Suggest correction - #8844 - 2023-04-06

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    $200 11
In a kids' tale, they are the victims of trespassing by a child who eats their food, breaks a chair & sleeps in their beds

Show #8844 - Thursday, April 6, 2023

Brian Henegar game 3.


Cameron Creel, a software engineer from Weehawken, New Jersey

Eliza Haas Marr, an educator from Portland, Oregon

Brian Henegar, a guest services agent from LaFollette, Tennessee (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $43,202)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
A relative by marriage

    $200 19
Now in Syria, Aleppo lies at a crossroads of great commercial routes about 60 miles away from both the Euphrates River & this sea
    $200 11
In a kids' tale, they are the victims of trespassing by a child who eats their food, breaks a chair & sleeps in their beds
    $200 20
Owners of many farms in Idaho, the Simplot family is one of McDonald's largest suppliers of these
    $200 15
This novel by Johanna Spyri begins, "The pretty little Swiss town of Mayenfeld lies at the foot of a mountain range..."
    $200 26
Tina Fey said "Gravity" was about how this actor would rather float away & die in space than spend time with a woman his own age
    $400 7
Workwear with straps


    $400 17
In 1687 Venetians besieging Athens hit this temple with a mortar, setting off gunpowder stored inside; it's never been the same
    $400 9
It's represented by a triangle, which means of course it's the 4th letter in the Greek alphabet
    $400 21
Brad Kelley's holdings include this state's Calumet Farm, source of many a Derby winner
    $400 27
This last name of James Thurber's character Walter can have -esque added to mean having fantasies far above your abilities
    $400 25
Bad puddy tat! This evil uncle admits fratricide when he whispers, "I killed Mufasa" to Simba
    $600 1
A B-flat woodwind

    $600 4
Circa 330 A.D. the city once known as this got a new name under new emperor Constantine
    $600 5
This youth group promises, "I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty" & 2 other things
    $600 22
Among this Amazon founder's major holdings: the Blue Origin sub-orbital launch site in West Texas
    $600 28
By its title, this Lois Lowry Y.A. novel needs a receiver, & his name is Jonas
    $600 12
Gwyneth Paltrow returns to the U.S. from Hong Kong, sickens & dies & this 2011 pandemic thriller is off & running
    $800 2
A favorite dinner at my house

    $800 16
Copan, an important city of the Classic period of these people is in modern-day Honduras, near the border with Guatemala
    $800 6
Unroll the thread; it's your destiny to know it's the collective name for Zeus' 3 daughters--Clotho, Lachesis & Atropos
    $800 23
The island of Niihau belongs to the Robinson family, whose ancestor bought it in the 1860s from the 4th king of this name
    $800 29
"The Revenger's Tragedy" of 1607 is one of several plays on the theme of vengeance from this literary era named for King James I
    $800 13
Look how they massacred my boy; James Caan wore 100-plus squibs to pay a heavy price at the tollbooth in this 1972 film
    $1000 3
A single serving of a November dessert

☮UMPKIN 3.141592
    DD: $1,200 18
This town, named for a Greek hero was one of several destroyed by a 79 A.D. disaster
    $1000 10
The sole-horned one gets all the press, but this describes an animal having four horns, like the antelope seen here
    $1000 24
This Georgia media magnate & former owner of the Atlanta Braves owns the largest private herd of bison on Earth--more than 50,000
    $1000 30
2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of this novelist & 75 years since his breakthrough, "The Naked and the Dead"
    $1000 14
Sometimes, you get older, adamantium in your body poisons you & a clone of your younger self up & kills you, like this 2017 guy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Eliza Cameron
$4,200 -$400 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Eliza Cameron
$7,000 $200 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 22
Meaning "before the war", it commonly refers to the period before the American Civil War
    $400 28
In a historic first, he won the U.S. Open tennis tournament in September 1968
    $400 26
Winning four in 2016, she tied the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympics by a female gymnast
    $400 17
Mod style included these shoes named for a coin & worn by Miles Davis, the coolest man then alive
    $800 1
The Andy Warhol Museum,
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
    $800 13
"It'll be" this "or it'll be the bullet. It'll be liberty or it'll be death", cautioned Malcolm X in a 1964 speech
    $800 3
It's used when something is repeated "to the point of sickness"
    $800 27
In the 1920s, he began a successful mail order business to teach ballroom dancing; his dance centers can be found worldwide
    $800 25
Make a racket for these 2 siblings who won the gold in women's doubles tennis at the 2000, 2008 & 2012 Olympics
    $800 18
Stylist Leonard of Mayfair gave Lesley Hornby the short hairdo that made her a mod icon under this one name
    $1200 2
Whitney Museum of American Art,
Corning Museum of Glass
    $1200 10
In 1588 she declared, "I know I have the body... of a weak & feeble woman, but I have the heart & stomach of a king"
    $1200 4
Legally, someone who is this phrase meaning "not of sound mind" may not be responsible for his or her actions
    $1200 8
He wrote an "Ivanhoe" opera without his partner W.S. Gilbert
    DD: $2,400 16
At the Winter Olympics in 2018, Anna Gasser of Austria became the first woman to win the big air event in this newer sport
    $1200 19
Mod style began in the late '50s; in the late '70s, its avatar was this band, led by Paul Weller
    $1600 14
DePaul Art Museum, Rockford Art Museum
    $1600 11
Following this calamity, Ronald Reagan spoke of those who "slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God"
    $1600 5
Meaning "course of one's life", it's more extensive than a resumé & emphasizes academic achievements
    $1600 7
A hearty sláinte to this 18th century Irishman who focused on brewing porters & ales; his name is still found on a stout beer
    $1600 24
Must be something in the water--this Olympian swimmer with 10 medals, including 7 gold, hails from Maryland like Michael Phelps
    $1600 20
The transport of the model mod is this motor scooter whose name is Italian for "wasp"
    $2000 15
The Parthenon,
Frist Art Museum
    $2000 12
In 1872 this British conservative leader orated about "the continuous order... the only parent of personal liberty & political right"
    $2000 6
While he popularized the concept, John Locke didn't actually use this term for the idea that the mind is a blank slate at birth
    DD: $3,000 9
Marilyn Monroe was the basis for the character of Maggie in his play "After the Fall"
    $2000 23
This Norwegian ice skater & future movie star won the first of her Olympic gold medals at age 15 at the 1928 Games in St. Moritz
    $2000 21
Yves Saint Laurent got in the mod spirit with a dress inspired by this painter, who died in 1944

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Eliza Cameron
$30,000 $2,200 $10,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

These decorative items get their name from their origin in the port city of Strasbourg, on the border of France & Germany

Final scores:

Brian Eliza Cameron
$25,000 $200 $10,000
3-day champion: $68,202 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Eliza Cameron
$27,800 $2,200 $9,800
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
8 R,
6 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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