Suggest correction - #1609 - 1991-09-05

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    $100 6
The Lincoln Medal honors those who have been of significant benefit to this D.C. theater

Show #1609 - Thursday, September 5, 1991

Steve Newman game 2. Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


John Zeock, a pharmacy manager from Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Teresa Pelusi, a nursery school teacher from Hatboro, Pennsylvania

Steve Newman, a computer consultant from Rockville, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
A 1900 act of Congress put the U.S. on this standard
    $100 6
The Lincoln Medal honors those who have been of significant benefit to this D.C. theater
    $100 13
The wrist bones of this "bear" are elongated & act as thumbs for holding bamboo stalks
    $100 9
After the flood Noah's dove returned with a leaf, not a branch, of this tree
    $100 12
Red wine punch whose named is from the Spanish word for "bleeding"
    $100 25
Harry who sings calypso but doesn't explore on the Calypso
    $200 2
When the Progressive Party ran Teddy Roosevelt for president, it was nicknamed this
    $200 7
This 88-year-old comic won the Hollywood Women's Press Club's All-Time Man of the Year Award in 1990
    $200 14
Besides smaller ears, this species of elephant has smaller tusks & fewer ribs
    $200 10
It's thought the pottage for which this biblical figure sold his birthright was made of lentils
    $200 22
Greta Garbo's first on-screen spoken words were, "Give me" one of these
    $200 26
Jacques, who probably doesn't sing calypso, but does explore on the Calypso
    DD: $500 3
The passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920 allowed this, regardless of state laws
    $300 8
This actress, who romanced the Sundance Kid, got the Golden Boot, a Western award in 1990
    $300 19
This weasel-like animal related to the polecat has long been used to drive out rabbits & rats
    $300 11
The printers of a 1631 Bible were fined 300 pounds for leaving this word out of the 7th Commandment
    $300 23
The ingredient that turns a Golden Fizz gold
    $400 4
Harding died in 1923 just as this scandal broke
    $400 15
The Walt Disney Co. gave its first Legends Award to this star of "The Absent-Minded Professor"
    $400 20
This kind of monkey is named for its long nose to which it honks for attention
    $400 17
The 12 different gemstones on Aaron's breastplate represented these
    $400 24
A World War I cognac cocktail named for the motorcycle accessory its inventor used to reach the tavern
    $500 5
This Treasury Dept. agency was created in 1865 to suppress counterfeiting
    $500 16
This civil rights organization presented its 23rd annual Image Awards on December 2, 1990
    $500 21
The ring-tailed variety of this primate shows aggression with spat-calls & stink fights
    $500 18
The King James version calls this the Salt Sea

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Steve Teresa John
$2,100 $100 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Teresa John
$3,200 $200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Newsweek called this author of "Clear and Present Danger", "the king of techno-thrillers"
    $200 16
In the 1920s, the tomb of his mother Hetepheres was found near his Great Pyramid
    $200 1
Schubertiaden were parties held in homes in this capital city to listen to Schubert's music
    $200 4
The great lakes of this continent includes Lakes Nyasa, Albert & Victoria
    $200 25
Very pure graphite found in England in 1564 led to the development of this writing tool
    $200 17
"There is one thing about being president; nobody can tell you when to sit down", he said in August 1953
    $400 7
One-word title of the DuBose Heyward novel that became a play & Gershwin opera
    $400 21
This last empress of Russia was born in Darmstadt in 1872, her father was Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt
    DD: $1,200 2
1 of the 3 Shakespearean characters for whom Giuseppe Verdi titled an opera
    $400 5
The lowlands of this country invaded by China in 1950 are over 12,000 feet above sea level
    $400 26
IMAX Systems has come out with new stereoscopic glasses that use liquid crystals to create this effect
    $400 18
When asked how he became a hero, he said, "It was involuntary; they sank my boat"
    $600 8
He wrote "Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business" several years before his most famous book
    $600 22
She outlived her husband by 60 years, but suffered periods of insanity
    $600 3
This name was given to "Symphony in G" because of a loud chord that Haydn said "would make ladies jump"
    $600 9
The Guernsey & Jersey breeds of cattle originated in this island group
    $600 27
John Roebling designed this bridge & when he died his son Washington completed it
    $600 19
A sign on his desk read, "I'm from Missouri" on one side & "The buck stops here" on the other
    $800 14
Middle-earth creator whose middle names were Ronald & Reuel
    $800 23
Crown Prince Rudolf of this country was found shot to death at Mayerling in 1889
    $800 12
The "Tosca" composer who said he was a "mighty hunter of wild fowl, opera librettos & attractive women"
    $800 10
Pliny the Elder was killed by the eruption of this volcano on the Bay of Naples in 79 A.D.
    $800 28
This 1950s technique used three synchronized projectors to show film on a curving screen
    $800 20
He allegedly said, "My mother used to pull my ears & it never did get that much attention"
    DD: $1,000 15
Archaeologist who published his 3-volume work "The Tomb of Tutankhamun" between 1923 & 1933
    $1000 24
Charlemagne was a member of this Frankish dynasty, also known as the Arnulfinger Dynasty
    $1000 13
In 1708, the Mühlhausen city council paid for printing "Gott ist mein König", his first published music
    $1000 11
4,741-foot Puig Major is the highest point on this Spanish Mediterranean island

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Teresa John
$10,600 $2,600 $1,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

She was the special guest at the Empire State Building's 60th anniversary celebration on May 1, 1991

Final scores:

Steve Teresa John
$13,000 $5,100 $3,200
2-day champion: $27,201 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Teresa John
$9,600 $2,600 $1,600
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $13,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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