Suggest correction - #8859 - 2023-04-27

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    $800 19
In Kentucky, "swing" by the museum & factory for this sporting product, see how it's made & score one for yourself

Show #8859 - Thursday, April 27, 2023


Eric Anderson, an operations director from Brooklyn, New York

Rebecca Bailey, a reference librarian from Reading, Massachusetts

Jesse Matheny, a customer success implementation manager originally from Huntington, Indiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will have those four letters in that order.)
    $200 21
    $200 5
Legally bound to a man who ghosted her, Deborah Read was the common-law wife of this printer & statesman
    $200 10
The title character of this NBC series was an antagonist in "The Silence of the Lambs"
    $200 26
A call to arms! Butterfly, bishop & the less-than-fashionable leg-of-mutton are types of these
    $200 16
An architecture tour of this city includes the Tribune Tower & the Wrigley Building
    $200 11
Originally this word was used as a charm to ward off evil or illness
    $400 22
    $400 4
The daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, Marie-Louise became his second wife in 1810
    $400 9
The truth is right here: the Cigarette Smoking Man & Deep Throat were shadowy characters on this '90s Fox show
    $400 27
This one-lens eyepiece worn by Mr. Barnacle Jr. in a work by Dickens is commonly associated with the upper class
    $400 17
A real quack-up, a fun way to tour Boston is on one of these amphibious vehicles that ends with a ride on the Charles River
    $400 12
The list "Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Washington" is in this
    $600 23
    DD: $1,000 3
Kasturba, who married him when both were under 15, became a leader in India's struggle for independence from British rule
    $600 8
Seen here, she plays the title aristocratic noblewoman in Amazon's Western "The English"
    $600 28
For the dad bod on the go, try these shorts with a name that says dad can carry a lot of stuff in the big thigh-level pockets
    $600 18
From the comfort of your home, you can virtually tour some of the art exhibits of this museum in both New York & Bilbao, Spain
    $600 13
2-word term for the first responder at the wheel of a rescue vehicle
    $800 24
Orb weaver,
    $800 1
This Catherine, Anne Boleyn's first cousin, was the fifth wife of Henry VIII; got it?
    $800 6
Netflix' "Cursed" centers on Nimue, a gifted girl destined to become this Arthurian sword giver
    $800 29
Appropriately named, this straw hat with a flat top & a flat brim was a must-have at turn-of-the-century regattas
    $800 19
In Kentucky, "swing" by the museum & factory for this sporting product, see how it's made & score one for yourself
    $800 14
It's a longer way of saying vitamin C
    $1000 25
    $1000 2
The outspoken wife of President Nixon's attorney general, she was the Southern socialite who turned Watergate whistleblower
    $1000 7
Post "Spider-Man", he played a devout detective investigating fundamentalism & murder in "Under the Banner of Heaven"
    $1000 30
Let's "C", it's the umbrella term covering bow ties, neckties, scarves & ascots
    $1000 20
Fashion fit for royalty is one of the specialty tours offered at this palace in Honolulu, once home to Hawaii's monarchs
    $1000 15
If you "go" this 7-word phrase, you've exceeded what your obligations require

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jesse Rebecca =) Eric
$2,400 $1,000 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Rebecca =) Eric
$4,400 $4,600 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
The Buda Castle District is near the Danube in this nation
    $400 15
"Decanted" is a documentary about growing wine in this storied California valley
    $400 29
Though it's named for a Russian, this low-tech weapon in a bottle was used early on against Russian T-26 tanks by the Finns
    $400 27
A trendy 21st century one of these, the Campari is sweet, juicy & good for bruschetta & in grilled cheese sandwiches
    $400 30
"An Elusive Woman" is the subtitle of a biography of this mystery writer, born a proper Victorian but later an avid surfer
    $400 6
Oddly, the Colonel's recipes are overseen by this agency along with Americans' TVs & cell phones
    $800 4
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum is in this Missouri city
    $800 13
The 2004 movie "Sideways" has been credited with killing sales of this varietal
    DD: $2,000 24
Built in England in 1916, a prototype of the first operational tank was nicknamed "Big Willie" in mockery of this man
    $800 28
Named for a French horticulturist, the Bosc pear was once Beurré Bosc, beurré meaning this quality
    $800 21
In 2022 John Lahr published a new bio of this American playwright who was Arty from a young age--that's what his mom called him
    $800 7
A January 1 texting abbreviation for students at an institution around Manhattan's Washington Square Park
    $1200 2
The Canadian citadel seen here has a lovely view of this Nova Scotia city
    DD: $3,000 12
This 2-word term for disparagement of something you can't have is the title of a 2016 documentary about counterfeit wine
    $1200 17
In 2023 Germany agreed to send its battle tanks named for this creature to help Ukraine
    $1200 19
This woman enjoyed asparagus at her Mount Vernon home & a variety of the veggie is named for her
    $1200 20
For the centennial of its publication, Matthew Hollis' 2022 "Biography of a Poem" is about this culture-spanning one by T.S. Eliot
    $1200 8
An American truck & SUV maker becomes a world of entertainment that got started with "Iron Man"
    $1600 1
One of New Jersey's oldest, this rhymingly named city was founded as New Barbadoes
    $1600 11
A 2012 documentary follows 4 candidates trying to earn the title master this, a French word for a wine steward
    $1600 16
The Trubia Modelo 1936 was used by the Republican side in this conflict
    $1600 18
Grower Henri Pascal found superior stalks of this veggie & the familiar dip-&-crunch variety is named for him
    $1600 22
Lucasta Miller gives us "A Brief Life" (& brief it was) of him "in Nine Poems" (including "Endymion") "& One Epitaph"
    $1600 9
Look--they took a plastic for making pipes & built a device to record TV shows in the 1980s
    $2000 3
This Ancient Egyptian city lived up to its name as the seat of worship of Re, the sun god
    $2000 14
This actor starred in "A Good Year", in which he inherits a vineyard, & narrated the documentary "Red Obsession" about Bordeaux
    $2000 25
Between 1942 & 1946, the U.S. produced nearly 50,000 of these tanks named for a Civil War general
    $2000 26
An important Korean crop is the Napa type of this vegetable, used in a signature food of the peninsula
    $2000 23
"I Used to Live Here Once" is about this author, who like the heroine of her "Wide Sargasso Sea" had Caribbean roots
    $2000 10
This report, very important to boss Bill Lumbergh in "Office Space", is also a commercial broadcast for the audience's benefit

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Rebecca =) Eric
$3,000 $9,800 $6,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Dante gives him, born to a Kurdish family in the 12th century, a place of honor in limbo along with the war heroes of Rome & Troy

Final scores:

Jesse Rebecca =) Eric
$0 $5,999 $7,600
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $7,600

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jesse Rebecca =) Eric
$7,600 $9,800 $6,800
20 R
(including 1 DD),
9 W
(including 2 DDs)
13 R,
0 W
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $24,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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