Suggest correction - #8829 - 2023-03-16

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    $1600 11
Named for a Spanish viceroy, not a bunch of whales, it's the largest of Washington State's San Juan Islands

Show #8829 - Thursday, March 16, 2023

Stephen Webb game 8.


Sarah Mathews, a middle school teacher from Loxahatchee, Florida

Andrew Brady, a leadership development consultant from Rochester, New York

Stephen Webb, a data scientist from Longmont, Colorado (7-day champion whose cash winnings total $175,282)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
(I'm Patton Oswalt.) In high school I couldn't get enough of this comedy troupe who had it all--SPAM, the Spanish Inquisition, a dead parrot, the dirty fork--nudge, nudge, wink, wink; know what I mean, say no more
    $200 5
Simon Bolivar University, on the outskirts of this Venezuelan capital, began holding classes in 1970
    $200 6
"Whatever our souls are made of, (Heathcliff's) and mine are the same" in this novel; with Linton, not so much
    $200 8
A Utah court dismissed a defamation suit by an attorney who'd been called "the worst ever" on this review site
    $200 9
What can (Gordon) Brown do for you? In 2007 the U.K. began to find out after this Labour leader's run as prime minister ended
    $200 24
A dangerous game played until someone backs down
    $400 14
(I'm Ego Nwodim.) Comedy heroes of mine include fellow "Saturday Night Live" stars Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler & this woman who became the show's first female head writer in 1999
    $400 4
Prince William & Kate Middleton first got together while students at this Scottish university
    $400 7
Pip notes, "When I loved Estella with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible" in this classic
    $400 16
Beer brewers are familiar with this adjective that can also describe someone with youthful exuberance
    $400 23
Mackenzie King took over for Arthur Meighen who took over for King, who took over for Meighen leading this nation in the 1920s
    $400 28
A politician who advocates for peace during conflicts with other countries
    $600 12
(I'm Iliza Shlesinger.) I remember begging for "Wayne's World" on VHS and have said that this performer is an American comedy staple despite being Canadian
    $600 3
Notable University of Toronto alumni include this actor, seen about a decade after his college days
    $600 15
"That" she "should receive an offer of marriage from Mr. Darcy! That (Darcy) should have been in love with her for so many months!"
    $600 17
This intense longing is done by "huddled masses... to breathe free"
    $600 30
The man who would be king, Juan Carlos, is seen here with his predecessor, this general & dictator
    $600 27
Musical TV family headed by mom Shirley
    $800 11
(I'm Ray Romano.) When we did "Everybody Loves Raymond" this legend was a huge influence; as sitcoms can be, hers was hilarious & at times broad, but her style was always real & that's what we tried to emulate
    $800 2
In 2018 a university in Paris named for the Curies became part of this university with a more than 750-year legacy
    DD: $3,000 20
In a play, this character says, "Ah, credulity of love! Roxane will think each word inspired by herself!"
    $800 18
A Beefeater is one in the English royal guard
    $800 10
A Sept. 11, 1973 coup led to the death of Salvador Allende & General Pinochet taking control of this country
    $800 26
A nation bordered by Bulgaria
    $1000 13
(I'm Aisha Tyler.) In college I decided to make comedy my career after seeing this deadpan comic who once noted, "It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it."
    $1000 1
Hats off to a mosque-turned-university in this Moroccan city; dating from 859, it's one of the world's oldest
    $1000 21
You can detect this novelist wrote, "Nora said: 'I love you, Nicky, because you smell nice and know such fascinating people"'
    $1000 19
From the Hebrew for "sitting", it's an Orthodox Jewish college
    $1000 29
On Dec. 31, 1999 he packed it in & named Vladimir Putin acting president
    $1000 25
To complain or grumble in an ill-tempered way

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Stephen Andrew Sarah
$4,000 $0 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Andrew Sarah
$8,000 -$400 $9,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
This "Coast" on the Big Island of Hawaii is home to the state's coffee industry
    $400 6
This tune for one singer can come from an opera or an oratorio
    $400 14
You can make a flaky crust in about 50 minutes for this pastry shell dish associated with the region of Lorraine
    $400 21
Gimme (a Roman) 5!
    $400 1
The Brønsted-Lowry theory states that any compound that can transfer a proton is an acid & any that can accept a proton is a this
    $400 26
This planet "needs women, angry red women... stop, look, dig it"
    DD: $5,000 9
Despite its name, this island doesn't actually have any wineries, but there are a couple of liquor stores in Edgartown
    $800 7
The dancer seen here is en pointe & doing this ballet pose
    $800 13
Hot dog! Phelps, New York is the "capital" of this cabbage-based topping, & it's time to pile some on right now
    $800 22
Members of Generation this were born after 1996
    $800 5
The first law of thermodynamics, per Flanders & Swann: this 4-letter word "is work and work is" this 4-letter word
    $800 27
On a warm day after a long winter, in Eric Clapton's garden, George Harrison came up with this song (& I say it's alright)
    $1200 10
It was William Wrigley Jr. & his vision that turned this Southern California island into a popular resort destination
    $1200 18
An Italian word for a lively tempo; it's also the title of Erik Satie's first known work, a piano piece lasting about 30 seconds
    $1200 15
Breakfast for dinner? Yabba dabba don't mind if I do, with these 2 cereals named for young Ms. Flintstone
    $1200 25
It's the most significant letter of the 3 seen in a row on a baseball scoreboard
    $1200 4
P is for this in Bayes' theorem, which can be used to judge how likely rain is today or your chances of getting mumps
    $1200 28
"When the moon is in the seventh house," we're coming up on the dawning of this
    $1600 11
Named for a Spanish viceroy, not a bunch of whales, it's the largest of Washington State's San Juan Islands
    $1600 19
Here's a picture of this man, with the tool of his trade
    $1600 16
The thymus glands & pancreas of a lamb are called these, sounding more like pastry than meat & frankly, tastier
    $1600 24
The Philippines' equivalent of a dollar sign is 2 horizontal lines through this letter
    $1600 3
Whether it's dealing with a gas or liquid, Bernoulli's law is a part of this 5-letter type of dynamics
    DD: $4,000 29
This singer also from northern lands recorded "The Comet Song" for a film based on Finland's beloved Moomin books
    $2000 12
Named for a Spanish priest, this Texas island has a national seashore
    $2000 20
In 1952 critic Harold Rosenberg coined this type of "painting" for the dynamic abstract works of Pollock & de Kooning
    $2000 17
Espresso & mascarpone are ingredients in this layered Italian dessert whose name means "pick me up"
    $2000 23
In math it's an irrational constant beginning 2.71828, getting its letter from a man named Leonhard
    $2000 2
Mathematician Sophie Germain gained fame working on number theory & a partial solution for this Frenchman's "last theorem"
    $2000 30
A Tori Kelly tune rhymes, "I've never been to heaven, but it doesn't seem that far, 'cause you're my" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stephen Andrew Sarah
$22,400 -$2,000 $17,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

1980s MOVIES
A writer & producer of this movie said he wanted it to be like a Western or James Bond film, "only it takes place in the '30s"

Final scores:

Stephen Andrew Sarah
$9,599 -$2,000 $2,600
8-day champion: $184,881 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Stephen Andrew Sarah
$22,400 -$2,000 $8,800
27 R,
3 W
3 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 3 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $29,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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