Suggest correction - #1517 - 1991-03-19

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    $200 2
He was first elected to Congress in 1946 from Massachusetts' 11th district

Show #1517 - Tuesday, March 19, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Dan Carey, a software engineer originally from Morristown, Tennessee

Sharon Brown, a strategic planner originally from Fremont, Nebraska

Marc Goldberg, an anesthesiologist from Cinnaminson, New Jersey (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Jeopardy!'s tribute, if you will, to...)
    $100 2
The U.S. & Guatemala were the 1st countries to recognize this Mideast state, proclaimed May 14
    $100 22
Since 1954 this ruling prince has granted the Order of Grimaldi
    $100 18
On October 17, 1990, mother Naomi announced she was leaving their act for health reasons
    $100 11
It completes Charles Dudley Warner's words, "Everybody talks about the weather..."
    $100 6
You can visit the house where George Herman Ruth was a babe in this Maryland city
    $100 1
Diana's eyes are this color & you could say her blood is that color too
    $200 4
This man, Japan's premier when Pearl Harbor was bombed, was sentenced to death in Tokyo
    $200 27
In 1912 Norway issued a South Pole medal for members of this explorer's expedition
    DD: $500 23
Discovered by Burt Bacharach, this singer had her first hit with the following:

"Don't make me over / Now that I'd do anything for you / Don't make me over / Now that you know how I adore you"
    $200 12
From "mausim", season, it's the wind system around the Indian Ocean that brings weather changes
    $200 7
Greensboro in this state was a temporary Confederate capital in 1865
    $200 3
In the fall of 1990, this magazine devoted an entire issue to "The Decade of Diana"
    $300 5
Citation won this race on June 12 to become the 8th Triple Crown winner
    $300 28
In 1932 the U.S. War Department revived this decoration first established by George Washington
    $300 24
Lee Hazelwood wrote 10 of the songs on "Boots", an album of her all-time hits
    $300 15
A tubular ribbon of high-speed winds 20,000 to 40,000 feet up
    $300 19
In 1990, Jane Byrne announced she'd make a 4th run for mayor of this city; she won once in 1979
    $300 8
The press used to refer to the coy princess by this 2-syllable rhyming nickname
    $400 13
This author's widow, born Zelda Sayre, was killed in a mental hospital fire
    $400 29
In Russia, those who receive the Hammer & Sickle Gold Medal are also awarded this Order
    $400 25
In 1990 at age 63, this diva gave her farewell performance in her hometown, Sydney, Australia
    $400 16
The Grand Banks & London are said to have typical varieties of this weather phenomenon
    $400 20
New Mexico's largest city was named for a viceroy of New Spain, the Duke of this
    $400 9
How time flies; this first-born child of Diana's turned 8 on June 21, 1990
    $500 14
Over 1 million people watched his cremation on the bank of the Jumna River on January 31
    $500 26
k.d. lang calls herself the reincarnation of this late, great country singer
    $500 17
Latin for "curl of hair", these wispy clouds can be blown into strands called mare's tails
    $500 21
George Eastman House in this city has a collection of over 400,000 photographs
    $500 10
At the time of her engagement, Diana was employed as one of these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Marc Sharon Dan
$1,300 $400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marc Sharon Dan
$2,400 $1,500 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The most recent one of these ages occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch, brrr!
    $200 10
Kindly Mr. Earnshaw owns this storm-beaten house on the moors in an Emily Bronte novel
    $200 12
Chamomile, an herb with dark green foliage, is rarely used except in making this beverage
    $200 2
He was first elected to Congress in 1946 from Massachusetts' 11th district
    $200 4
Schoolgirls rather than cowgirls wear these casual shoes with a contrasting band of color
    $400 5
Part of this major continent is called Minor
    $400 11
In "Les Miserables", he is also known as Father Madeleine
    $400 15
The Greek word for fennel, a thin plant, or a 26-mile race run by thin people
    $400 3
He's the only President buried in Illinois
    $400 6
A backless bikini by Rudi Gernreich & a toe-splitting sandal share this name
    $600 20
The first marine life, the blue-green variety of this, appeared over a billion years ago
    $600 23
Robert Jordan falls in love with Maria, a Spanish loyalist, in this Hemingway novel
    $600 17
A wise cook can tell you it's considered the most widely-used herb in the United States
    DD: $2,000 13
His 1909 Abilene, Kansas high school yearbook said his brother Edgar would be President
    $600 28
A Louisiana park is named for this pirate who aided Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans
    $600 7
Kids in the 1950s imitated idol Pat Boone by wearing these trademark shoes
    $800 21
In most of the Old World, it followed the Bronze Age, not the Wash & Dry Age
    DD: $1,600 24
In the chivalric romance "Orlando Furioso", Orlando is this king's nephew
    $800 18
Called the herbe royale, it rivals oregano as a pizza & spaghetti seasoning
    $800 14
This President & his wife Hannah were both born in Kinderhook, New York
    $800 27
In this state's Crater of Diamonds Park, visitors may keep any diamonds they find
    $800 8
This brand of comfortable shoe sold for old 60 years is the top women's seller in the U.S.
    $1000 22
From the Greek for "ancient animals", it's the longest & first era from which we have many fossils
    $1000 25
Antoine Roquentin learns life has no meaning in "Nausea", this existentialist's 1st novel
    $1000 19
In Matthew 23, Jesus mentions mint & anise & this spice, an ingredient in chili & curry powder
    $1000 16
In 1868 he said, "I never aspired to but one office in my life. I should like to be mayor of Galena"
    $1000 26
A park in this Alaskan city commemorates the Tlingit Indians' 1804 stand against Russian settlers
    $1000 9
The inflationary inflatable shoe that Reebok first put on the market for $170

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marc Sharon Dan
$5,200 $3,900 -$500

Final Jeopardy! Round

The bloodiest engagement of the war, it was fought a year before we declared independence

Final scores:

Marc Sharon Dan
$7,801 $6,501 -$500
4-day champion: $16,301 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Marc Sharon Dan
$5,400 $4,400 -$500
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $9,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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