Suggest correction - #1482 - 1991-01-29

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    $200 2
This salaried member of the British royal household is honored for past poetic excellence

Show #1482 - Tuesday, January 29, 1991

Lynne Wexler game 5.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Carol Bruno, a benefits analyst originally from Akron, Ohio

Marc Strassman, a producer and writer from Los Angeles, California

Lynne Wexler, a librarian from Evanston, Illinois (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $55,301)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
The largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere, it's fed by the Bear, Weber & Jordan Rivers
    $100 15
Late afternoon stubble on the face of a man who shaved in the morning
    $100 2
Each year on May Day this state observes a Lei Day celebration & contest
    $100 10
It's the spotted hyena, not the striped one, that known by this amusing name
    $100 1
Referring to his colorization of black & white films TV Guide called him "Captain Tint"
    $100 26
Mrs. Polk banned this in the White House so you couldn't have waltzed into James' office
    $200 22
Vermont's largest lake is named for this explorer who discovered it in 1609
    $200 16
This whip consists of knotted cords attached to a handle
    $200 4
This state's Suffolk Country observes Bunker Hill Day every June 17
    $200 11
Like the lynx it resembles, the caracal has tufts of long hair from these pointed features
    $200 3
This duo's first starring feature was 1941's "Buck Privates"
    $200 27
While Speaker of the House Polk was called this president's lackey & nicknamed "Young Hickory"
    $300 23
This river rises in Colorado before becoming an international boundary
    $300 17
Baseball slang for a home run
    $300 5
From 1971-78 this November holiday was moved to the 4th Monday in October
    $300 12
These mammals have 3 heavy lids over each eye to protect them from desert sun & wind
    $300 7
"We'll go on forever, Pa, because we're the people" was the last line of this 1940 John Ford film
    $300 28
During Polk's term of office the border of the United States was extended west to this natural boundary
    $400 24
The world's longest over water highway bridge spans this lake north of New Orleans
    $400 18
In "The Music Man" 76 trombones led the big parade with these close at hand
    $400 6
In 1944 Congress designated January 5 as a day honoring this Black agricultural scientist
    $400 13
The cassowary is a large shy one of these found in Australia & New Guinea
    $400 8
This NBA hall of famer played a hired assassin Bombaara in "Conan the Destroyer"
    DD: $500 29
Lincoln was among those who criticized Polk's attempt to start a war with this country
    $500 25
The 2nd largest freshwater lake entirely within the U.S. is Lake Iliamna in this state
    $500 20
This John Reed book was his eyewitness account of the Bolshevik Revolution
    $500 19
Legislated in 1978 the first Sunday after Labor Day is set aside to honor these relatives
    $500 14
Steller's sea cow is now extinct but not this mammal also known as a sea cow
    $500 9
John Wayne fought cancer while he made this, his last film, about a gunman dying of cancer
    $500 30
Polk is buried on the state capital grounds in this city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Lynne Marc Carol
$1,400 $1,500 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lynne Marc Carol
$2,400 $2,400 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
This salaried member of the British royal household is honored for past poetic excellence
    $200 23
Between 1499 & 1502, this Italian explorer made 2 trips to a continent later named for him
    $200 1
It's the official language of both Paraguay & Uruguay
    $200 20
It's what one good turn deserves
    $200 11
Nickname of the songwriting & music publishing industry centered in New York City from the 1890s to the 1930s
    $200 7
The Egyptian goddess Nut took the form of one of these bovines when she carried Ra up to the sky
    $400 4
This 20th century New England poet dropped out of Dartmouth & Harvard before settling on a Derry, New Hampshire farm
    $400 24
Looking for gold in 1541 De Soto led the first European expedition to reach this river
    $400 3
Lao, the official language of Laos, resembles this language, also known as Siamese
    $400 22
They don't bite, they tell no tales & according to Steve Martin, they "Don't Wear Plaid"
    $400 13
In 1958 this Bombay-born man won the Liverpool International Conductor's Competition
    $400 14
A hamadryad is a nymph who lives in one of these & if it dies, the hamadryad dies with it
    $600 5
Title of the John Keats poem that means "the beautiful lady without mercy"
    $600 25
Columbus & Magellan turned to Spain for financing after kings of this country turned them down
    $600 8
This official language of India is quite similar to Urdu, the official language of Pakistan
    $600 26
They that dance must pay the fiddler & he who pays the piper call this
    $600 15
Singer Lotta Lenya was married to this composer of the "Threepenny Opera"
    $600 16
The valkyries were warlike maidens who served this god
    $800 6
Some regard his "Decameron" as the prototype of the modern novel
    $800 28
Between 1850 & '54 Robert McClure became the first to traverse this route, doing the last part by sled
    DD: $2,000 9
Singapore has 4 official languages Malay, Tamil, English & this
    $800 27
Type of craftsman originally alluded to in "strike while the iron is hot"
    DD: $1,200 18
In 1947, he commissioned a clarinet concerto from Aaron Copland
    $800 17
Some say Hecuba had 50 children by this king of Troy, others say she had only 19
    $1000 12
Colorful title of a Stendahl story about romantic villain Julien Sorel
    $1000 30
In 1858, John Hanning Speke & Richard Burton set out to find the source of this
    $1000 10
These 2 official languages of Finland differ from each other more than English & Russian
    $1000 29
As Alexander Pope put it, "Just as the twig is bent, the tree's" this
    $1000 19
The first national park for the performing arts in the U.S. is this one near Washington, D.C.
    $1000 21
Diana was the Roman goddess of hunting & this beauty was the Greek goddess of hunting

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lynne Marc Carol
$9,000 $7,000 $7,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 states contain 10 of the 30 largest cities in the United States

Final scores:

Lynne Marc Carol
$15,050 $0 $500
5-day champion: $70,351 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lynne Marc Carol
$8,600 $6,900 $6,300
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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