Suggest correction - #8850 - 2023-04-14

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    $800 9
This funny man starred on Broadway with John Mulaney as old New Yorkers in "Oh, Hello"

Show #8850 - Friday, April 14, 2023

Ben Chan game 3.


Greg Czaja, a cardiologist from San Diego, California

Kari Elsila, a grant strategy consultant from Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Ben Chan, a philosophy professor from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Nicholas Murray Butler, who shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize, ran this New York City Ivy League school for 44 years
    $200 11
The southernmost of the 13 colonies, it was meant to be a place where England's poor could get a new start
    $200 16
Rice wine for the guy who rides a racehorse
    $200 17
The winner of the college football matchup between Butler & Valparaiso in this state wins the coveted Hoosier Helmet
    $200 2
In a "Tale" by Beatrix Potter, Peter's last name is Rabbit; in a song from Gene Autry, it's this
    $200 28
In 1967 Ernie Terrell's refusal to call this man by his new name led to a beating with repeated queries of "What's my name?!"
    $400 7
Last name of hotel chain founder Conrad & Nicky, one of his New York-born great-granddaughters
    $400 12
Ron Howard's "Thirteen Lives" tells of a dramatic rescue that occurred in this country in 2018
    $400 20
Pilsner trepidation
    $400 24
I've found some Pinellas types of these projectile points--luckily, on the ground, not embedded in my flesh
    $400 3
In a kids' classic by her, Peter Hatcher relates "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing"
    $400 29
In 2010 a valiant Nicolas Mahut fell to John Isner in the 5th set, 70-68, in a match that spread across 3 days at this tournament
    $600 8
Reagan hired New York-born Nicholas Brady to investigate the 1987 stock market crash & later appointed him to this Cabinet post
    $600 13
The overturned salt container in this Leonardo da Vinci painting of 13 men may symbolize betrayal
    $600 21
Opera text about an almond liqueur
    $600 25
The daughter, known by this name, won the head of John the Baptist & is seen in a painting presenting it to her mom
    DD: $1,200 4
"Down on its right side toppled the bed of the Roman's chariot" in this oft-filmed novel subtitled "A Tale of the Christ"
    $600 30
In 1987 "Great White Shark" Greg Norman got eaten alive after Augusta native Larry Mize holed a 140-foot chip to win this major event
    $800 9
This funny man starred on Broadway with John Mulaney as old New Yorkers in "Oh, Hello"
    $800 14
Relaying more information about the problem aboard Apollo 13, he said, "We've had a main B bus undervolt"
    $800 22
Whiskey made in the middle of downtown Lexington or Louisville
    $800 18
This director of sometimes violent Westerns made "Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia", in which Warren Oates gets a head
    $800 1
One poem in Longfellow's "Tales of a Wayside Inn" begins, "Listen, my children, and you shall hear of" this
    $800 19
If you're "searching for" losses by this chess champ, you'll find in 1964 he did fall to John Dedinsky in 17 moves
    $1000 10
Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times shared a 1990 Pulitzer with his wife for reporting on the events in this Chinese plaza
    $1000 15
No longer the "Teflon Don", he was found guilty on 13 counts, including murder & racketeering, & got life in 1992
    $1000 23
Fraudulent medical recommendations by a Cuban cocktail
    $1000 26
In 1996 the Library of Congress acquired the "first selfie", this type of photograph named for a Frenchman
    $1000 5
A Japanese court lady known as Murasaki wrote one of the world's first novels, "The Tale of" him
    $1000 27
This Mets manager, Ol' Casey, lost an argument on Marv Throneberry not touching 1st during a triple; turns out Marv missed 2nd too

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben! Kari Greg
$4,600 $600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! Kari Greg
$8,600 $400 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: And note that we'll need the first and the last names there.)
    $400 29
Now meaning any rebellious group, this "juvenile" movement's 1908 revolt led to reforms & modernization
    $400 24
They always fought for your rights! "Your mom busted in & said, 'What's that noise?!' / Aw mom, you're just jealous, it's" this rap trio
    $400 23
Alaska's Aleutian Islands separate this sea from the Pacific Ocean
    $400 6
He changed the world through physics:
    $400 1
Runner Kathrine Switzer broke the gender barrier in 1967 when she became the first woman to officially enter this race
    $400 22
Add a letter to the end of the Roman god of war & you get this watery tract
    $800 30
The lasting legacy of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent includes the wall around the Old City of this world capital
    $800 25
"One Sweet Day" had 16 sweet weeks at No. 1 for Mariah & this vocal group from Philly, back again doin' a little "Jeopardy!" swing
    $800 11
As seen here, it's the largest island in the 3rd largest ocean
    $800 10
Safe as milk:
    $800 2
As chair of a new commission, this former first lady helped draft the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    $800 20
Add a letter to the start of the Greek god of war & you get these female animals
    $1200 14
In 1683 an Allied European Army relieved this Hapsburg capital from a 2-month siege by Ottoman forces
    $1200 26
Referencing a 1986 Top 5 hit by this band of hers, Susanna Hoffs tweeted, "Saturday is actually my fun day"
    $1200 9
This very large North American desert has a small dog in its name
    $1200 15
Perfect for someone who wrote about the Big Bang:
    $1200 3
She took up painting in her 70s after arthritis made it difficult to do her needlework & at 80 she had her first one-woman show
    $1200 19
Add a letter to the end of a Norse god & you get this prickly annoyance
    $1600 12
Kanun was the system of administrative law in the empire that supplemented this Islamic code
    $1600 27
Dan Auerbach & Patrick Carney make up this 2-man band that knew someone had an eye on their "Gold On The Ceiling"
    DD: $3,200 7
As well as president of France, Emmanuel Macron is also considered a co-prince of this nearby nation
    $1600 16
Well, that's just nuts: AVERAGE CHOWING STRONGER
    $1600 4
Maggie Kuhn's anti-ageism group had a long, dignified name but this moniker from a TV newsman is the one that stuck
    $1600 18
Add a letter to the start of an Egyptian falcon god & you get this tuneful group
    $2000 13
Ibrahim Pasha was one of many who held this important grand title, the highest minister of state under a sultan
    $2000 28
After meeting with Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus was "open to whatever" about a reunion of this band
    $2000 8
In 1966 Basutoland became this country that's completely surrounded by another
    $2000 17
Take the test & crack the code:
    $2000 5
Rigoberta Menchú of this country won the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of Central American indigenous people
    DD: $5,000 21
Insert a letter in a love god's name & you get this, a kind of tooth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben! Kari Greg
$20,800 $7,200 $8,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Known for more philosophical works, he wrote the play "La Mandragola", in which Florentines are rewarded for immoral actions

Final scores:

Ben! Kari Greg
$23,000 $2,200 $12,401
3-day champion: $69,001 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben! Kari Greg
$17,800 $8,400 $11,200
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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