld in this Belgian capital
    $100 11
Almost 2/3 of Rhode island's population lives in the metropolitan area of this city
    $100 26
Heloise likes to sprinkle this movie theatre snack with the powdered cheese from macaroni & cheese dinners
    $100 1
A ship's navigational records are inscribed in this book
    $200 7
In 1295 Dante served in the local government of Florence & this explorer returned to Venice
    $200 17
He won the Raymond Orteig Prize of $25,000 for the first nonstop flight between New York & Paris
    $200 22
The buildings in this part of Beijing where the emperors lived are now museums
    $200 12
One of the USA's highest lakes, Lake Waiau, lies near the summit of Mauna Kea on this island
    $200 27
In the bathroom, use a clothespin or snack bag clip to keep this rolled to the last place you squeezed
    $200 2
On Dec. 15, 1939 this film premiered at Loew's Grand Theatre in Atlanta
    $300 8
In the 1780s Casanova wrote his steamy memoirs & this man invented a governor for the steam engine
    $300 18
He landed the Eagle manually July 20, 1969
    $300 23
A national museum in the Villa Giulia has this country's most important Etruscan collection
    $300 13
This lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is linked to Pyramid Lake via the Truckee River
    $300 28
If furniture has left indentations in this, put an ice cube in each indentation & let it melt overnight
    $300 3
Capable of holding about 200,000, Maracana stadium in Rio is the world's largest stadium for this sport
    DD: $500 9
While Martin Luther hid in Wartburg Castle in 1521, this man took Tenochtitlan
    $400 19
This Spruce Goose pilot died during a flight from Mexico to Texas April 5, 1976
    $400 24
Material from this state's historical society is on display at Wilmington's Old Town Hall
    $400 14
The Florida Mountains aren't in Florida, but about 50 miles southwest Las Cruces in this state
    $400 29
For an indoor version of this kids' outdoor plaything, fill a large plastic tray with 5 lbs. of corn meal
    $400 4
This explorer landed on Venezuela's Paria Peninsula in August 1489
    $500 10
While Pythagoras taught philosophy in Crotona, this religion-founder was under a bo tree in India
    $500 20
He took the X-1 past the sound barrier October 14, 1947
    $500 25
A small museum in Agana in this U.S. territory has exhibits on Chamorro culture & history
    $500 15
Washington's Puget Sound Lowland lies between the Cascades on the east & these mtns. on the west
    $500 30
Keep your jeans from fading by doing this to them before you wash them
    $500 5
In 1938 this country issued coins commemorating the marriage of King Zog

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Alex Leslie
$700 $1,900 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Alex Leslie
$1,200 $1,900 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
On Armistice Day, 1921, the first of the unknown soldiers was buried at this nat'l cemetery
    $200 21
James the Less is the patron saint of these fashion items; don't keep the fact under yours
    $200 12
This Austrian's older sister, Maria Anna, was a child prodigy, too; they often performed together
    $200 11
Anemia is a possible complication of this disease transmitted by Anopheles mosquitos
    $200 5
While living in Samoa, he wrote "Catriona", a sequel to "Kidnapped"
    $200 26
In 711, with the help of the Berbers, the Muslims crossed this strait to take Spain & Portugal
    $400 2
After the capture of the Serapis in 1779, his damaged ship the Bonhomme Richard was left to sink
    DD: $1,000 22
In the 1760s this U.S. city was named for the patron saint of the then king of France
    $400 13
4 generations of this "Turandot" composer's family had been prominent musicians in the town of Lucca
    DD: $2,000 17
Of heat exhaustion, heat prostration & heatstroke, the 2 that are synonymous
    $400 6
The Martian invasion in this 1898 work takes place in Woking, England, not New Jersey
    $400 27
Among the construction projections of the Umayyad Empire was this city's Dome of the Rock
    $600 3
In 1877 federal troops were withdrawn from the South, marking the end of this post-Civil War period
    $600 23
Known for his mysterious "fire", he's a patron saint of sailors
    $600 14
The father of this "Firebird" composer was a famous singer with the Imperial Opera in St. Petersburg
    $600 18
Koplik's spots on the inside of the cheeks are a symptom of this disease that's also called rubeola
    $600 7
Harry Bailly, host of the Tabard Inn, initiates the storytelling competition in this work
    $600 28
Abd al-Malik made this the official language of the empire
    $800 4
Forerunner of the CIA, this intelligence agency the OSS, was in existence from 1942-45
    $800 24
This martyr is considered the patron saint of lovers
    $800 15
This "William Tell" composer's father was the town trumpeter in Pesaro & his mother was an opera singer
    $800 19
The action of a hormone called cholecystokinin makes this bile-storing organ contract
    $800 8
His "Women in Love" continues the story of 2 sisters first featured in "The Rainbow"
    $800 29
The rates of this in the empire were set differently for Muslim converts & non-believers
    $1000 10
To bring farmers together, Oliver Hudson Kelley founded this fraternal order in 1867
    $1000 25
As the first person from this country canonized, Stanislaus is its patron saint
    $1000 16
This composer of "Prince Igor" was the illegitimate son of a Georgian prince & an army doctor's wife
    $1000 20
Overactivity of this gland is the most common cause of exophthalmos, or abnormal bulging of the eyes
    $1000 9
Betsey Trotwood is the eccentric but kindhearted great-aunt of this Charles Dickens character
    $1000 30
Muawiya moved the capital from Medina to this Syrian city that he'd helped capture in 635

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Alex Leslie
$9,000 $5,100 $4,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Country whose monetary unit is the Swiss franc & whose only official language is German

Final scores:

Kevin Alex Leslie
$7,000 $9,100 $100
2nd place: Keller bedroom furniture & Magnavox TV/VCR + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for home computer or SNES New champion: $9,100 3rd place: Robert H. Peterson Co brass fireplace accessories + Jeopardy! Sports Edition for home computer or SNES

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin Alex Leslie
$10,400 $5,100 $4,100
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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