Suggest correction - #1432 - 1990-11-20

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    $1000 8
His 1st produced play, 1935's "Waiting for Lefty", was inspired by a taxi drivers' strike in New York City

Show #1432 - Tuesday, November 20, 1990

Steve Robin game 1.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Steve Robin, a marketing director from Scottsdale, Arizona

Ken Nelson, a graduate student from Sanger, California

Barry Hamilton, an attorney from Rockville, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And yes, indeed, you will have to spell the important word in each of the correct responses.)
    $100 7
In 1830 Daniel Webster called it "the gorgeous ensign of the Republic"
    $100 6
The only British Prime Minister we know whose middle name is Hilda
    $100 14
The American variety of this tree is no longer spreading, since it was devastated by a blight
    $100 1
According to a Rolling Stones song, they "gimme gimme gimme the honky-tonk blues"
    $100 17
This church's semi-official newspaper is L'Osservatore Romano
    $200 8
On May 3, 1802 it was incorporated as a city by an act of Congress
    $200 10
Since her middle name is Delores, you could call her "Flo-Delo"
    $200 19
Many clothing chests & closets are lined with wood from this tree because it repels moths
    DD: $500 2
Title of the following 1968 hit, the 1st instrumental to make #1 since 1962's "Telstar"
    $200 18
A number of Latin American newspapers are called this, which means "The Press"
    $300 9
In a ceremony in this city December 20, 1803, the United States took formal possession of the Louisiana Territory
    $300 11
This astronomer has 1 middle name: Edward, not "billions & billions"
    $300 22
The orange tree has dark green leaves & fragrant flowers of this color
    $300 3
Bobby Freeman, The Beach Boys & Bette Midler all had Top 20 hits with a song that asked, "Do You Want To" do this
    $300 20
China's biggest paper in circulation, it's the main organ of the Communist Party
    $400 12
In April 1841 this bigwig began publishing the New York Tribune
    $400 15
His first name is James, but he's better known by his middle name, Strom
    $400 23
In the United States, turpentine comes chiefly from the slash & long-leaf varieties of this tree
    $400 4
According to a Beatles song, he "was a man who thought he was a loner"
    $400 21
The Gazette is the only daily in this major Canadian city that's published in English
    $400 27
A horn of plenty
    $500 13
Though he said, "Don't give up the ship", his ship the Chesapeake was captured by the British
    $500 16
This author's middle initial stood for Dan, as Travis McGee could have told you
    $500 25
The small seed of this nut tree is sometimes called a green almond
    $500 5
In a 1962 hit, Claude King warned not to go to this mountain if you're looking for a wife
    $500 24
This African nation's leading non-English newspapers are Die Transvaler & Die Burger
    $500 26
The tallest of these calcium carbonate deposits rise 98 feet from the floor of a cave in France

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Barry Ken Steve
$600 $600 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Ken Steve
$1,900 $1,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
This type of singing may be based on the sound of an Alpenhorn used by alpine mountaineers
    $200 30
Insulin & glucagon help regulate the level of this in the blood
    $200 4
At 6'7", Robert Sherwood was 3 inches taller than this president he wrote a play about in 1938
    $200 1
A group of English quakers, the Shaking Quakers, gave rise to this American group
    $200 11
This organization's peacekeeping forces won 1988's Nobel Peace Prize
    $200 21
Octavian honored her dying wish and she was laid to rest with Mark Antony
    $400 17
The longest river in the British Isles, it's also the name of Ireland's main airports
    $400 29
The sartorius, soleus, sternomastoid & adductor longus are just a few of these
    $400 5
Though closely associated with its philosophy, Bertolt Brecht was never a member of this political party
    $400 2
In Christian tradition, the 9 orders of these include dominations, principalities & seraphim
    $400 13
The National Cartoonist's Society presented him with a Reuben Award for "The Far Side"
    $400 24
She was buried in Belton, Missouri in 1911, we don't know if they buried the hatchet with her
    DD: $2,500 18
The Italian island of Sardinia is just 7 miles south of this French island
    $600 28
The gall bladder is partially embedded in the base of this large internal organ
    $600 6
This "Forsyte Saga" author's play "Justice" convinced Churchill to initiate prison reforms
    $600 3
These people made human sacrifices to their war god, Huitzilopochtli
    $600 14
The first woman to receive the AFI's Life Achievement Award was this actress known for her eyes
    DD: $3,000 27
He was the first U.S. president buried in Tennessee
    $800 19
This German city was named for monks who founded a monastery in the area in the 8th century
    $800 23
The dangerous cooling of the body from exposure to cold air or water is called this
    $800 7
We don't know if he's a party animal, but he wrote "Tea Party" & "The Birthday Party"
    $800 9
The oldest scriptures of this eastern religion are the 4 Vedas
    $800 15
Performers in this field compete for the Erik Bruhn Prize, named for a late Dane
    $800 26
Karl Marx is buried in this city's Highgate Cemetery
    $1000 20
Prime Minister Antonio Salazar ran this country with an iron fist from 1932-1968
    $1000 22
The membrane inside the nasal passages is covered with these fine hairlike projections
    $1000 8
His 1st produced play, 1935's "Waiting for Lefty", was inspired by a taxi drivers' strike in New York City
    $1000 10
The Islamic calendar dates from the hejira, Muhammad's flight from Mecca to this city
    $1000 16
The American Library Association awards the Newbery Medal for writing children's books & this medal for illustration
    $1000 25
He died September 4, 1965 in Lambarene, Gabon and is buried there

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Barry Ken Steve
$3,500 $3,400 $15,900
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this Ohio city comes from a Greek word meaning "high"

Final scores:

Barry Ken Steve
$6,900 $400 $9,900
2nd place 3rd place New champion: $9,900

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Barry Ken Steve
$3,500 $3,400 $11,300
13 R,
2 W
15 R,
4 W
24 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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