Suggest correction - #8839 - 2023-03-30

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    $1600 4
The title of this "haunting" Noel Coward comedy comes from Shelley's "To a Skylark"

Show #8839 - Thursday, March 30, 2023


Sharon Stone, a manager from Round Rock, Texas

Jacob Lang, an e-commerce specialist from Cleveland, Ohio

Lisa Sriken, a lawyer from New York, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
These spouses got a lot of support on their 1981 wedding day, as 750 million people across 70+ countries took in the ceremony
    $200 12
In 1749 Maria Renata, a Bavarian nun, was charged with this & burned at the stake
    $200 8
In Arkansas, regnat populus, this group "rule"
    $200 1
She dedicated "The Princess Diarist" to George Lucas & Harrison Ford, among others
    $200 20
The gabelle, an unpopular salt tax, was a contributing spark to this upheaval & was repealed in the midst of it, in 1790
    $200 21
Cornelius Nepos could have pitched a Samuel Jackson film, these "on a boat", writing of Hannibal heaving them onto enemy ships
    $400 18
A 1931 family portrait influenced by Mexican folk art depicts these 2 painters & spouses (but she did the piece)
    $400 13
The World Almanac lists this for you if you're famous (Rosanne Cash: Memphis; Mickey Rourke: Schenectady)
    $400 9
Kansans go ad astra per aspera, "to" these "through difficulties"
    $400 2
He speaks candidly about his addiction in "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing", with a foreword by Lisa Kudrow
    $400 6
It's the chemical formula for common table salt
    $400 22
The Mons Meg is a massive one of these artillery pieces used by the Scots for 200 years until its barrel broke
    $600 15
Carl & Gerty Cori shared a bed & also a Nobel Prize, for discovering this simple sugar's vital role in our metabolism
    $600 14
Like New Orleans from St. Louis, it means closer to the mouth of a river than where you are now
    $600 28
The motto of Montana is oro y plata, these 2 desirables
    $600 3
In "A Fine Romance", she talked about motherhood, Murphy Brown & her marriage to Louis Malle
    $600 7
Savvy cooks prefer this salt, not for religious purposes but because its coarse texture makes it easier to pinch & dispense
    $600 23
One tale about this Kentucky frontiersman: his rifle was named Tick-Licker as it could shoot a tick off a bear's snout
    $800 16
Nominated to become Transportation Secy. in 2017, Elaine Chao got "yes"es from 93 senators but not from this majority leader, her husband
    $800 26
The type of this implement called a waiter's one may have a knife to cut the little sleevey part called the capsule
    $800 29
Fatti maschii parole femine is literally "manly deeds, womanly" these but Maryland now prefers "strong deeds, gentle" these
    $800 4
In 2011, Dyan Cannon published a book about her relationship & her brief marriage to this screen legend
    $800 10
The combination of ammonium carbonate & perfume sniffed as a stimulant to relieve fainting or headache goes by this 2-word term
    $800 24
During World War II U-boats improved these weapons from the G7a model, which left a trail of bubbles as it headed for its prey
    DD: $3,800 17
Though Ring Lardner called this duo the prince & princess of their generation, their lives weren't exactly "This Side of Paradise"
    $1000 27
A type of earthworm that emerges after dark, or a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal as the memorably vile Louis Bloom
    $1000 30
Massachusetts has ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, "by" this weapon "we seek peace, but only peace under liberty"
    $1000 5
Before his passing, this former teen idol penned "C'mon, Get Happy"
    $1000 11
This city about 150 miles west of Vienna takes its name from nearby salt mines that operated for many hundreds of years
    $1000 25
A peasant could learn to use a crossbow quickly; this weapon, a Hundred Years' War game-changer, required training

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lisa Jacob Sharon
$3,000 $2,000 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lisa Jacob Sharon
$200 $4,000 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

"EI", OH!
    $400 1
This Indian capital was so named to distinguish it from the older city of the same name
    $400 22
Thumpety thump thumping around in song, this title guy "was alive as he could be"
    $400 14
In an Orthodox church, a priest with his back to you isn't rude or shy, he's facing this direction like the congregation
    $400 5
The average cup of coffee has about 100 milligrams of it
    $400 15
Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem "Sympathy" gave Maya Angelou this title
    $800 17
Gamal Abdel Nasser was part of not one but 2 coups in the 1950s in this country
    $800 10
He named the Bounty Islands of the South Pacific after his ship
    $800 23
After Elsa creates him in "Once Upon A Snowman": "I can talk! I can think! I can juggle...! No! I cannot. I got too confident there"
    $800 26
In a mosque the service on this day of the week is usually the longest & includes the sermon
    DD: $2,000 6
A famous one on a kids' TV show debuted in 1968 & included a scale model trolley
    $800 2
This 1940 Hemingway title comes from a 1624 prose work by John Donne
    $1200 18
September 1957 is when Gloria Ray & 8 other kids made news by going to Central High in this state capital
    $1200 11
Seen here is a big sign for the longest place name in Europe, a 58-letter town in this country, starting with "Llanfair"
    $1200 24
John Ratzenberger asks Billy Crystal, "Why can't they call me the Adorable Snowman... or the Agreeable Snowman?" in this Pixar film
    $1200 27
Everyone join in on "Have Thine Own Way, Lord", composed by Adelaide A. Pollard, in the book called the United Methodist this
    $1200 7
The use of this rousing bugle call dates to 1812 in the U.S. military
    $1200 3
Philip Pullman quoted Milton, "Unless the almighty maker them ordain" these "to create more worlds"
    $1600 19
In 1951 the ANZUS Pact united these 3 countries against aggressors
    DD: $4,000 12
Legend says this sea is named for Theseus' father, who flung himself into the waters when he thought his son was dead
    $1600 25
In a 1977 film Snowman was Jerry Reed's CB handle, good buddy & this was Burt Reynolds', come back
    $1600 28
In a Jewish service this prayer is sometimes said in a "half" form by the prayer leader & sometimes just by mourners
    $1600 8
A coil of yarn, or a group of geese in flight
    $1600 4
The title of this "haunting" Noel Coward comedy comes from Shelley's "To a Skylark"
    $2000 20
On the day of this British king's death in 1952, cinemas & theaters closed & the BBC suspended all programs except for the news
    $2000 13
Taking its name from the Spanish for "turtledove", it's the largest of the British Virgin Islands
    $2000 21
Timothy Hutton & Sean Penn took on the CIA--& lost, big time--as the nicknamed title characters in this 1985 movie
    $2000 9
"Second generation" is the literal meaning of this word for American-born kids whose parents emigrated from Japan
    $2000 16
Aldous Huxley took "The Doors of Perception" from "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by this English poet & mystic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lisa Jacob Sharon
-$1,000 $7,600 $18,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The success of this brand has its roots with a hydrotherapy pump its cofounder created for his son, who had arthritis

Final scores:

Lisa Jacob Sharon
-$1,000 $600 $17,000
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $17,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lisa Jacob Sharon
$2,800 $7,600 $14,400
16 R,
10 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $24,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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