Suggest correction - #8848 - 2023-04-12

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    DD: $1,000 11
French for "half" give us the name of this petite cup of something hot

Show #8848 - Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ben Chan game 1.


Ben Chan, a philosophy professor from Green Bay, Wisconsin

Laura Caton, a nonprofit arts administrator from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kat Jepson, an artist originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,399)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Serving from 1921 to 1940, former schoolteacher Agnes MacPhail was the first woman elected to this national government body
    $200 26
Pharrell crooned, "Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof because I'm" this
    $200 27
Cake in a box:
    $200 28
Columbia Restaurant, this state's oldest, serves dishes like mahi mahi Cubana, tapas, & of course, key lime pie for dessert
    $200 29
In 2010 this state made the Malamute its state dog
    $200 30
A sometimes animated desk lamp named Luxo Jr. is in the logo for this studio
    $400 21
Celebrating Canada's centennial, Expo 67 was held in this city
    $400 4
Hello, hello, hello... is there anybody in there? In 1979 Pink Floyd declared, "I have become comfortably" this
    $400 24
Princess nickname:
    $400 20
It's where you can order Kookaburra Wings & a Bloomin' Onion, mate
    DD: $7,000 23
Queen Elizabeth II's beloved dogs included a Dorgi named Candy, a mix of these 2 breeds
    $400 22
This little princess who turned 7 in 2022 is now third in line to the British throne
    $600 10
The only Canadian team to win the World Series, they did it back to back in the 1990s
    $600 3
This uneasy adjective has been the second half of a TV soap opera title since March 26, 1973
    $600 18
Land bordering Oz:
    $600 5
Your dining options at this Las Vegas hotel include Pronto by Giada, the Forum Food Court & the Bacchanal Buffet
    $600 16
As it's bred to guard the flocks, the Komondor, with its corded coat, is also known as the Hungarian this
    $600 15
Every decade in the U.S. from the 1960s through the 1990s, this name of an archangel ranked as the most popular first name for boys
    $800 8
This island joined the Confederation in 1873 to become the seventh province
    $800 1
In "Se7en" the killer removes a model's nose as an example of this deadly sin
    $800 17
Greek letter rhyming with "bye":
    $800 6
Pull up a seat at Chip & Joanna Gaines' restaurant in Waco, Texas called this, same as Joanna's cooking show
    $800 11
Introduced to them in Japan, Helen Keller is credited with bringing the first of these loyal guard dogs to the United States
    $800 13
Oddly, there's an Alcatraz East Crime Museum in this town more famous as the home of Dollywood
    $1000 9
Twice prime minister, the energetic & youthful Pierre Trudeau was a member & leader of this political party
    $1000 2
Ella Fitzgerald & many others sang, "Come to me, my" this "baby, cuddle up & don't be blue"
    $1000 19
New Jersey fort:
    $1000 7
(I'm Eddie Huang.) A play on the name of a German school of design, my first restaurant, specializing in Taiwanese-Chinese fare, including steamed buns, was called this
    $1000 12
The African hound called a Rhodesian this gets its name in part from the crest of hair that grows along its spine
    $1000 14
It bears repeating, it's the atomic number for radium

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kat Laura Ben!
$800 $1,000 $5,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kat Laura Ben!
$1,000 $400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 12
"Double, double toil and trouble" is a famous line from this tragedy
    $400 1
No "Heart of the Ocean", but a pink 6 7/16-carat diamond from this New York jeweler
    $400 30
Channeling Judy Garland in "Judy"
    $400 25
To play this is literally being done here, but can also mean to go too easy on someone
    $400 27
Famous Americans of this heritage include Barack Obama seen here on a visit to the old country
    $400 28
In 1989 it changed its official name in English to Myanmar
    $800 16
This play ends with Salieri saying, "Mediocrities everywhere--now & to come--I absolve you all. Amen!"
    $800 18
The handwritten manuscript of a 1902 story by this "Heart of Darkness" man, on its way to a collector in New York
    $800 29
Making dreams come true as Effie White in "Dreamgirls"
    $800 24
Don't give us a whole long one of these, just identify the German word for "play" or "game"
    $800 26
The first of many Chinese Americans in the laundry business was Wah Lee, who began washing 12 shirts for $5 in this city in 1851
    $800 6
The Caribbean coast of this Central American country is indented by a gulf of the same name
    DD: $2,800 3
This August Wilson play about a trash collector & his family was turned into a 2016 film
    $1200 13
"La Circassienne au Bain", an oil painting exhibited at the 1814 edition of this prestigious Paris art show
    $1200 19
The MC welcoming us "Im Cabaret,
au Cabaret,
to Cabaret"
    $1200 9
Usefulness, versatility, or the type of knife seen here
    $1200 23
Among the few high-profile Beninese-Americans is this Oscar nominee for "In America" & "Blood Diamond"
    $1200 5
It borders Brazil & the South Atlantic
    $1600 2
This Pulitzer Prize-winner by Margaret Edson tells of English professor Vivian Bearing, diagnosed with terminal cancer
    $1600 14
A brand new 1912 Renault one of these cars, from French for "cut" & "town"
    $1600 21
The charismatic Fred Hampton in "Judas & the Black Messiah"
    $1600 10
When this word precedes slavery, one person is not just in effect but legally the private property of another
    $1600 8
A museum in Wausau, Wisconsin is devoted to the culture of this Laotian people who helped the U.S. & often came here
    $1600 4
It borders Brazil & the North Atlantic
    $2000 17
This Moliere comedy about an imposter was first performed for King Louis XIV at Versailles in 1664
    $2000 15
An incredibly ornate edition of this Omar Khayyam work bound with more than 1,000 jewels set in gold
    $2000 20
Karen Crowder, trying to fix the fixer in "Michael Clayton"
    DD: $1,000 11
French for "half" give us the name of this petite cup of something hot
    $2000 22
Mexican street food in L.A. includes the memelas & tlayudas of this southwestern state bordering Chiapas
    $2000 7
In 1984 a West African country took this 2-word name meaning "land of honest people"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kat Laura Ben!
$5,400 $8,000 $17,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

England's "Bloody Assizes" & a 1685 life sentence for perjury were 2 main origins of this amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Final scores:

Kat Laura Ben!
$10,800 $5,199 $16,001
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $16,001

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kat Laura Ben!
$5,400 $8,000 $23,400
10 R,
3 W
9 R,
1 W
30 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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